Chapter 210 Rules
After all, in the universe, if you are surrounded by tens of thousands of starships and countless energy weapons ready to go, you can still be confident that you can fight and have real strength It may be an exaggeration to say that there are only a handful of people who have been able to fight or retreat, but there are definitely not many.

Unfortunately for the Kerry Empire, Hades is one of them.

"Put down your weapons!" The voice still came from the radio.

Hades looked at the Kree Empire army that almost covered the sky in the sky, and then waved his hand.

Under the action of the law, the vast and boundless magic power formed a huge magic circle that enveloped all the Kerry Empire troops almost instantly as Hades thought.

"Maybe I didn't make it clear before," Hades said softly, and those Kree Empire troops who were enveloped by the magic circle involuntarily controlled the aircraft to turn around and aimed at the outside in unison. The person who was yelling at Si and the others continued to speak, but this time, the target was no longer Hades and the others, but...their own people, "I just came to play."

"How is this possible?" Outside the administrative planet, among the command ships inside the Kree Empire starship group, Ronan exclaimed in shock, "Why didn't the protection work?"

Before coming over, the Supreme Wisdom considered that Hades might control people through magic or other means, so an energy protection barrier was opened on each aircraft.

In the final analysis, magic is also a kind of energy, and it can also be defended.

However, these things, which are the most difficult barriers for ordinary magicians, seem to be ignored as if they don't exist!

These energy protection barriers are all activated, but they did not play their due protective role, but were directly penetrated by...!

Hades didn't directly try to use his mana to forcibly break through these barriers. Although his mana can do it, and the effect is quite cool, but in reality, the calmer the sea, the easier it looks. Your The compulsion will be even higher.

Therefore, he adopted some small tricks, using the characteristics of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, that is, the space gem, to directly "transmit" the effect of his magic circle into those aircraft with energy barriers on.

This energy barrier that prevents magic is not the energy barrier that prevents teleportation. Naturally, it cannot resist such a teleportation effect.

However, Ronan naturally did not know how Hades did such a thing. He thought that what Hades relied on to do such a thing was not magic, but other powers, because he did not discover There is any damage to the energy barrier of the defensive magic on the aircraft below.

Defense has no effect, Hades is so relaxed and freehand, he directly controls everyone.

"Supreme Wisdom, quickly analyze what method he used, is there any way to hurt him," Ronan narrowed his eyes and said, "If there is no way, I can only launch the starship and start attacking directly. Otherwise, if this continues, sooner or later all our people will become his people!"

No matter how you say it, Ronan is also the great general of the Kerry Empire, and a character like decisiveness in killing must be necessary. He was scared away by Captain Marvel before... that is also a helpless thing, after all, it is the first time Ronan has met A fierce man who pierced through the starship directly.

Well, if he knew that what he was planning to deal with now could actually be done, then he would probably just run away.

It is precisely because he knew that Hades might be a very powerful magician, so Ronan chose to send a large number of starships to deal with Hades, because things like magicians can rely on the power of technology to open defenses, like Surprise Like the captain, Ronan didn't know how to fight at all.

However, now, the problem Ronan encountered was that the magician's magic seemed a little scary.

What should I do if I directly ignore the barrier that can defend against magic?
Could it be cold salad?

Ronan already has a way to deal with this matter in his mind at this time, because for him, the threat of Hades is much greater than that of Captain Marvel!
Now, their Kree Empire must have provoked Hades, and the two sides have become enemies.

In other words, if Hades is not directly pressed to death this time, but let him run away, what they are about to usher in is a crisis that may lead to the destruction of the country!

Although Captain Marvel is very fierce, it is a fantasy to say that one person can directly end the Kerry Empire. Even she will be tired sometimes.

But Hades is different.

This is a magician who can manipulate others!

And the number of people he can control has reached a terrifying level!

What if Hades is allowed to escape, and then Hades lurks down, quietly and slowly, starting from one planet, controlling one by one, and then gradually gradually upward control... What should I do?
The biggest threat is often not from the outside world, but from the inside. No matter how strong Captain Marvel is, at most it will bring a powerful threat to the Kree Empire from the outside world. However, Hades has the ability to disintegrate the Kree Empire from the inside. capable!

The ability to control people is really terrifying!

Imagine if half of the Kerry Empire became people controlled by Hades, how would they fight if it happened to be a war?
If that time really comes, Ronan may be able to exchange ideas with Fury, who just learned of Hydra's existence in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hmm, should I also add a distillery gin?
Sorry sir, we are all spies!

Therefore, in order to prevent himself from stepping into the embarrassing situation where there is no one available, Ronan felt that he had to press Hades to death here this time.

For this, Ronan is ready to pay the price of a planet, a large number of Kerry Empire soldiers, and some people from other forces in the universe.

His last resort is to let the starship fire, and then completely crush the planet!

Of course, that was the last resort. Ronan would certainly not adopt such a method until the last moment. After all, the price to be paid for this last resort is too great. Even the Kree Empire It will hurt the muscles and bones.

Therefore, Ronan asked the Supreme Wisdom to find out what method Hades used.

The Supreme Intelligence answered quickly.

