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Chapter 194 This Hades Is So Scary!

Chapter 194 This Hades Is So Scary!
At the same time, Lucifer and another hell lord who had formed an alliance with Mephisto also rushed over according to the contract to help Mephisto resist the attack of these hell lords.

The environment of hell is inherently harsh. In addition, these seven hell lords fought directly, and the sky fell apart, the volcano erupted, and the earth's crust collapsed. The environment was more than ten times worse than before.

Countless demons died under this environment, and their souls... some returned to their respective domains according to the contract of the monarchs, and some, within a certain area around something, But if it is absorbed, even the contract cannot be withdrawn, or even directly broken and lost its effectiveness.

This thing is naturally Hades' Pluto Axe. In the area where it is located, all the souls are moving closer here under the effect of Hades' pre-prepared death law.

Looking at the group of souls who rushed towards the ax in his hand almost endlessly like moths to a flame, Thor felt his scalp tingling.

So many souls have all been taken away... If it weren't for the fact that all the kings of hell are fighting now, they would have been discovered long ago, right?

Wait, all fighting?
Thor was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Hades has already predicted this point, it is really terrible, is this the legendary strategy to win thousands of miles away?
The more he thought about it, the more surprised he became, and Thor's impression of Hades grew stronger.

Even if Hades doesn't know it.

However, there is nothing to say, such a moment of great chaos is just the best opportunity for me to exercise my ability!

Thor laughed loudly, rushed into the battlefield like a meat grinder, and started to kill and kill. There were demons on the left and right, and all of them were enemies, which meant that he could use large-scale damage skills at will!

The thunder shot out, harvesting the lives of the surrounding demons, and the souls of these demons after death were also harvested by the axe of Hades. It can be said that after killing a person, the coffin is lifted and the ashes are lifted. The process is extremely smooth and complete.

At the same time, Hades on Earth also learned of what happened in hell. He could naturally perceive what happened through his artifact, so he knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for finally come.

After preparing for such a long performance, it's time to start!

"The curtain is about to open..." Hades stretched out his arms forcefully, then built a communication circle and said to the tool people, "Everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone!"

After receiving Hades' order, people from both Apocalypse and Charles moved at the same time.

Charles sat on a chair, took the brain wave device, and started to use this machine to search for the location of Apocalypse. After searching, he led the X-Men to the previously preset location and flew on a fighter plane.

And Tianqi also didn't move in that place. The two sides immediately fought when they met. They are both very powerful mutants. In addition, there is still a scene like Lao Wan. Although there is no metal bridge to demolish Lao Wan, but This time, Lao Wan is different from the previous Lao Wan, because his ability control has gone a step further, and he can already directly extract the underground iron ore, creating a scene that is more in line with the scene.

However, for Apocalypse, it is naturally useless, or in other words, according to the script, the X-Men side is going to explode.

That must be going to explode, otherwise how can the plan go ahead?
Besides, without Black Phoenix, the professor and Lao Wan hadn't fully developed their abilities, so they couldn't defeat Tianqi.

So, at the time of "falling into desperation", Charles, after experiencing intense psychological struggle, took preparatory measures, controlled the pre-arranged people, and activated the magic circle used to summon demons.

The origin of this magic circle is completely traceable, as long as you know how to look for things like this on the earth, you will find them everywhere.

Demons always want to take advantage. During the Middle Ages, demons were the most rampant. They were basically everywhere on the earth. It can be said that the real hell is empty. Demons are in the world, and the way they come here is that bunch of black magic summon The magic teleportation circle tricks mages who study and learn black magic to summon demons through rituals or directly using magic circles.

Therefore, there are many things left over from that era. Although some of them were burned later, there will always be some places, such as tombs or family collections, where these things are preserved.

After searching, Hades found a suitable magic book in one place, which contained a magic circle that could summon the kings of hell.

Then, it is natural to let some people touch this magic book, let this magic book show its power, and it happens to happen near Charles’s Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys, so Charles naturally leads a team to deal with it, and this book The magic book was seized, and then it was not destroyed, but remained.

A full set of work and rest must be done, and at least the before and after effects must be arranged in place. This is what a perfect performance must have.

Then, now it's time for Charles to summon the demon as a matter of course.

The magic circle played a role through those materials, and directly conveyed the news to the hell monarch who was half fishing and half contributing in the battle.

The hell lord thought about it, and was a little surprised, but he still managed to deal with this matter with a bit of spiritual thought.

In fact, although it was said to be earth-shattering, few of them really gave their full strength, and each of them kept about half of their strength.

Everyone has ghosts in their hearts, so naturally they will not consume their own strength in advance, and everyone wants to be that fisherman.

Therefore, this hell lord still has the power to take care of the affairs on the earth.

For example, this magic summoning array...

