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Chapter 185 The Powerful Hades

Chapter 185 The Powerful Hades
"Thank you for your help," Eric said, "I owe you two favors. If you have anything to do, you can find me."

Eric quickly reacted, and after letting his wife and daughter wait for a while, he came over and said this to Hades and Gabriel.

As for the debt of favor, to be honest, Eric is still very confident in his own strength, and he also feels that a person with super mutant abilities like Hades must appear in front of him to find something for him.

However, in any case, saving is saving, and Eric will not ignore this.


Confident Eric obviously thought something wrong.

For example, Hades doesn't like Eric's strength at all...

Yes, the magnetic force that controls one of the four basic forces is very strong, but Eric's use is obviously so rough that he is completely reduced to a "face man".

In fact, if Eric has a doctorate in electromagnetism and has a good control over his own abilities, his strength can definitely rival that of Black Phoenix.

That is one of the four basic forces!
Of course, that's only if.

When manpower is exhausted, not to mention that mutants are the birth of genetically encoded creations, it is definitely impossible to use this to face a big boss like Black Phoenix who has mastered the law.

Of course, if you really master the basic law of force, or some magical reasons (plot killing) and the like, that is of course another matter.

So, Hades nodded politely, smiled and said: "We just passed by and helped you by the way, don't worry too much, we still have something to do, so we left first."

After all, Hades didn't want to waste time, took Gabriel directly, opened a portal and left directly.

Eric: "???"

That's it... leave?
To be honest, Eric was already mentally prepared before, as long as what Hades proposed was not too unacceptable, such as killing Charles and other requests, Eric would agree.

But... Hades left without asking anything now?
In other words, is this person really just drawing his sword to help when he sees injustice?

Doesn't he know his identity?

Eric couldn't understand Hades' thoughts. In his concept, he was the most powerful person in the world no matter what, so he naturally felt that Hades had a purpose.

Of course he didn't expect that in the eyes of Hades... he was useless...

Eric didn't spend too much time and energy on it, he just remembered the faces of Hades and Gabriel in his heart, and planned to return the favor if he encountered them in the future.

Whether he wants it or not, he must give it to him. This is the principle of his life!
Eric believes that with the appearance and strength of these two people, it will be a matter of time before they become famous in this world.

Teleportation, time, or extreme speed ability... Eric doesn't believe such powerful mutants, they won't make some famous things.

"This world is about to undergo huge changes again..." Eric narrowed his eyes and sharpened his eyes, "But, before that, I need to deal with those people!"

Eric has been hiding it well these years, but it was exposed today. After much deliberation, Eric thinks there is only one possibility, that is, a few days ago, he used his ability that he hadn't used for a long time to save a worker in a factory. people.

That scene must have been seen by other people, and then reported to the official, that's why today's scene happened!

If good intentions are not rewarded, then I will be my villain!
You all have to pay for it!
"Eric," as if sensing what Eric was thinking, his wife took his hand and said worriedly, "Don't mess around."

"...Don't worry," Eric and his wife looked at each other for a while, then said slowly, "I will find out who did it, and then make him pay the price he deserves."

"How to do it?"

"Get someone to help me find it."

Soon, Charles, who was frowning in a wheelchair and thinking about something in Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys, received a call.

He just came back from an intelligence agency, and got a message from there - an old monster called Apocalypse, who seems to be a powerful mutant who was the first mutant, is about to be revived, combined with Qin's dream, so this is a bit worrying.

The first mutant in history... How much impact will it bring to the world?
"Hello, this is Charles." Charles answered the phone while thinking.

"It's me, Charles." Eric said.

"Eric!" Charles recognized that it was Eric just by listening to the voice. okay?"

"I listened to what you said and went into hiding, Charles, but something happened recently and I had to end this life," Eric said. "My wife and daughter almost died, almost died in the At the hands of the police who tried to arrest me!"

Charles' eyes widened for a moment, and he was relieved.

Fortunately, it is "almost"!
If it had already happened, Charles didn't know if he could dissuade his friend, and he didn't know if he would be willing to dissuade his friend.

"What happened," Charles sank his voice instantly, "what do I need to do?"

