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Chapter 50 Pluto, Here Comes

Chapter 50 Pluto, Here Comes

After putting the completely broken dynamometer into the shredder and crushing it, Hades packed the garbage and stuffed it into the trunk rented out by Reaper.

Other household garbage doesn't matter. Hades will choose to smash things like this that may reveal some of his secrets first, and then throw them into a trash can on the road.

"One o''s too long, forget it." Hades looked at his watch and decided to wait until tomorrow to implement the previous plan, "Let's test the extent of the strengthened body first... "

After all, Hades came to the test bench, looked at the pile of experimental equipment, and started a series of tests.

after a while...

"This is a bit unexpected..." Hades looked at his hand, a little dazed.

"This physical quality, if you continue, I guess one day you will really become a superman." After a moment of stunned, Hades shook his head, and put the experimental remnants such as bullet casings and broken blades on the test bench. Gather them together and throw them into a shredder.

Judging from the test results just now, with Hades' current physical fitness, his physical body can block bullets!

The pistol bullet hit his body, Hades didn't feel any pain, and his skin just turned white.

As for the rifle... Hades didn't try it, and his intuition told him that if he was directly hit by a rifle bullet, he would still receive effective damage.

However, after all, it was just over 1000 points...Hades already felt very satisfied with such a level.

When it reaches [-] points, it is estimated that it will be another evolution. What level can it reach by then?
Can even missiles be directly resisted?

Hades said he was looking forward to it.


After several hours of testing and experiments, Hades has almost been able to control his body... At least he won't kick the floor apart when he walks.

At this moment, even though Hades hadn't slept all day and night, he was still full of energy and even wanted to go out and do something.

"It's two o'clock, and I don't want to sleep... I'd better go and do something." Hades glanced at his watch, thought for a while, changed a set of clothes, and drove out in the Grim Reaper taxi.

"Merlin's Bar, um..." Hades looked at the information on his phone, and after confirming, he drove the Reaper taxi there.

When he came out this time, Hades didn't come out to drive a taxi, he came out to conduct an experiment.

After triggering the first special task, Hades has not yet triggered the second time, so he came out this time to do experiments to determine some triggering conditions and reward mechanisms for special tasks.

The fourth-level skill [Spiritual Intuition] is not omnipotent. Hades also discovered this. The premise of this skill is that he must know some useful information before he can trigger that mysterious "intuition".

If it can be judged without knowing anything, then this skill should be level five.

Therefore, this experiment is necessary.

Does the trigger condition and target of the special task have to be someone who is killed by himself?

Is the task coefficient of a special task necessarily [-]% or is it judged based on other factors?
These questions have been lingering in Hades' mind since the first special task was triggered, and now, Hades has completed all his goals in a short period of time, so these questions naturally become the things he wants to solve the most .

In order for the results of this experiment to be effective, Hades must find a villain, and a villain who has never met him before. In this way, not only Hades can do it, but the villain will also be full of hatred for Hades resentment.

If the mission coefficient is a subjective factor depending on the mission goal, such as being selected by the mission goal, then the mission coefficient will not be one.

As a result, Hades can achieve his goal and solve the doubts in his heart.


"Stop," a muscular man standing guard at the door stretched out his hand to stop a man who was about to enter Merlin's Bar, "You are a stranger, do you have a recommendation? Or the person who brought you here?"

"No," the man shook his head, "but I have this."

The strong man was about to drive away the person who didn't recommend him, but when he saw what the comer brought out, the "then get out of here" was firmly pressed down in his throat and swallowed.

"How is it?" Junyi's face was morbidly pale, his eyes were covered with dark circles, and his hand holding the wad of green bills was still trembling slightly. He was obviously a drug addict, "One thousand U.S. dollars, I heard that there are interesting things in it, I just want to go in and play for a while, it doesn't affect anything... Let me go in, this thousand dollars is yours."

"Gulu." The muscular man swallowed, looked left and right, found no one else, took the money from the junkie at a speed that didn't fit his huge size, and picked up the fluorescent badge beside him Covered the addict's outstretched arm, "Ahem, come in!"

After the junkie went in, the muscular man snickered.

"Even if there is no recommendation, the entrance fee is only [-], and this person directly gave [-], what a big deal!" The muscular man was delighted in his heart.

At the same time, there is a smile on the face of the addict who walks into the bar.

This junkie is naturally Hades who came here late at night.

The dark circles under the eyes and the pale complexion are all made by Hades through makeup techniques.

Hades knew that the entrance fee was too much, but he didn't intend to care about the extra money.

If there is any extra, just treat it as money to buy your life.

This life-buying money, whose life is it buying?
"Ankersen Cruz," Hades gently read the name of the target of this experiment, "Pluto, here we come."


Even though it is already three o'clock in the morning, for these men and women in the bar, this is the climax of their night life.

Loud music, stale air, dancing bodies, flickering lights...

However, Hades has long been used to this.

In the past, as long as he wanted to, he could immediately become the most shining man in the center of the stage, exuding charming charm, and then casually tease a few attractive girls to have a chic night.

However, this time, Hades didn't come here to do these things.

"Where are you..." Hades thought to himself, while making the same movements and gestures as the people present, while slowly looking for his experimental target.


Street diary:

I have two ways to drive a person crazy, one is half-talking.

 Is it too much to ask for a ticket?I will tell you the other way if you give me a vote!
(End of this chapter)

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