The hell lord remembers that this seems to be something he left on Earth a long time ago...

Who exactly found this magic circle, why did they use this magic circle, and what kind of deal did they want to reach?

The hell lord expressed great curiosity.

So, the ray of consciousness he split came to the earth through the magic circle.

Then, he saw the man whose mind was obviously controlled, standing in front of him.

"You are the Lord of Hell, Balzebub, the Lord of Gluttony, right?" the human whose mind was controlled by Charles looked at Balzebub and said.

This hell lord was actually picked out by Hades, because he is most likely to fall into the trap.

Balzebul, Lord of Gluttony.

"Yes, but you are not you," Balzeb narrowed his eyes and said, "You are another person, ah...a powerful ability...what deal do you want to make with me?"

Balzeb noticed something was wrong with the person in front of him almost instantly, but he didn't care. Anyway, when the contract was finally signed, the clauses in the contract could effectively avoid the other party's tricks.

The devil is very good at manipulating contracts.

Although, what Balzebu didn't know was that while he was thinking about the other party's soul or more people's souls, the other party was also thinking about his soul.

From the very beginning, this was not a transaction, but a plan for the soul of the other party.

However, who would have imagined that the devil, who has always been the role of taking other people's souls, and is also the king of devils, would be targeted by others one day?
"I'm Charles, one of the leaders of the mutants, and I'm in big trouble," the tool man said with a gloomy face, "There is a mutant named Apocalypse, he wants to rule the world..."

After the tool man had said all these things, Balzeb nodded clearly, and asked with a very kind expression, "Then, what do you need?"

"You know, I sympathize with you very much. Really, I didn't expect that there would be such a villain in this world. It's really abominable to think of ruling the world every day..." Balzebu made a very sympathetic look. The appearance of the tool man, although it seems that there is no sincerity at all, it is completely hypocritical, "I can help you kill him, but, you know, fair trade, you need to pay some price..."

"I know what you want," said the tool man, "I, and the souls of all X-Men members, can all belong to you after death!"

"Sounds like a good deal..." Balzeb narrowed his eyes, "but it's not enough."

After death?Who knows if you mutants will get something to delay aging?

Balzeb will not do this kind of transaction without a fixed deadline, because there are too many variables in it. Although this means that Balzeb can also use some reasonable small means, the problem is that , the other party is not a group of people who can be manipulated by oneself, and the other party has the ability to resist. Wouldn't it be troublesome then?
It's not that Balzebub has no confidence in defeating this group of mutants, but there are too many variables in it, he doesn't like it, and, most importantly, he wants more.

Taotie, this is his pronoun.

"Not enough?" The tool man raised his hand to undo the maintenance of the magic circle, "That's fine."

Balzeb: "!!!"

I wipe, what are you doing?
I'm just making a condition, why do you want to switch the link directly?

No, he must be defrauding me. I can't fall for it. He must be very anxious when he encounters such a dangerous situation, and I am his only savior. He is just trying to negotiate terms. Hmph, I'm still too young, I just need to stand here, his hand will definitely stop a second before canceling the magic circle!
Thinking this way, Balzebu decided not to block the tool man's actions, and just stood there with his hands folded, looking confident and waiting for the tool man to stop.


He saw that the tool man's hand approached the place where the magic circle was cancelled, and cut off the magic circle without hesitation.

Balzeb: "!!!"

"Wait! Wait..." Balzebu wanted to say something, but the magic circle was cut off, and he was sent back to hell directly.

Outrage, and a touch of absurdity.

This feeling was churning in the heart of Balzeb in hell.

How did the people on Earth become like this now? ? ?

Doesn't this negotiation mean that you propose a condition and I disagree, propose another condition, and then you disagree, and we gradually divide this condition to a level that is suitable for both parties in the process?
Why did it become what you said when I came to you, and I disagreed with the conditions and then the direct negotiation collapsed?

Is this still the simple earthlings from before?

No one can take advantage of the cheap?
Balzeb felt so angry that he was shaking all over his body, sweating all over his body on a hot day, and his hands and feet were cold. Can this earth get better? How do we demons live on this earth? Only those on this earth are satisfied. Tears flowed down, this earth is full of With the unfair discrimination against hell, when will we devils stand up?

The air is shaking and cold, the air is shaking and cold!

However, no matter how cold he was, the tool man had no intention of contacting him.

After modifying the sacrificial items, he reopened the magic circle again. This time, he chose Bayerfig, the Lord of Laziness.

Then, naturally, it was another scene where I said the conditions and you didn't agree to put forward the conditions and I kicked you back to hell.

Successfully put a Hell Lord into a chilling mode again.

and then...

Since he had obtained enough information from Thor, Hades already knew who the monarch in hell was on the same side with whom, at least on the surface, he figured it out, so he directly let Charles Let the tool man ignore Mephisto, Lucifer, and Mammos, and then choose the side that is hostile to them.

