Chapter 191 Apocalypse
In hell, after having a good "friendly chat" with the flutters who played those roles in the illusion before, Thor led them away to the distance.

In hell, you must find those local aborigines to find out where it is. As for how to find it... it's just luck?

And here in Limbo, Hades and Gabriel returned to Earth again, came to Xavier Academy for Geniuses, found Charles and Eric who were still in the office, and talked to them about what they needed to do next script.

"Apocalypse definitely wants to do something. His thinking is probably still at the stage of a long time ago. He probably wants to restore the dynasty and attract all nations to he will definitely find you when the time comes," Hades said. Said, "Reasonably, you should be invincible, and if this is the case, if the effect I want is not achieved by then, it will be troublesome. Not following the script will make me feel very uncomfortable, so I plan to Tianqi also pulled in to try to persuade... Do you understand what I mean?"

Regarding this idea, Hades came up with it after careful consideration.

After all, if there is someone on the stage who didn't get the script, what if something goes wrong during the performance?
Of course it is impossible!
Acting is to be professional and flawless, so as to attract a certain hell lord!

Ever since, Hades intends to turn Apocalypse, the only uncontrolled person who is also one of the most important influencing factors, into one of his own.

As for how to change?
As a civilized person, of course reasoning should be prioritized, and if the time comes when reasoning doesn't make sense, then do it again.

And coming here, Hades mainly intends to let Charles find the apocalypse...

It is not impossible to set up a magic circle enough to cover the earth to search for the apocalypse, but that would be a waste of time and energy.

Since there are ready-made tools that people can use, why not use them?

"I understand, I understand, of course I understand," Charles nodded quickly, without any objection at all, just as Hades planned to come here, "I'll help you find him."

Before, Charles had discovered the location of Tianqi, but he didn't choose to contact him because he was worried that the other party was too powerful. He just hung from a distance and controlled the people around him to watch Tianqi's every move. On the moon, a lot of things happened later and the monitoring was cut off. Now he is not very clear about what Tianqi is doing. In fact, even if Hades does not ask, Charles will continue to monitor Tianqi in a while. Do something.

Now that Hades has taken the initiative to ask to solve the problem, Charles is naturally wishing for it.

Apocalypse's strength is so powerful that Charles locates the location of Apocalypse almost effortlessly.

"I found him." Charles told Hades the coordinates.

"Thank you." Hades nodded, then opened a portal directly, and passed with Gabriel.

Tian Qi, who was giving the Spirit Butterfly the blessing, gave a hand and took it back. When Hades came over, he didn't hide his tracks, but came swaggeringly, so Tian Qi naturally noticed it. He turned around and saw Looking at Hades and Gabriel, he frowned: "Who are you...?"

Apocalypse can constantly change his body, thus gaining the mutant talent of the body he changed, and in the long years, the mutant he possessed once had a talent called danger perception.

When facing Hades and Gabriel, Apocalypse's danger perception was raised to the highest level almost instantly!

This person is very strong, he will die!
Apocalypse was horrified.

He has never felt this way, because the scope of this danger perception is very large, so Apocalypse has always adjusted it to the lowest level, that is, it will only be triggered when there is a very certain life-and-death crisis and the scope is very close.

Tianqi is very strong, there is no doubt about it, so he has this confidence, he doesn't need such a talent at all!

He was then buried underground for thousands of years by the people he ruled together, only to be awakened recently with the help of a group of desperate believers...

Cough cough, not to mention the serious consequences, it is true that Tian Qi is panicking now.

It was already adjusted to the maximum gear, but it turned out that the life-threatening alarm was triggered?

How strong is the opponent!
Therefore, Tian Qi has tried his best to make his tone cautious and respectful, although... under the perennial domineering environment, his so-called respectful and careful tone still sounds like a condescending questioning.

"Meet you for the first time, Mr. En Sabah Nur," Hades tilted his head and said, "My name is Hades, shall we have a good talk?"

"You are not a mutant," Tian Qi said, frowning tightly, "but you can give me a very dangerous feeling, including the woman next to you... What do you want to talk about?"

"Talk about... about the friendly negotiation treaty of peace and stability in modern society." Hades said seriously.

Apocalypse: "..."

What to do, what is he talking about, why didn't I understand?Do you want to pretend that you understand?

Tian Qi's brain began to search for the things he read on TV before, and then... still no results.

What the hell is this treaty? I've never heard of it!
"Are you kidding me?" Tian Qi asked.

After much deliberation, Tianqi thought of this possibility.

"Of course not, it's just a term I just created," Hades shook his head and said, "Well, let's explain it roughly, it's... well... modern society doesn't need an emperor, you understand what I mean ?"

"You want to fight against me?" Tian Qi asked with narrowed eyes.

"Of course... it depends on the situation," Hades said. "Although there can't be an emperor, it's not impossible to be a warlord with your strength. As long as you follow the rules, there's nothing wrong with it. The reason I'm looking for you is In addition to this matter, I also want you to do me a small favor, accompany some people, and play a play."

"Rules? Strength is the rule!" Tianqi said in a deep voice, "Besides, I admit that you can give me a sense of danger. Maybe you have very strong strength, but you actually want me to act? When the stage The clown on the Internet, let others watch? I am the apocalypse, I am God!"

"I think this matter still needs to be discussed." Hades narrowed his eyes and stopped making detours, "God, I've seen it before, but it doesn't look like you... Also, I don't know if you listen Have you ever heard of an idiom, that is...the courtesy first, the soldiers first?"