Eric is calling now, there must be something to help, there is no doubt about it, and Charles will definitely help.

As I said before, it was Charles who persuaded Eric to live in seclusion, but now something went wrong, so Charles must be responsible!

If Eric is still Magneto and has a lot of power under him, can these policemen arrest his wife and daughter?

It is impossible to increase the number of people by hundreds of times!
"I don't want you to do much, Charles, and I won't go on a killing spree, after all, they haven't caused any substantial harm to me, but I have to find the source of all this, and give him or them The due price," Eric said after explaining the reason for what happened, "I want you to find the informer, he must pay the price!"

"...Okay!" Charles didn't act like a nice guy this time, but nodded and agreed after hesitating for a while.

There is an injustice, and there is a debtor. Eric helped others with good intentions this time, but he was almost killed and his family was ruined. To be honest, even the good-natured Professor X Charles was a little angry this time!

You bully people too much, I have tolerated you for a long time!

"Waiting for your good news," Eric said seriously, "don't make me wait too long..."

"I'm going to use the brain wave machine now." Charles said, "Eric, after this... Come here, it's much safer here."

"After this matter is settled," Eric did not directly refuse, but said, "Let's talk!"

When Charles heard that Eric did not refuse this time, he was overjoyed, and even his previous worries about the apocalypse eased a lot.

So, without any delay, he immediately pushed his wheelchair towards the underground brainwave apparatus.

The Charles at this time is not the Charles in the future, he still hasn't developed his own ability to the most powerful point, and he still needs the assistance of a brainwave device to cover the world.

Connected to the brain wave device, Charles's thoughts were magnified and concentrated, and he scanned the world at an extremely fast speed, and found Eric.

Of course, during this process, he also discovered something was wrong. He could sense that an extremely powerful mutant had appeared!

Charles did not rush to establish a spiritual connection with this mutant, because his intuition told him that if he did, it would be extremely dangerous, and in his heart, this was exactly what Qin had told him before. Things got connected, so he decided even more to avoid him and talk about it later.

This could be the apocalypse!
At present, of course, the problem on Eric's side should be solved first.

Tian Qi frowned, looked up at the sky, but found nothing wrong, lowered his head again, and followed Storm, who had not yet become Storm, into the basement.

At the same time, Gabriel and Hades, who appeared above the Xavier Genius Academy through the portal, also noticed the huge spiritual power.

"Very powerful," Gabriel said, "much stronger than the previous one."

"Yes," Hades nodded and said, "His ability control is much better than that person, and he is also assisted by machines."

Charles did not detect Hades and Gabriel.

Hades had already prepared himself with spiritual magic, and Gabriel had the blessing of the Holy Light, so during Charles' investigation, he could not see the existence of Hades and Gabriel.

Still the same sentence, although Charles is very strong compared to the people in the X-Men world, compared with Hades Gabriel... that is not the same level.

Not to mention, the current Charles is still a young Charles who has not fully controlled his own strength.

"So... you plan to use him to achieve the purpose of leading hell?" Gabriel asked.

"Of course, if you want to lure the devil in hell, you need a sufficiently attractive bait, and I need these people to make a bait." Hades smiled and said, "It only takes a little Change……"

"What bad idea are you planning?" Gabriel asked subconsciously.

Hades: "???"

"Please don't slander me like this," Hades said seriously, "I am a dignified archangel, how could I play any tricks? This is a blatant slander, and I need compensation! In addition to the previous interest calculation, Double compensation!"

Gabriel was speechless for a moment.

She is still too tender, compared to Hades who doesn't know what a face is, it is too tender.

However, it's better to be tender, so that Hades will feel more! (fly the plane)


Eric, who put the things on the truck, had a thought. He noticed that someone had invaded his mind, and it was his old friend Charles.

"I'm sorry." Charles quickly read what happened during this period, and after confirming that what happened was indeed what Eric said, he took a deep breath and said, "I'll help you Find that person...or those people."

"If it weren't for the help of those two people, the consequences of the current situation would be much more serious than this, Charles," Eric said, "Don't let me down, don't try to change anything, if you do something, you should bear the corresponding price, This time, I was very angry."

