Chapter 208 Here Comes
Gamora still hasn't discovered the existence of Nebula, otherwise she would have killed Nebula first.

Follow me and want to pick my peaches?How can there be such a good thing?
Of course, because Nebula hid it well and left directly, Gamora didn't discover her existence.

After confirming that the Kree Empire had surrounded the place, Nebula went directly to the Kerry Empire official side, intending to report the news through this channel.

Since the energy field can block all space transmissions, communication interference is naturally a matter of course, unless it is a specific instrument that can communicate with the outside world, so Nebula found the Kerry Empire official here.

She wanted to seize the right to discover the news before Kamora, that is, to inform Thanos in advance, showing that she found the news first, and Kamora was the latecomer!
The Kerry Empire actually knows the power of Thanos, otherwise it would not have cooperated with Thanos in the plot of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and it is still faintly on the side of those who obey orders, so Nebula is showing his identity After that, he was not embarrassed, but was released quickly.

Gamora did not approach the official forces of the Kree Empire, because he and Nebula had completely different ideas.

First of all, Hades' terrifying strength has already been demonstrated, and, from Gamora's point of view, she never felt that Hades and his party were still calm after they clearly knew that they were surrounded by the Kree Empire. Feng Qing's attitude of playing around is pretending.

This also means that this person has the confidence to defeat the Kree Empire, or escape directly from such a tight siege!

How can this be?

Gamora thought this subconsciously at first, but then, she realized another point.

If this person is really the variable enough to affect the entire universe that Thanos said, a mere Kree Empire...does it really need to be taken seriously?

Although the Kerry Empire is said to be very strong, it is impossible to say that it can reach the level of affecting the entire universe and Thanos.

However, if this person is the variable, he can.

If you think about it carefully, it makes sense!
Gamora, who had colluded all this together, suddenly felt that his speculation was very likely to be true.

Therefore, she intends to further confirm.

She will not report this news to Thanos without thorough confirmation, because Thanos does not want to add a bunch of "very likely" and "extremely probable" to the report. Uncertain vocabulary, Gamora is very clear, what Thanos wants is a news that is enough to confirm for this matter that is so important, if the news is reported before it is confirmed, it may have a counterproductive effect. Effect.

As for how to confirm it?

It's definitely not okay to go up and ask you if you are the "variable" directly. Gamora thinks that only her stupid sister can do this kind of thing.

Speaking of which... If she was here, I'm afraid she would have reported the news to Thanos immediately... Gamora thought as she walked towards Hades and his group.

She already has a countermeasure.

Nebula over there.

Her special status has indeed been valued by the Kerry Empire, or in other words, after the Supreme Wisdom compared the pros and cons of the choice, it decisively chose to meet some of the reasonable requirements of this eldest lady.

The Kerry Empire has now provoked a Captain Marvel. If there is another Thanos, it will be a bit difficult, at least compared to just letting Nebula report some information to the outside, the cost is much higher, and there is no necessary.

Leaving is naturally impossible for Nebula to leave. After all, the energy field has been arranged, and now a mosquito can't get through it. If you want Nebula to pass, you need to open a gap. If Hades finds out and escapes what to do?
If they went to great lengths and ended up running away like this, who would the Kree Empire turn to for reasoning?

Therefore, it is definitely impossible to let Nebula go, and after Nebula learned of the bottom line of the Kerry Empire, he didn't say much, and chose to report the news he got to Thanos first.

"Xingyun," Thanos received Xingyun's communication request, "you...found it?"

Thanos knew from the very beginning that Nebula was looking for it by following Gamora, and because of the time before this mission, he did not intervene on this point, but chose to acquiesce .

However, what he didn't expect was that it was Xingyun who contacted him first?
Why not Gamora?
Could it be that Xingyun broke away from being a fisherman behind Gamora halfway, and then really found someone?
"Yes, father!" Nebula suppressed the excitement in his heart, talked about Hades' performance and the actions of the Kree Empire, and finally concluded, "He is very likely, with a high probability, to be the one you are looking for variable!"

Thanos: "..."

Thanos' silence made Xingyun feel a little uneasy.

"...Xingyun, I know that you followed Gamora in the beginning and planned to be a fisherman." Thanos said slowly after being silent for a while.

"I'm sorry, father." Xing Yun was startled, and quickly knelt on the ground.

"No, I don't have a problem with this. From the very beginning, I knew that you did such a thing, and I didn't stop you. On the contrary, I acquiesced to this," Thanos tapped on the armrest of the throne , "I'm most disappointed, Nebula, you actually reported to me a piece of unconfirmed news, a matter of "high probability"... Do you want me to spend effort to verify it?"

"No, that's not the case!" Xing Yun said in panic.

"I don't think so either, you are not that kind of person, at least not in my impression, so there is only one explanation for the matter, Nebula," Thanos said, "You follow behind Gamora, find This person, and then, while Gamora was still checking whether this matter was true, in order to seize the opportunity, you contacted me and wanted to seal the victory in advance, right?"

"...Yes, father." Xing Yun didn't dare to hide anything, so he had to bow his head and answer.

"Very good idea," Thanos said, "Then, now, just wait for Gamora to bring us an accurate news..."

Xing Yun did not defend herself, what Thanos said was not wrong at all, so she had nothing to say, as for trying to go back to confirm... Thanos had already said to let Xing Yun wait here, Xing Yun naturally did not Those who dare to disobey, the most important thing is that although Thanos' tone is very flat, Xingyun can hear anger and blame from it.

