Chapter 46 Rejected

"What?" Tony was taken aback for a moment before noticing the scan data provided by Jarvis.

There really wasn't any damage to the car, and neither was the driver!

How can this be?

Tony thought he was going to cause a catastrophe this time, and he managed to restart the system when he fell, but there seemed to be a small error in the power unit, which caused him to fail to fully restart the power, and hit the car straight .

Even though the body of this car is made of gold-titanium alloy and can stand up, but when it fell, it hit the windshield directly, but now there is no trace of damage on the windshield!
Why is that?
Tony began to subconsciously analyze various possibilities in his mind.

"Hello, hello?" Hades tapped twice more, "Are you listening? Tin cans?"

"Tin cans?" Hearing this, although Tony hadn't thought of a way to deal with such an embarrassing situation, he still sat up and pointed to the Mark II on his body, "You call this a tin can?"

"Otherwise what is it, steel cans or titanium alloy cans?" Hades spread his hands, "Are you using the hood of my car as a bed? Sir, please come down from the top and show your face , let me see who is the big guy who has to smash my car at night?"

Hearing this, Tony jumped out of the car resolutely, and then opened his mask, showing a tugging expression.

"Tony Stark?" Hades asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, of course it's me." Tony nodded unsurprisingly, confidently waiting for the exclamation from Hades in front of him.

Obviously, he thought too much.

Not only did Hades not say words of admiration with the surprised and admiring expression that Tony predicted, but his face returned to a deadpan expression.

"Oh," Hades stretched out his hand, pointing to the Reaper taxi, "So, you smashed my car on purpose?"

"No, no," Tony was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized, "I just lost power due to icing problems during the flight, and I didn't have time to restart, so it hit your car, and... ...What material is your car made of, gold-titanium alloy? What material is this glass?"

Tony couldn't control his thirst for knowledge.

"That's the material I researched myself, what's the matter?" Hades had already thought up the words when he told Coulson that he was an alien, and now he is even more casual.

"You researched it yourself?" Tony raised his eyebrows, looked at Death Rental, "With all due respect, you seem to..."

"Yes, a taxi driver," Hades nodded, "I'm bored, so I did some side jobs, how about it, what's the reason?"

"Sounds very good," Tony looked at the license plate rented out by Death, "Meet me, my name is Tony Stark."

"My name is Hades," Hades tilted his head and held out his hand, "a taxi driver."

"Jarvis?" Tony asked while reaching out and shaking Hades.

"It has been found, sir," Jarvis replied immediately, "This taxi indeed belongs to Mr. Hades. Mr. Hades ranked first in his grades since he was a child, and he has been ranked first in all the competitions he has participated in. Among them, there are nearly hundreds of international competitions, and he also has thirteen doctorates from MIT..."

"Wait, wait, how many PhDs?" Tony interrupted Jarvis in surprise and asked.

"Thirteen, sir," repeated Jarvis.

"But he looks like he's in his 20s."

"In view of his excellent grades, the tutors of the thirteen colleges have all signed the consent form for him. As long as he publishes enough papers, he can get a doctorate by passing the defense and assessment. This is why Mr. Hardes is only 23 years old now. thirteen Ph.D.s,” Jarvis explained.

"Well... Actually, I don't want to choose so many, but the instructors came to me one by one, and then I had no choice but to agree." Hades spread his hands helplessly and said.

The conversation between Tony and Jarvis didn't avoid him.

It's rude, but very Stark.

"Okay," Tony waved his hand, a little embarrassed, "Hades, as compensation for this incident, I will give you 100 million US dollars. In addition, I specially hired you to work in my Stark company. The salary is easy to say, how about it?" ?”

Tony respects people with high IQs like him, which can be seen from his attitude towards people like Dr. Banner.

You can't buy a car like the Reaper taxi anywhere else, and Tony is sure of that, because if he could get one, he would own one.

In other words, it was transformed by Hades himself.

Tony came to this conclusion after seeing Hades' Ph.D. in materials science and engineering.

This kind of material, among other things, metal is okay. Tony has seen Adamantium himself, and his vision is very high, but the glass quality of this windshield... Tony thinks it is definitely the best in the world.

Whose glass can withstand a small missile bombing without leaving a trace when the thickness is less than one centimeter?

If such glass appeared on the market, it was impossible for Tony not to know about it.

After discovering such a talent, plus the fact that he was really at a loss, Tony didn't feel ashamed, and apologized decisively, and invited Hades to work at Stark with a high salary.

However, Hades is of course impossible to agree.

"No, I'm not short of money," Hades shook his head decisively, rejecting Tony.

"Wait, did you just say 'no'?" Tony tilted his head, showing a puzzled expression, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"Yes, I just won't go," Hades said, leaning on the death taxi, "I'm not short of money, and driving a taxi is very happy for me, I'm satisfied with my current life, and that's enough. "

"...Okay, then can you sell me this glass material?" Tony didn't try to persuade Hades any more, but changed the subject and asked, "The price can be set at will, it can be a molding material, of course, if it is a production There is a better way.”

"No, I also made it by chance." Hades shook his head decisively again, "The car is not for sale, don't think about it."

"Okay, the one million dollars will be called to you immediately." Tony heard what Hades said, turned around and was about to leave.

Tony has always been the only one who rejects others, but today he was rejected by others?
Tony is not the type to take care of a cottage.

"Wait, I said I'm not short of money, Mr. Stark, I don't need the 100 million dollars," Hades said, "As compensation, I think you take my taxi once and let me send you How about you go back?"

"By the way, on the way, we can also discuss your fully enclosed exoskeleton armor. I remember that this thing seems to only exist in theory now. I didn't expect you to build it now, and it was successful. , so... I am very interested in this." At the end, Hades added.


Street diary:

I revised this chapter five times, and the more I revised it, the more dissatisfied I became.

Stuck for three or four hours...

Ask for a ticket~
 Awesome!Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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