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Chapter 166 I'm really not in a hurry!

Chapter 166 I'm really not in a hurry!

Therefore, for Hades, Gu Yi is teaching with all his strength. After all... not everyone can enjoy the treatment of learning in the time loop.

The dizzy Hades chose to lie on the bed and sleep for a long time.

This kind of physical condition, although Hades can recover himself with recovery magic, but for Hades, it is still true to sleep.

For a person who hasn't slept in a long time, sleep is the best and rare way to relax.

the next day.

Hades was woken up by the phone ringing.

When he woke up, he lay in a daze on the bed for several seconds, then he came back to his senses, stretched his waist, looked at the contact name of the caller, and smiled on his face.

"Good morning, Natasha," Hades answered the phone and asked with a smile, "Have you made a decision?"

"Hmm," Natasha said, "I just handed over the compiled information to Fury, and it's already on vacation."

"When will you be here?" Hades straightened up and asked as he began to put on his clothes.

"Of course I can't come here by myself," Natasha said helplessly, "The bunch of reporters outside your should open a portal to pick me up, it's more convenient."

Hades is still a popular figure like Tony now, so it is naturally impossible for media reporters not to stare at him. The reporters are almost in shifts at the gate of his villa area, wanting to wait for Hades to take the initiative like that day. The reception thing happened.

They have already prepared [-] dollars and are waiting for Hades.

However, from their point of view, Hades seems to be an otaku. He has been out of business for several days and has not come out to run a taxi...

Of course, Hades doesn't need to engage in that kind of $[-]-a-time brushing method, because it is completely unnecessary.

The current system is all made by him himself, and all the points for normal order promotion can be taken by Hades at any time, but it is only for the sake of sustainable development that he uses the form of taking orders. If Hades really needed it, then he might as well go directly to Piao Piao, which would be more realistic.

It is time-consuming and laborious to carry out this kind of normal orders for ordinary people, not only the delay is very high, but also not much can be obtained.

Even if a normal person is given ten thousand dollars, it would be about six or seven points in Hades' conversion here... It's completely unnecessary!
Hades already had an idea in his mind about the main method of scavenging points.

After becoming the supreme mage, he can go to various dimensions as before... In other words, Hades's vision does not need to be limited to this small earth at all, he can open his eyes very wide , very long, in every dimension, in every parallel universe, some things he is familiar with will happen in it!
And using these things, Hades can strengthen himself infinitely.

Of course, that's a later thing, now...Hades plans to brush Hydra.

Do not brush white do not brush ah!

There is no psychological pressure to transform these hydra into Piao Piao and absorb them, so Hades naturally cannot let them go.

"That's true, those reporters...well, actually, I've planned to live in another place for a long time," Hades thought for a while and said, "Say, how about getting a villa like Tony's?"

"Good idea," said Natasha, "such a villa is very convenient."

"Then it's decided," Hades asked with a smile, "Where are you now?"

"It's still in the same place as yesterday," Natasha said, "I'm packing my clothes."

"Then I'm here." Hades said, then opened a portal and came directly in front of Natasha.

"To be honest, every time I see it, I still find it a bit unbelievable," Natasha shook her head, looked at Hades who appeared in front of her in an instant, and said, "Magic is so convenient!"

"You can do it too," Hades snapped his fingers, and all the clothes in Natasha's hands and the wardrobe flew out, and began to fold them automatically and put them in the suitcase, "I said, you too A magic genius, you can learn magic, and you will learn it very quickly."

"So..." Natasha looked at Hades and asked, "Should I pay the tuition, my lord angel?"

Since Hades showed Natasha the form of his skin plug-in yesterday, this nickname has been used by Natasha.

"Of course, equivalent exchange," Hades said with a smile, "You are mine now."


There are still a lot of things to do today, so the two of them didn't waste time.

Hades first brought Natasha to his villa to store things. He specially prepared a room for Natasha, just next to his room.

Things still have to be done step by step. Although they are currently in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, the two of them haven't gotten to know each other to that extent yet. The separation of the two rooms is not for show, but to give each other some buffer space. Slow to adapt.

Then, Hades naturally took Natasha out to eat delicious food.

After eating, though, Hades faced a conundrum.

That is - whether to ask Gu Yi for a leave, or explain to Natasha that he has other things to do.

It is impossible to take Natasha to Karma Taj on his own initiative, and Hades is not a fool.

