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Chapter 64 This wave is stable

Chapter 64 This wave is stable
"Then you come, you come and catch me~" Hades floated a little higher, and made a few mocking moves in the air.

Due to the limitations of the battle armor, he could only make a few simple movements - he covered his vitals with his right hand, then pressed his forehead with his left hand, and shook his hips back and forth twice.

Although the action is simple, the mocking effect is definitely leveraged.

With a roar, Obadai controlled the Iron Overlord, turned on Gatling on his left arm and started shooting.

Hades began to dodge in the air, BABA up, down, left, and right, without panic at all, acting as relaxed as if he had thirty lives, and at the same time took time to slap Obadai in the face from time to time.

"Are you sure it's your first time driving a armor?" Tony asked suspiciously.

At this time, he had already replaced the Ark reactor and was putting on his battle armor again. After seeing Hades' spiritual operation, he couldn't help asking this question.

"I'm using the maximum percentage of the free action mode," Hades replied, "Is it done?"

"Almost, it's almost enough to put this on," Tony buckled the chest armor on his chest, and waited for the armor to complete the self-inspection. He didn't dare to be careless about this, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he lost a piece of armor while flying. "Maximum percentage, aren't you tired?"

Tony also tried this mode at first, but then he found that this mode would be very tiring, and after Jarvis entered his action habits, the Mark Armor was driven like an arm, so he quickly gave up this mode. model.

Who knows, just now Hades has been using this mode to fight!
"Strengthening exercise is necessary, Tony," Hades said with a smile, "It's not good to stay in the laboratory all day long, you will have a beer belly."

"I also exercise! I don't have a beer belly!" Tony was furious, "Besides, don't you also drive a taxi every day?"

"Young people's bodies can be indulged." Hades continued to fly in the air to avoid attacks and serve the angry Obadai with such precision, without even thinking about it, "so, you haven't Okay? Let me see... there is one minute and eleven seconds left."

"I'm only 35 years old, and I'm still very young!" Tony said that he no longer wanted to chat with Hades, a person with a heart-pounding sentence, and manipulated the Mark armor to rush towards Obadai's Iron King, "Ready to meet Tony." The arrival of the uncle... Falk!"

Obadai, who was already extremely angry because he couldn't hit Hades and was harassed by him all the time, was opening a small missile in his right hand and was about to launch it, when he suddenly heard Tony's yelling, subconsciously directed With a turn, he shot directly at Tony.

Tony cursed loudly, and then pulled up and turned sharply, but the missile still had a tracking function. After a few circles, it was not until he fired the decoy bomb that the problem was solved.

The embarrassed Tony immediately felt ashamed, but his apparently handsome way of appearing on the stage became like this because of a missile, so he resolutely turned on the power of his weapon at full power, and slapped Obaday with embarrassment.

Hades: "..."

"No, where is the weapon you mentioned?" Hades thought that Tony would pull out a weapon like the red laser in Iron Man [-], but he didn't expect that Tony still used the same weapon as himself. A weapon that doesn't have a weapon to cover your face?

"There is a missile that should work, but it can't be blocked, I need a good chance to hit the weak point." Tony said in the channel.

When the two of them talk, they naturally use the built-in voice channel instead of the external one.

"The part where the neck connects to the body is nice," Haddish said. "It's heavy, and we only had to knock him down once, and that was all in time."

"It's very simple," Tony nodded, with a smile on his face, "Just speed up and hit him once."

"What?" Hades looked confused, after all, Tony's method was too hard-core, but then he realized Tony's plan, and shook his head speechlessly, "That's too boring Now, I have an easier way."

"What way?" Tony originally wanted to trick Hades, but now he was interested in hearing what Hades said.

In fact, after Hades came over with two Ark reactors, Tony was basically relieved.

This wave is stable.jpg
In the front, there was a lack of energy, and many weapons could not be used. Now I have a new Ark reactor, and Tony also asked Jarvis to check it, and found that the one made by Hades is similar to the one he made, which means that he is now Have sufficient energy.

With sufficient energy, even with only one armor, Tony is confident that he can take down the Iron Bully driven by Obadai, not to mention adding Hades.

That's why Tony wanted to do something to embarrass Hades a bit.

This wave has stabilized, and Tony naturally began to worry about the embarrassing things he had done before.

You are also embarrassing, we both have our own reasons, and we can't say it, so it means that no one is embarrassing?
Hades naturally knew what Tony was thinking, and he felt very helpless at this moment.

Now Tony is really arrogant...

Shaking his head, Hades smashed another missile fired by Obaday with the palm cannon, and at the same time dodged the bullet, and said: "When the high-pressure plasma streams collide, they will cause entanglement and explosion."

"Aha, interesting, I understand, let's set off a big firework for him!" Talking to a smart person is easy, and Tony understood Hades' meaning almost instantly, "Jarvis counted to three, let's go together!" !"

"Three, two, one."

As Jarvis's countdown ended, Hades and Tony simultaneously controlled the armor to shoot out from the palms and chests of the energy waves composed of full-power output plasma streams!
Tony's armor uses an ion thruster, which generates thrust by accelerating ions and ejecting them, and what is ejected is naturally a high-pressure ion flow.

Obadai subconsciously put his arm in front of his face, trying to block the energy attack.

However, this is useless, because Tony and Hades' target is not him, but a few tens of centimeters in front of him, so that the six ion currents converge!
This is of course to produce what Hades called the entanglement explosion phenomenon.

The two Ark reactors and the full power output of the six jets produced an explosion comparable to a small missile!

Even with the bulky figure of Iron Overlord, he was still blown out.

Tony hurriedly followed, a small missile popped out from his right hand, just about to launch, but was stopped by Hades.

"No, he's dead." Hades said firmly.


Street diary:

It is impossible to open a new book. In this is impossible to open this book before it is finished. The readers are so kind to me, they speak nicely, and they give a lot of votes (crazy hint), just like family members Yes, I like it.

 Awesome!Is it too much to ask for a ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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