Chapter 34 Goodbye
Let the taxi stop a few hundred meters away from Dr. Stern's home. After getting off, Hades went to a small alley to change his equipment, hid in the night, and headed towards his destination .

After a while, he arrived at the location, and Hades took out an infrared vision mirror from the kit to observe the situation in Dr. Stern's home.

It's fine, no one and no signs of damage.

"It's not bad luck, I came earlier." Hades didn't relax his vigilance. After observing around, he found that there was indeed no ambush.

Of course, there is no need to worry about the monitoring. Hades has already let Luoshen control the networked monitoring in the vicinity. As for the ones that are not connected to the Internet... Hades has also observed their locations and compared them with the ones that Luoshen queried. , I dug out a few pieces of specially prepared ice cubes from the bag, and destroyed all those monitors one by one.

With Hades' strength and throwing accuracy, it is more than enough to use special ice cubes to destroy these monitors, and the ice cubes will melt again, leaving no evidence afterwards, which is the perfect tool for committing crimes.

Hmm... How do you say it feels like a bit of a villain?

Shaking his head, Hades got rid of all the surrounding factors that might expose him, then climbed over the wall and entered the house.

Taking out the prepared instrument, Hades turned it on and scanned.

There are many ways to find Banner's blood, the most stupid one is to rummage around.

However, this method is too time-consuming and inefficient.

Hades chose an easier way.

Banner's blood has a certain amount of gamma radioactivity. Based on this, Hades had already designed an instrument in advance for searching.

A smart person naturally has sufficient preparations and plans before acting, and Hades is like this.

"Really do not have?"

Hades scanned the entire room, but found no gamma-ray response.

"All right……"

Since he couldn't find it, Hades naturally wouldn't stay here for long, packed up his things quickly, and slipped away.

After taking another car back to the previous bar, and disposing of the equipment in the toilet in the same way, Hades returned to the bar again and began to join the carnival.


"Have you heard about the Hulk? It's that big monster. I saw it with my own eyes. It ran away as soon as it saw me!"

In the constantly flickering lights of the bar, Hades was lying on the sofa hugging left and right, drinking wine while listening with great interest to an excited young man bragging to others.

Bragging, just listen to it, and he is not a person with grudges, Hades is too lazy to expose others, one more thing is worse than one less thing.

However, someone stood up.

"The strength of Hulk's punch can reach hundreds to thousands of tons. I really can't understand why he would say such a thing with confidence," said a voice on the side, "Dark circles around his eyes, obvious wrinkles, thin limbs, The action is weak and weak, from the very beginning to now, he only drank two cans of beer before becoming drunk, how dare such a person say such outrageous words?"

"You guys leave first." Hades looked to the left, patted the two girls in his arms without changing his expression, and after giving them a few big bills to let them leave, he sat up and looked at the whole body tensely. The person on the sofa on the left.

"Dr. Stern? I thought we'd really never see each other again."

Yes, the person who spoke was that Dr. Stern who Hades thought was dead long ago!
"Yeah, I thought so too, but the world is unpredictable. Who knew there was such a magical power and such a magical thing in this world," said Stern, who was neatly dressed and had a normal-sized head on the sofa beside him. With a smile on his face, the doctor looked at everything around him with interest, "You know what? I've never been to a bar before, and I didn't expect to do it once after my death."

"After death?" Hades frowned.

"Yes, after death, I'm not like the Hulk, who can have a strong physical defense and self-healing ability. Of course, I can't survive under that kind of shooting and explosion." Stern The doctor didn't seem to mind at all that Hades in front of him was the culprit who killed him, and he spoke very plainly, while reaching out his hand, as if trying to grab a bottle of beer on the table.

However, under Hades' watchful eyes, Dr. Stern's hand went straight through, without touching the beer at all.

"Soul?" Hades had a guess.

"It's almost like this." Dr. Stern looked at the beer on the table regretfully, retracted his hand and touched his head, "After I died, I floated out of my body, and then Watching you finish the aftermath work, but you can't hear me all the time, and neither can others, and then...some information was transmitted to my mind, which made me know something. "

"What's the matter?" Hades asked, "And... why are you following me?"

"I can only follow you, and the range of activities cannot be far away from your side. I didn't know why before, but until the information was transmitted to my mind..." Dr. Stern showed a shocked expression on his face, " That's really... a miracle, I finally understand why you said that gods are just stronger people, because you are an existence that can become a god."

"What do you know?" Hades straightened his body and stared at Dr. Stern, "About my secret?"

"Yes, some, although they are not complete, but through my deduction, I have successfully deduced a lot," Dr. Stern nodded, "I finally understand what it means to sit in the sky. It turns out that I have always been that one A frog in a well."

"So, why did you become such a soul state?" Hades asked seriously, "Is it also related to my secret?"

When Stern said that sentence - "You are an existence that can become a god", Hades understood that Stern knew the function of his system.

Why did he know, how much did he know, why did he become like this, why was he only in his own sphere of activity?

At this time, a lot of questions lingered in Hades' mind.

"You're not stupid, Hades, move your head," Dr. Stern pointed to Hades' head, smiled and asked, "Why is your name Hades, why is your car called Death rental, why do I exist beside you in such a form after I die... Isn't the result obvious when all these problems are connected?"

As if a thunder blasted in Hades' ears, Hades instantly thought of many problems that he hadn't figured out before.


Street diary:

Today, the bosses in the group discovered that I was writing a street diary, so...they all said they wanted to write it?

So, if everyone is writing street diaries soon...don't be too surprised~
 Ask for a ticket!

  PS: Will the full version of Overbearing President cause constipation?
  When he was constipated, did he narrow his eyes dangerously, and said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth—"Come out by yourself", and then the president grabbed the poop and said, "Very good poop, you managed to attract my attention" Kissed him hard again...

  The poop struggled, and the president exerted more force, until it reacted unsatisfactorily. The president reacted when he saw the poop, squinted his eyes again, and couldn't help but deepen the kiss. When the poop was short of oxygen, the president finally closed his mouth , the corner of his mouth curled up, "Remember to take a breath next time," the president lowered his voice and said ambiguously. .

  He was so ashamed and indignant, but because he lost his strength from being kissed, he could only nestle in the president's arms, "Why are you doing this, you are so annoying~" Then he said in shame and angrily, the president did not say a word and only hooked the corners of his mouth, but thought in his heart "This poop tastes so damn sweet!"

(End of this chapter)

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