From the heart.jpg

Tony noticed the beauty walking towards him almost immediately.

For this camouflage operation, Gamora used a special camouflage potion to change her skin to white, otherwise, she would be too easy to be recognized, and it is precisely because of this that her original The hot figure trained by the assassination, coupled with his good looks, immediately attracted Tony's attention.

There is no way, although there are many beauties of this level on the earth, but... this is an alien planet!

Playboy Tony is already ready to move after finally getting out of Pepper's control. He hasn't tasted an alien girl yet, so he is naturally looking forward to it. However, just now, there is no alien girl in his eyes. Xingmeizi is in line with the aesthetics of normal earthlings.

And under such a premise, a beautiful woman like Gamora who conforms to the normal aesthetics of human beings on the earth and has a normal color suddenly appeared...

There is no harm without comparison. If ten grams of gold is placed in a pile of soil or a pile of diamonds, its attraction is different.

Of course, some students who choose all of them are not limited by this comparison rule.

However, appreciation is all appreciation, Tony didn't say anything, because he saw that the girl was coming this way, and the purpose was obviously them.

Tony had seen the Kree Empire starship group that had surrounded the planet through Hades' shared spell vision before. Although he relaxed a lot because of Hades' relaxed attitude, he couldn't say he was completely relaxed. up.

So, now, I suddenly saw a girl walking directly towards them under such circumstances... Tony wouldn't believe it if it was not for other purposes, but simply attracted by his appearance.

Hmm... My own appearance is not good, so it goes without saying for the others, even if it is Hades, at most it will be [-]-[-] with me! ,

Tony thought confidently.

However, Gamora ignored him.

"What are you still doing here?" Gamora frowned and came to Hades, "Do you know that you are already surrounded by starships from the Kree Empire?"

For Gamora, what she needs to do now is to find out the origins of Hades and others, and witness how powerful they are, or what items they have that can change the entire universe. These things, If you want to investigate clearly, you can't get it by just standing aside and ob.

Then she can only participate in it.

To participate, there are two options, one is to directly borrow the power of the Cree Empire, and the other is to find a way to join Hades' side.

And obviously, the first choice is likely to bring some very troublesome consequences. For example, this time, the Kerry Empire attaches so much importance to Hades, it is obviously inevitable for them, and if they really catch ...Would you be willing to share it with Gamora?
Gamora is very skeptical about this. After all, to be precise, the Kree Empire and Thanos are just to the point where they don't interfere with each other. If you want to talk about friendly relations...that absolutely doesn't exist.

In comparison, trying to join Hades is different. Both the probability of success and the benefits that can be obtained after success are much more than the previous choice!
Therefore, Gamora decisively chose the second option, intending to join Hades and the others, and the method she planned to adopt was to disguise herself as being on the same front with them, that is, with the Kerry Empire. People who do not deal with power.

It's nothing, anyway, if you don't reveal your identity later, it won't be a big problem, and even if you reveal your identity, as long as this person is the variable you need to find, Thanos will not embarrass yourself because of this , the most important thing is that whether it is true or not, Gamora has the assurance of getting out of the whole body.


The development of the matter, and Gamora's expectations, "slightly" deviated by a billion points.

Hades glanced at Gamora, and then... Gamora's brain memory was read by Hades, and the whole person fell into a state of sluggishness.

It's a time like this. It's either a spy or someone with ulterior motives. There is nothing wrong with Hades's operation.

Then, Hades shook his head speechlessly.

The relationship is good, Thanos has already noticed the existence of "variables"?
Interesting, this is really interesting.

After leaving something in Gamora's memory, Hades waved his hand and let Gamora leave directly.

Counseling doesn't mean counseling. Since you have sent people to look for others, it doesn't seem good to leave them alone all the time.

So, take this opportunity to say something.

"Who is that?" Tony finally couldn't help asking, "Why did you come here and say something inexplicable and then leave?"

"It's the daughter of a big man, and she wants to confirm something from us...I asked her to go back and convey the news..." Hades raised his eyebrows suddenly, and looked towards the sky, "Aha, Are they finally going to do it?"

In the sky, locust-like flying machines emerged one after another, their muzzles aimed at Hades and the others, and their energy was ready to go, as if they were about to launch the destructive force in the next second. A devastating attack.

Tony directly turned off the early warning function of Jarvis in the Mark armor. After all, this armor is only a weak version of Jarvis, so it will just keep repeating "It has been locked by high-energy weapons, and it has been locked by high-energy weapons." Weapons locked..." and so on, and there is a tendency to report as many times as there are aircrafts locked by the opponent.

If it was the original Jarvis, I am afraid that the words "Sir, do you need to talk about your will?" came over.

Hmm... If I say too much, I will cry.

Loki's hairs stood up subconsciously, he swallowed dryly, and then looked at his brother beside him...

Very good, still not panic at all, still with a naive smile on his face.

Loki also calmed down by the way.

Just kidding, Thor doesn't panic, why should I panic?

"Loki?" Thor's voice rang in Loki's ear.

"What's wrong?" Loki looked at Thor.

"Help me..." Thor put his hand on Loki's shoulder, "I'm a little hypoglycemic."

Loki: "???"

 From the time your child goes to school, teach him to change "thank you" to "thank you", change "whatever" to "listen to you", change "I can't" to "I can learn", and change "understand" "Change" to "Did I understand?" Changing the tone can improve the child's emotional intelligence.Teacher: Can you smoke?Child: I can learn

(End of this chapter)

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