"If we can't reach an agreement, it seems that we need to fight." After a pause, Hades looked at the gloomy Tianqi and said, "So, Mr. Tianqi, do you want to fight? How about living in peace? Well... I can tell, you probably chose the first one, I have to say, it’s really an unwise decision, but people always have luck, don’t they?”

Hades kept uttering unbearable words, but the movements of his hands did not stop. He appeared in front of Tianqi almost instantly, then grabbed his neck and disappeared into the portal. Appeared in the mirror space!

Outside the mirror space, the two knights of Apocalypse—Storm and Psylocke put their eyes on Gabriel.

The third is Eric, the problem is that they haven't had time to find it yet, and the fourth is Winged Man, this one is even more too late.

"I said, should we do something?" Storm whispered, "I think she looks very weak..."

"You can go if you want." Lingdie smiled and said that she would cheer for Storm.

Tianqi just said that both Hades and this woman gave him a sense of danger, so what is the strength of this woman?
What does it mean to look weak? When is strength determined by appearance?

Often the ones making soy sauce on the side of the road are the strongest! Hundan!
Lingdie said that you can seek death yourself, but please don't pull me, thank you.

After receiving the feedback from Lingdie, Storm had no choice but to give up her idea of ​​going to trouble Gabriel.

It's just that they didn't intend to make trouble for Gabriel, or in other words, they didn't intend to send him to death... Gabriel walked over by himself.

"You..." Gabriel pointed at Storm, "You have a good heart, why do you want to help him?"

As the Archangel, Gabriel can naturally see some things. Although some things are illusory, there are traces for certain people.

In Gabriel's view, Storm can go to heaven after death.

"...What?" Storm Girl was a little confused.

What does it mean to have a good xinxing?
Sister, we are enemies!
Why did you talk to me about xinxing issues so frankly? Could it be that you are still a philosopher?
Storm said that she didn't quite understand Gabriel's thoughts.

"Your virtue," said Gabriel, "is not to associate with such a tyrant, who cannot enter the gates of heaven when he dies, but you can."

"Hahaha, ma'am, are you some fanatical religious person?" Lingdie finally couldn't help laughing out of joy, and said jokingly, "Then am I going to hell?"

"The person you killed should be judged, but your purpose is not pure," Gabriel looked at her for a while and then said, "As long as you repent, you can enter the kingdom of heaven."

"Why, is it possible that you are still some kind of archbishop?" Lingdie laughed, "Otherwise, how could you be so confident that I could go to heaven if I repented? Wouldn't it be nonsense?"

"I'm not some archbishop," Gabriel wasn't angry, and she didn't have to be angry about this matter at all, she just said subconsciously because she saw a soul that could be saved, "I'm Gabriel. "


Just when Gabriel started his job subconsciously (the holy light is fooling you), the battle in the mirror space can be described as earth-shattering.

Apocalypse, who has mastered the abilities of an unknown number of mutants through his own talent for a long time, naturally has a variety of fighting methods, but there are two good sayings, which are called one force breaks all methods, and the world's martial arts are the only ones. fast...

Time magic, two-handed swords, ultimate enchantment, space magic... these are still simple methods, and then, Hades directly hacked Tianqi to death...and crippled it.

Hmm... the head was chopped off, so it's not dead yet.

Apocalypse's self-healing ability is still very exaggerated.

However, this is actually the reason why Hades does not intend to kill Apocalypse directly.

"Look, I don't want to kill you, because I still need you to help me do one thing." Hades ignored the many abilities that Tianqi wanted to use. This is the mirror space, exclusive to mages, mutants like Tianqi It can be restrained to death here, because this space can be changed by Hades at will.

Hades took out a contract and put it in front of Tianqi, and said with a smirk: "Originally, I planned to agree with everyone and negotiate with each other for mutual assistance and win-win, but I didn't expect you It’s so ignorant, so I have no choice. You see, this contract is here. If you sign it, I can let you go. If you don’t sign it, then I will take another means."

"I'm a god!" Tianqi stared at Hades and said in a vicious tone, "I will never give in to you!"

"Don't be so bad as I said..." Hades said that he was helpless, kicked Apocalypse out with another blow, and then easily broke through his behavior of trying to escape through the teleportation ability, slowly Walked over, "I'm obviously very talkative, you only need to cooperate with one performance, why are you so unwilling to cooperate?"

"I'm a god, the king of all, when will I be reduced to being bullied by a bastard who is not a mutant?" Tian Qi said coldly, "Kill me if you have the ability, see if you kill quickly, It's still my resurrection!"

"Wow, well, it seems... there is no way to negotiate this matter?" Hades narrowed his eyes and decisively adopted another method, "Very well, then you can go to hell! "

For a tyrant like Apocalypse who thinks of slavery, and who also thinks that all ordinary humans other than mutants are hybrid pariahs, Hades has no sympathy at all, and he will not have any idea of ​​mercy.

Since you don't cooperate, well, strength is the most important thing, I am stronger than you, so naturally I have the final say, I can do whatever I want.

Moreover, after killing Apocalypse, Hades doesn't have other means to complete the plan. You know, as a Pluto... Hades only needs to think, and he doesn't know how many subordinates he can make.

In fact, the reason why Apocalypse resisted so resolutely and thoroughly was that the contract Hades gave him was the combined version of the two copies that he accidentally gave to Black Phoenix last time, that is, he did not intend to let him in the first place. Apocalypse agreed.

If you want to do it, just do it cleanly and thoroughly!
PS: Calvin ing...


(End of this chapter)

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