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Chapter 60 Clear the field!

Chapter 60 Clear the field!

When Pepper just came out, he was really taken aback by the scene in front of him.

The soundproofing of the office was so good that she didn't hear what was going on outside at all, so when she came out, she saw five security guards lying on the ground crying and clutching their stomachs, and there was a gun pointing at the downed Austrian. Badai's Hades, and the security guards pointing their guns at this side, really shocked her.

Why did it suddenly come to such an extent?
To be honest, Pepper also wanted to shoot Obady at this time, but she knew very clearly that the evidence she had was not enough.

Videos can be forged, so just a video alone is not enough to put Obady to death. What Pepper wants is to thoroughly convict him, preferably with the death penalty.

Therefore, she needs to get physical evidence, and the sixteenth district is her goal.

"What happened?" Pepper took a deep breath and came over and asked.

"Tell your bodyguards to let me go," Obaday said, "and don't forget who's... ahhh!"

In the middle of speaking on behalf of Auba, he suddenly wailed because of the severe pain.

The angry Pepper kicked him directly in the vitals.

"You will get the punishment you deserve, Obaday!" Pepper dropped a sentence, and then looked at the group of security guards who didn't know what to do at this time, "You still want me to urge you to leave? Have you forgotten this? What is the name of the company?"

Under Pepper Pepper's aggressive aura, these security guards looked at each other for a while, and finally, under the command of a security captain, the five security guards who were still unable to move on the ground were lifted up and all evacuated.

They are not fools, they don't want to get involved in high-level affairs, and the sentence from Pepper - "What's the name of this company" played a key role.

When Opadry sat in the president's office, anyone with a discerning eye knew that there must have been an internal struggle among the top executives, but this company was still Stark Industries, and they didn't think Opadry could sit there for long.

And, most importantly, they seemed to hear something extraordinary from Pepper's words.

"Let's go to the branch office," Pepper said, before kicking Opadry again. "You did something like this!"

Hades naturally had no objection, while Coulson watched silently. Now that he didn't understand what happened, he planned to keep silent first.

"It looks like you got some information." Hades let go of Opadry, who was already moaning. "Is it evidence?"

"Yes, but it's not enough," said Pepper angrily, "I'm going to let him die without a burial!"

"May I know what happened?" Coulson finally couldn't help speaking.

"Let's talk on the road." Pepper still remembered who Coulson belonged to. After all, there are very few organizations with such a mouthful and long and stinky name.

The group quickly got off the elevator and walked outside.

While gasping for air, Obaday took out the cell phone from his pocket with trembling hands, and dialed a preset number: "Do it, do it now!"

The person who received Obaday's call answered, exchanged glances with the people around him, pressed a switch on an instrument, and headed towards Tony's villa.

"Jarvis, how are they going?" In the hall of the villa, Tony took a big bite of a cheeseburger and asked while chewing.


However, Jarvis, who usually responded immediately to Tony's words, was silent this time.

"Jarvis!" Tony yelled suspiciously, stopping to eat the burger.

Still no response.

problem occurs!
Tony immediately thought of this possibility in his heart, threw the cheeseburger aside and wanted to run to the basement.

However, it was too late.

A special high-frequency sound wave came, which affected the nervous system and instantly paralyzed Tony's body.

Two people in security uniforms came over, and they wore special protective equipment on their ears, so they were not affected.

Supporting Tony on the sofa, one person began to take out some instruments from the bag in his hand, while the other took out a tablet in his hand and placed it in front of Tony.

"Tony, Tony," there was a video call on the tablet, and Opadry's voice was trembling on the opposite side of the video, "remember that? Temporary paralysis is still very useful, but unfortunately the government did not approve production at that time... But I secretly kept one."

Tony couldn't answer him at this time.

"Look, why did things have to come to this point?" Obaday shook his head, "When I asked them to kill you, I hesitated for a while, because I thought I might kill a An old hen that lays golden eggs... But, you deserve to die."

After a pause, a smile appeared on Obaday's face, because he saw his subordinates successfully took out the reactor in Tony's chest: "Because, you have to finish laying the last golden egg that is enough to change the world... ..."

"Okay, hurry up and bring the things back," Obaday said, "bring it directly to the head office! Don't worry about Tony, just leave him there, 15 minutes is enough time for his heart to stop beating!"

Tony was lying on the sofa with his eyes wide open. The shrapnel in the blood vessel was slightly loose due to the disappearance of energy, but it was still attracted by the residual magnetic effect. long can it last?

"Tony didn't answer the phone!" Pepper stopped making calls and said anxiously.

She'd called at least three or four times on the way, but Tony hadn't answered.

"It seems that something went wrong," Hades said, "Miss Pepper, you take Coulson's car to No.16 area to find evidence, and I'll go to the villa to check the situation."

It's not surprising that Haddish has taken things out of the original plot.

The world is not static, and the events in the movie can only be seen roughly. Ever since Hades came to this world, he never planned to fully believe the plot.

Things like the Butterfly Effect are really unpredictable. If you do things directly from the perspective of God in the original plot, you might not even know how you were killed by someone else.

However, what is strange to Hades is that Obadai had access to Tony's villa to attack Tony before, but what is going on now?

Obadai is definitely not as fast as his group, he doesn't have the teleportation technique, but now...

Is Jarvis hacked so easily?
If I remember correctly, Obaday's subordinates are all idiots!

"Okay," Pepper didn't ask why Hades knew the agent Coulson, now is not the time to ask about such things, "We'll go right away, please, make sure Tony is safe and sound !"

"Don't worry." Hades nodded with a smile.

After launching the Reaper rental, Hades turned on the phone and gave an order to Luoshen.



Street diary:

There are three masters in one village and two miles. They don't know the four books, five classics and six arts. They dare to teach seven, eight or nine sons, which is very bold.

Two chapters a day, only three fans, code words [-], if you can get [-] votes, very happy.

 Please ask for tickets~ There are so few tickets today!
  The sexy author asks for tickets online~
(End of this chapter)

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