Chapter 55 Compney

It is impossible to go whoring for nothing, and it is impossible to go whoring for nothing in this life. Hades is a conscientious person, so he chose to agree to Tony's bodyguard request to protect Pepper for a while, and then use Tony's bodyguard with peace of mind. materials and laboratories.

So, now, Hades intends to supplement his knowledge.

It is not so easy to be a part-time bodyguard, at least for Hades, since he agreed, he has to do his best.

As for how to learn, Hades has long planned to find some internal materials and videos of authoritative organizations, and learn by himself.


Doors were opened and closed.

"How?" In the dark room, a man wiping an arrow asked without raising his head.

"I figured it out," Natasha, who was wearing a tight-fitting night suit, came in and sat on the sofa, "This gangster has been providing Compney with money laundering channels, experimental equipment, and experimental materials, including...human beings. "

The movement in the hands of the man who was wiping the arrow paused, and he raised his head, showing the sharp eyes like an eagle: "Company is a biomedical research and development company."

"Yes, so..." Natasha nodded, "They are conducting human biological experiments."

Inserting the arrow back into the quiver, the man said, "But we can't do it yet."

"Yes, they seem to have a big plan," Natasha said, "We can sneak into their warehouse, as long as we can figure out what their experimental equipment is, we can figure out what experiments they are going to do."

"That makes sense." The man nodded, "When will we act?"

"Don't worry, you have to find out the location and defense first. Now the intelligence network inside S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't dare to use it. I don't know if anyone is watching us." Natasha stretched her waist, showing a hot curve After that, he walked towards the bathroom, stopped at the door of the bathroom, and put on a seductive pose, "Barton, do you want to come together?"

"No," Barton shook his head without thinking, "Natasha, I have a wife and a child."

"Well, it's really sad, that innocent little boy back then..." Natasha showed a sad look, then smiled as if changing her face, turned and walked into the bathroom, "The door is not locked~"

"..." Barton shook his head helplessly, pulled out an arrow from his quiver, and continued to wipe.

As he said, now that he has a family, a wife and children, he should naturally take on the responsibility of being a father.


The way Hades taught himself was very hardcore.

With three windows open at double speed at the same time, Hades watched the video for nearly three hours.

This kind of learning method, few people can cope with it.

"Hmm..." Hades stretched, closed the computer, stood up, changed his clothes, and headed to the garage.

The bodyguard mission hasn't started yet, and Hades is fine during this period of time, and plans to continue to improve his [Physique].

Wouldn't it be nice to be a happy brush?
Hades said that if those people hadn't bumped into each other one by one, he could have been at ease and happily brushing alone until Avengers III, and then jumped out to kill Thanos with a punch.

"Well, maybe I have the physique of a magnet in the legend... Even if I don't look for trouble, things will come to me." Hades sighed helplessly, drove out, and continued to be a pure brush. trip.


"Well, okay, I see," Fury hung up the phone and looked at the report in his hand, "It's these five people, right?"

"Yes, they are all agents with sufficient abilities, and they have been working under me. I know their abilities very well, and they are fully qualified for my job." Annas nodded and said.

"Okay, let me take a look..." Fury imported the list given to him by Annas on the computer, called up the information of the five people, looked at it and said, "Caesar Dressler, this person, you Hand over the work with him, and then you can go on vacation for a while."

"Yes, Chief!"

After Anas walked out and the door was locked, Fury took out the notebook and copied all the names on the list that Anas had just given him.

"Five more..." Fury couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the small notebook that had been packed with several pages.

Pull out the radish and bring out the mud, as long as you catch a leader, all his subordinates will be suspects. However, Fury now finds that a small half of the high-level executives in the SHIELD headquarters are already on his small notebook ?

Annas took the suspension notice and went to complete the formalities, then drove his car out of the SHIELD headquarters and came to his residence.

Taking off the suit and changing into home clothes, Annas started to order air tickets online on the computer, planning to go to Hawaii for a vacation.

At this time, he received a call.

"This is Anas," Anas asked on the phone, "Gibbs, what's the matter?"

"The gangster at Compney was taken over by another gangster," Gibbs reported. The smuggling and smuggling channels have also been cut off, and there is no way to conduct experiments now."

"Fack!" Anas couldn't help but swear, "Why was that gangster so easily taken down? We have a relationship with the police station, and they have such good equipment!"

"Because they smoked that thing and held a wild party, and a group of people couldn't resist," Gibbs said. No way."

"I'll arrange it," Anas said, "Wait, where are the goods that were shipped before?"

"It's still stored in Compney's warehouse," Gibbs said, "but this is not a long-term solution. They need a channel to get experimental materials and deliver experimental equipment."

"Very well, send someone to keep an eye on it," Anas said. "That batch of goods is not a harmless thing. If it is lost, something big will happen! Go check the security measures there immediately and check it If there is any problem, check the gaps and make up for the omissions, there must be no mistakes, and as for the personnel, I will send them immediately!"


After arranging the task, Annas shook his head speechlessly, and booked the afternoon ticket online.

There's no way, it's useless for him to stay here now, if he is allowed to go on vacation and he doesn't go on vacation, it will be more likely to arouse suspicion.


Street diary:

Read the comments, hmm...

That's right, we are a happy brush, and the collection and recommendation tickets are all brushed!

Do not believe?After a while, a bunch of robots will reply here - "The author is so handsome (a piece of [-] cents, delete it in brackets)"!
 Ollie, ask for votes!Trying to save the manuscript!

(End of this chapter)

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