"I don't know." The Supreme Wisdom said, "There are too many possibilities. It may be that he has mastered a magic that can ignore our shield, or he has used the power of the Rubik's Cube, no matter what kind of... we The only way to end it all is to take the last resort and, of course, maybe we can talk to him."

In the last resort, the Supreme Wisdom and Ronan coincided.

"If we can't bring him under our control, then we can only kill him, otherwise, I will have trouble sleeping and eating, and the Kerry Empire will also face a huge threat," Ronan said, "Negotiations... …Do you believe?"

"Such a strong person will not have the idea of ​​subservient to others," Supreme Wisdom said, "But in this position, he has not taken the initiative to harm personnel, so I think it may be possible to talk about it."

"Then let's talk about it." Ronan thought for a while and said, "Who do you think should be sent?"

"You," said the Supreme Wisdom.

Ronan: "..."

If it weren't for your lofty status and I don't have the means to deal with you, I would throw your ashes right now!

In the end, Ronan went anyway.

No way, although he was very unhappy with the Supreme Wisdom, the power held by the Supreme Wisdom was indeed the most powerful in the Cree Empire, and even Ronan could not resist.

Hades and his party were still wandering around.

In fact, Hades didn't mean to be so good-tempered, but, after all, the Kree Empire is one of the few big forces in the universe. If a fight really broke out, although he does have the ability to spend a certain amount of time and energy They were wiped out, but he couldn't do it.

Or rather, he won't do it.

Leaving aside the consequences of provoking the court of life or the attention of death, Hades didn't really care about these consequences. After all, the bosses standing behind him were enough to keep him, but—— After a certain level, it is a basic... default rule not to attack people at the lower level.

For example, Captain Marvel can actually break through the territory of the Kree Empire planet by planet, but she didn't do that, why?
Flying at the speed of light allows her to do such things easily without worrying about being chased by the starships of the Kree Empire.

But even so, she didn't do that, because it was a rule.

If you break the rules, you will have trouble coming to your door. For example... the later Thanos, he still abides by this rule in the front, until he finds that he has the strength to collect all the gems and fulfill his dream, and The other party had reached a certain level before he made the move, and then... although he succeeded, it was only for a while, and then he was beheaded, and later he even failed completely because of a mouse.

Is it true that the big boss likes to watch the brave grow all the way to slay the dragon?

Only limited by the rules.

As dramatic as this sounds, it is a real thing, something like cause and effect.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the other party can jump and insult you casually, because you can send your men, your allies, or buy some mercenaries to deal with them, and, if there are really those who want to die, you should deal with them yourself It's perfectly fine, but there is a good saying, "Killing you dirty my hands", the average strong man doesn't bother to deal with weak chickens.

As it is now, Hades is too lazy to do anything to the group of Kerry Empire soldiers controlled by him, but he just uses them as tool people.

And if someone with a head and a face on the other side ran out and made insulting remarks, then Hades might be a little bit interested and give him a death sentence.

Good temper has its limits.


Here comes Ronan.

"I am Ronan, the general of the Cree Empire." Ronan came to Hades with a dark face, oh, no, his face was originally ashen, so he couldn't see it at all, " Mr. Hades, I was ordered to come here to discuss with you the solution to this matter."

"From the beginning, it's your problem." Hades said, "You need to give compensation that satisfies me."

"...Okay, that's what it should be." Ronan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Hades wouldn't persevere in doing things.

Of course, the main reason is that this time, Ronan came here to negotiate with Hades himself.

In other words... Ronan is very conscientious.

He was a little bit worried that if the talk broke down this time, maybe Hades would kill him directly.

If Ronan was sitting in the starship outside, then he would definitely not be so easy to talk to.

Most importantly, Ronan also knew why the Supreme Wisdom sent himself to negotiate with Hades.

God, the reason why he is God, is because he can't make mistakes.

If the Supreme Wisdom admits that it was his own mistake this time, then the status of this god may be shaken...

Therefore, the supreme wisdom needs one person to support the crock, and one person to carry the blame.

The Supreme Wisdom chose Ronan, because this time the matter involved too many things, and it was too important. If a pawn was thrown out casually, others would not believe it.

A small pawn, where does he have the power to mobilize the military operations of the entire Cree Empire?

It's impossible to think about it.

Therefore, the supreme wisdom decisively chose Ronan, the general of the Cree Empire who has the power to mobilize these actions.

Ronan was very clear about the abacus of Supreme Wisdom, but he could only bb in his heart, and it was impossible to say it right.

The Supreme Wisdom's status in the Cree Empire is too high now. Although Ronan has the intention to overthrow the Supreme Wisdom, he still doesn't have enough power and opportunity.

To reach that level, at least one must first prove that one's worth is higher than the Supreme Intelligence.

But, until then...

First of all, you have to survive.

Living is the root of everything.

Therefore, Ronan almost agreed to Hades' request for some compensation without even thinking about it.

Of course, the main reason is that the request made by Hades is indeed not too much.

For example, what kind of starship technology, space node transition technology... all these high-tech, just a little bit!

 Twelve exams, I'm tired, review, review, review...

(End of this chapter)

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