"I know," Charles said while connecting his thoughts to all the workers in the steel factory, read their memories, and found the person who reported the incident to the police, "I found it... it was you The manager of the factory, Clinton Bliss, was the only one who reported it, and others saw it, but they didn't say anything."

"Very good..." Eric nodded, then remembered something, and asked, "Did you see those two people who helped me before?"

"...No," Charles said after a pause, "that's the problem, Eric, I didn't find them, among the mutants... I didn't find them."

"How is it possible?" Eric frowned and asked, "They used a teleportation-like ability to leave in front of me, and one of them has super speed or the ability to control time!"

"I know, I saw it, but... I didn't find it," Charles said, "Everyone, I know their location, but I just didn't find it. The problem is, your memory has been modified, I can see it Come out, which means that they are real, and... are not mutants!"

"What did you say??!" What Charles said surprised Eric.

"Of course we are not mutants." At this moment, the voice of these words sounded in the minds of Charles and Eric.

Charles was shocked for a moment.

The spiritual connection between him and Eric was actually invaded, and he had no power to resist!

How can this be?

"Don't panic, Professor Charles, we have no malicious intentions," Hades said, "I'm at the gate of the Xavier Academy for Geniuses now, and I want to discuss something with you. Excuse me, is it convenient? Also, casually spy on other people's memories But it's not a good habit."

"...Okay." Charles took a deep breath. He just tried to check Hades' memory through the telepathic connection that Hades had connected in, but it was futile as if he had hit a wall of iron and steel.

He is now connected to the brain wave machine!
Charles had never encountered such a situation, but he quickly calmed down.

"Judging from the fact that this person saved Eric's family, at least it's not hostile. Otherwise, we can directly threaten us with these things... Plus the visit is so open and aboveboard now, it shows that there is really something to discuss rather than You want to attack us..." After analyzing in his heart, Charles chose to temporarily agree.

"As for Mr. Eric, you can rest assured to deal with the informer. I can provide a portal to send your wife and daughter to Xavier Talent Academy," Hades said, "to show my sincerity, little I can still help out with a little effort."

"What do you want?" Charles asked.

"What I want is to implement a plan, but what I can guarantee is that this plan will not harm the interests of anyone on Earth. On the contrary, I can also bring you some very good benefits. As for the details I think it's better for us to talk face to face, don't you?" Hades said.

"Yes," Eric said, "I said, I owe you favors, as long as it doesn't violate my principles or hurt people I care about, I can help you do it, if what you want to do is what you said That would be even better."

"Very good choice, Mr. Eric," Hades said with a smile, "After this, you will know that your choice is correct."

"Okay..." Now that Eric agreed, Charles, who didn't know the depth of Hades at this time, but felt his strength, was even more unlikely to object, so he nodded and said, "Sir, I I'll go to meet you right away, and, after talking for so long, I don't know what your name is?"

"My name is Hades." Hades said, "Just call me Hades."

Fortunately, it's not Apocalypse. Such a strong man definitely doesn't bother to conceal his identity. It seems that the new and powerful mutant that he detected is Apocalypse.

Charles quickly searched for the name Hades in his mind, but he still didn't have the slightest impression. In European and American countries, although they like to use the name of gods, the name Hades, which represents still very Few people use it, let alone such a powerful person, even less.

Could it be Hades really?
Charles shook his head with a wry smile, and began to wonder if there was something wrong with his head.

How is this possible?
There is no problem with Eric's connection. Although Charles is currently unable to search the world without using the brain wave device, after establishing contact, he can still keep in touch without using the brain wave device. owned.

Charles sat in a wheelchair and headed upwards.

At the same time, Hades and Gabriel appeared at the gate of the Xavier Genius Academy, and opened a portal for Eric so that he could send his wife and daughter here.

Eric felt that Hades had absolutely no reason to harm him, so he took his wife and daughter through the portal without hesitation, and then found that he had appeared in the Xavier Academy for Geniuses, this long-lost place...

After taking a breath, Eric said to Hades: "Thank you for your help, I want to go back and deal with some things, and I will be right back."

 My mother is already wondering if I have been expelled from school...

(End of this chapter)

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