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Chapter 68 I'm sorry, I'm a scumbag, I don't deserve it

Chapter 68 I'm sorry, I'm a scumbag, I don't deserve it
Of course, playing with the hammer is a matter for later, and now Hades has to deal with what he just said to Coulson.

"Luo Shen, call Tony." Hades said.

After a while, the phone was connected, but it was Pepper's voice.

"Good morning, Hades, Tony... he's not awake yet," Pepper said.

Since knowing that Hades was fighting with Tony yesterday, Pepper's name for Hades has become a lot closer. Simply put, whoever is friends with Tony is friends with her.

"Haha, I expected it," Hades said, "Well, after Tony wakes up, let's pick a time and go to Stark Company to talk about how to deal with the follow-up of yesterday's incident. There are many things I'm afraid I can't tell over the phone."

"Okay, no problem." Pepper agreed.

As an elite in shopping malls, Pepper certainly knew that before launching the press conference, there must be a unified caliber. What can be said and what cannot be said must be communicated clearly.

So, around noon, Coulson rented Hades' Reaper to Stark Corporation. In the president's office, he met Tony, who was eating a cheeseburger, and Pepper, who was dealing with some documents.

Originally, Coulson planned to drive here by himself, but how could Hades let go of this opportunity to prostitute the fourth-level skill [Interpersonal Communication]?
"So, are you an agent of which bureau?" Tony asked while eating a burger, "Are you sure you guys are going to solve this matter? I thought it was some kind of FBI..."

"Everything that involves this kind of thing is handled by us, and our authority is more centralized." Coulson replied with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I don't understand very well, usually Pepper helps me take care of these things, can negotiate with her," Tony scratched his head, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Actually, I still have a task to ask Mr. Stark how you escaped from the kidnapping of those terrorists." Coulson said with a smile.

"Battle armor, it's the one you saw last night." Tony swallowed the last bite of the hamburger, took a few sips of water from the side, "I hit one with my hand, and they don't understand it without education."

Colson: "..."

You knocked out a pair of battle armor in the cave?
Coulson subconsciously looked at Hades, who was leisurely looking at an architectural model.

Hades felt the gaze, and turned his head. He had been listening to the conversation just now: "It can be done, it's very simple."

Coulson: "!!!"

I'm sorry, I'm a scumbag, I don't deserve it.

Coulson's good-natured smile gradually became forced, and after nodding with Hades and Tony, he resolutely turned aside to discuss the solution to the matter with Pepper.

The scumbags should play with the scumbags, and the scumbags should play with you yourself.

Tony got up and came to Hades and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"This architectural model is quite interesting," Hades took a sip of milk tea, "Is it the Stark Industries Expo model?"

"Yeah, my dad designed it at that time," Tony nodded, "I just don't know why, he said that this thing would never be thrown away, and then I put it in the office."

"Maybe there is some secret hidden in it," Hades blinked, "it's like hiding a treasure map in the middle of the book pages."

"Hahaha, you are really imaginative, I thought so too, but I scanned it with a scanner, and I didn't see anything special," Tony laughed out loud after being amused, and turned his head to look over there Coulson and Pepper, who were discussing the details of the matter, turned back, "Let's go out for a while, it's too boring here!"

"No problem." Hades naturally knew that Tony didn't want to play, but wanted to discuss the poisoning of his body due to the decay of the palladium element. He nodded and left the office with Tony.

"Where are you going?" Hades asked after leaving the office.

"My villa," Tony said, "I also have some ideas about the method you said yesterday."

This time, because of the relationship, Hades' Reaper rental was parked in the underground parking lot. The two went directly to the underground parking lot, and then Hades drove all the way to Tony's villa.

No reporter thought that the dignified Tony Stark would travel in a taxi. They were all waiting patiently for Tony to come out of the gate, and then interviewed the first-time news, because it was usually like this.

Tony and Hades went directly to the laboratory under the villa.

"By the way, that's the material and production equipment laboratory," Tony pointed to a laboratory on the side, "There are complete materials and equipment in it, you can come here whenever you want to make a battle armor, just use it directly, I gave Jarvis your clearance."

"Okay," Hades nodded, "Now, let's discuss your ideas?"


"It's roughly like this," Tony clicked on the projected flow chart, "This should be the best way."

"Almost," Hardy thought for a while, then pointed at a place in the flow chart and added an item, "But there is still one thing missing."

"What?" Tony asked.

"Physical exercise and a balanced diet." Hades glanced at Tony's belly, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident, "A stronger body detoxification function can also play a certain role. Before solving the problem, your cheeseburger , Coke, and other junk food is best not to eat."

Tony had originally swallowed his stomach under the gaze of Hades, but he couldn't care less when he heard this, and his eyes widened: "No, no, this can't be done, without this..."

"Do you want to eat hamburgers for a month or two, or for a lifetime?" Hades put a multiple-choice question in front of Tony.

"...Okay," Tony choked suddenly. Hearing Hades' analysis, although he felt very reluctant, he also knew how to choose this multiple-choice question, but after hesitating, he still asked tentatively. , "Is it okay to eat one or two once in a while?"

"Of course," Haddish added to the flowchart, "but, as an M.D., I can tell you that if you eat a super double cheeseburger like yours, To burn off those calories, you have to at least double your training volume."

"My training volume?" Tony asked suspiciously, "How much?"

"Here, that's it," Hades drew a training schedule on the flow chart, "running, kickboxing, swimming..."


Street diary:

When someone says to you, "I'm going to buy some oranges, you just stand here and don't move around", you should answer him like this——

"I'll just eat one, and the rest is yours."

 Codeword, codeword!Guess how many manuscripts I have saved?

(End of this chapter)

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