It's not that I want hell to reach a balance, but, at present, it is definitely impossible for Lucifer and Mephisto, who have suffered several losses, to be fooled. They will probably be very cautious, and if it affects the plan It would not be good to implement it, so Hades aimed at another group of hell lords.

Don't keep staring at a sheep when picking up wool, what if you get bald?

So, on the whole, Hades intends to change a sheep to squeeze.

After contacting Liviasan, the Lord of Jealousy; Asmodeus, the Lord of Indulgence, the tool man's actions temporarily stopped. He planned to let the news ferment, and he also had to wait for the reaction from hell .

And here in hell.

The four hell lords trembled with anger.

No, it should be said that there are three of them, one of them - Li Weisang, the Lord of Envy, his shivering and coldness is faking.

Although really angry.

When he was contacted, he knew that something was wrong.

He is the hell lord who helped Thor cover up his traces and wanted to cheat other hell lords.

No matter who the other party wants to cheat, as long as it's not me who cheated, then I can raise my hand!
As the king of hell, it is also possible to play a cameo role as the black coffin bearer.

Although the deal mentioned by the tool man is just a few souls, all the members of the X-Men, but this group of hell lords are not unclear about those things on earth!
What do these souls represent?
Just that Charles alone represents the souls of all people on earth!
This is a huge loophole!

As long as you control Charles' soul, and then order him to do something, such as hypnotizing everyone on the earth to sign a soul contract with yourself... Regardless of whether the parchment is enough to write the contract, it is a full 70 billion soul!

And a large part of them have special abilities!

For any Hell Lord, this is almost an irresistible temptation.

That means that one's own strength can go one step further, and one can even win among the hell lords!
To be honest, when he realized all this, Li Weisang was very excited, but immediately, he forcibly pressed down his inner thoughts.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky.

Especially after observing the ins and outs of these things, Li Weisang, who had already discovered something was wrong, felt even more wrong.

To be honest, if Hades didn’t find out through the things in hell that it might be that Hades wanted to attack the demons in hell again, Li Weisan would not find anything strange, because everything is perfect, the recovery of the apocalypse, the X-Men The battle against the apocalypse, the reason why Charles knew the origin of the devil...all of these have traces.

If he hadn't known something was wrong before, Li Weisang would have been tempted by this fact just like the other three trembling hell lords.

Well, it is indeed true, but it is too real, so real that Li Weisang dare not eat this pie.

Such a thing, judging from the means that Hades can summon the kingdom of heaven, can be arranged, which means that this may be a trap.

The danger of a trap can be seen from the bait on the trap. Since the bait is the souls of 70 billion people, what the trap wants...

When Li Weisang thought of this, he felt his heart pounding, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Afraid, so from the heart.

Li Weisan has already made up his mind, no matter what, he must not come out of hell these years.

too frightening.

This is a lunatic who uses the souls of 70 billion people as bait. The problem is that he really has the ability to make them walk into this trap willingly, and he has the strength to prevent them from eating this bait!

This Hades is so terrifying!
Livia-san is very fortunate now, he is grateful for one thing, that is, he was the first to discover something was wrong and what Thor was doing, and covered up his traces.

The first two let him know that it is a terrifying conspiracy, and the latter one is to prevent other hell lords from discovering that this is a conspiracy, and they may walk in willingly.

Yes, although Li Weisang found out by himself, it is impossible for him to tell the other hell lords kindly. On the contrary, he wants those hell lords to walk into this trap, and then lose their strength and benefit themselves.

He didn't want to provoke Hades, this person was terrible, and he was sure that he needed to take a good look at it for a while.

As long as you can survive, there will always be a day in the early days!
Li Weisang's idea was exactly this. Not only would he not disrupt Hades' actions, but on the contrary, he would help Hades to make this trap look more reasonable!
In fact, no matter which hell lord discovers this, they will do so, and Hades has captured their psychology.

They, wish for it!
 "Ah... no... I can't write any more..."

  "Ha, you said you didn't want to write, but now you touch the keyboard... don't you want to write to me obediently..."

  "Hmm... ah... rhetoric... too much rhetoric... idioms are almost full... no... don't..."

  "Wouldn't it be better if the plot was more ups and downs? The speed of typing on the keyboard should be faster! Huh, what a young writer of yd~"

  "Oh, it's too fast... The protagonist's emotional line is developing too fast... I can't control it... It seems... I want to..."

  "It's so cool, it's almost time to finish the draft! I'm writing tm like a blast!!!"


  "The manuscript fee has already been transferred to your Alipay, I will come to you next time~"

  "Woooooo...I'm not YD's little writer,...I'm not..."

  (Who tm adapted this joke, what a tm talent!)
(End of this chapter)

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