Still the same sentence, it is a very deep knowledge to learn to be a human being and behave in the world.

If Hades directly brought Natasha there, what would it matter?

Hades is not yet the supreme mage!
If Hades is already, it doesn't matter, because Hades already had such power at that time, but he is not now, so he still has to follow the rules.

Although Natasha's magic talent is very high, why doesn't Gu Yi want to teach it?

Although Gu Yi probably wouldn't do such a thing, if Hades brought it over without asking, it would undoubtedly give people a feeling, a feeling of arrogance and arrogance.

So of course Hades wouldn't do that.

Moreover, in fact, Hades is completely enough to teach Natasha now. After all, he is now a senior mage taught by the Supreme Mage. He has extensive knowledge of magic. It can be said that he is a master-level figure, and it is more than enough to teach Natasha. .

Mainly, today is a special day.

The concept of "first" has extraordinary meaning no matter which race or culture it is in, such as first blood, first time, number one... Anyway, the first time is always the best. special.

After all, today is Natasha's first day to live in, so it seems a little bad to leave it alone and go to study by herself...

Hades is debating whether to take a leave of absence.

Ancient One: "!!!"

In the distant Kama Taj, Gu glanced at Hades' direction, traveled through the distance of time and space, saw Hades' surroundings, heard Hades' inner voice, and knew what he was thinking.

Afterwards, she looked at Natasha next to Hades, looked carefully, and found that Natasha was really a good seed.

So, she spoke directly.

"When the time comes, bring the girl beside you with you," Gu Yi's voice reached Hades' ears through the magic circle, "She is very talented, and we can teach with one more person."

Gu Yi said that he was not in a hurry, he just found a good seedling, so he just wanted to cultivate it by the way.

It's definitely not because I don't want to be left behind in my study progress, um, I just cherish my talents!

While thinking about it, Gu Yi was taken aback for a moment, as if he heard something, he frowned and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Of course," a magic circle appeared in front of Gu Yi, and an old bald man with a white beard came out. If Hades saw it, he would definitely recognize the identity of the person who came, "I can't poach this kid, Hades." , I can't dig out this girl doll?"

The person who came was the ancient man from the dimension Hades went to before!

"It's not that there is no such woman in your place." Gu Yi frowned and said.

"The problem is that you are so worried," Nangu spread his hands, "Well, she and Hades are boyfriend and girlfriend, so if you find her, if something happens to you, then Hades will definitely do the same. Come to help, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

After Hades left, male Gu Yi became more and more angry.

Why can't I leave work early?
Although there are some people on the earth where he is a magic genius, becoming a supreme mage is not just a magic genius!

Who can guarantee that after becoming the supreme mage, will he change his mind because of some things?
It's not good if you do evil, isn't it?
It is precisely because of this that an existence like Hades is so rare, because Gu Yi can confirm through long-term observation that this person is very principled, and at the same time, he will not lose his mind due to excessive strength.

Men Gu Yi is envious.

Why didn't I find it?
So, he kept staring at this place with a relentless heart.

No, he finally found his chance.

This is a good opportunity!
A magical genius, the conditions and mind are basically in line, the most important thing is that Hades can help.

Isn't this the perfect successor?
Of course, Nan Gu Yi is not such a careless person, he went to Time Changhe to have a look, although he spent some money, he still got the desired result.

So, Nan Gu came over in a hurry. He wanted to teach Natasha and let her be the supreme mage of his own dimension.

Under the premise of never working overtime, striving to leave work early is the basic quality of our Supreme Master Gu Yi, and time management is our compulsory course!

It's hard to say whether a certain man surnamed Luo got the true biography of Gu Yi.

"Speaking of which, it's indeed a good idea," Nvgu nodded and said, as long as it doesn't involve delaying her off-duty time, she can accept it, "However, I can't make decisions for them. You have to talk to them yourself."

"It's easy to say!" Nan Guyi nodded quickly, "I still understand the truth!"

Hades, who didn't know what the two ancient ones were discussing, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what ancient one said to him.

Since Gu Yi offered to let Natasha pass, Hades would naturally be happy.

"What's the matter?" Natasha asked curiously when she saw Hades suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

"These days, I have been studying in a holy place, learning magic," Hades said, "My teacher wants to meet you and teach you together by the way."

"Holy place?" Natasha asked, "Where is it? And, your teacher? It must be a very powerful mage? Is it really okay if I just go to see it like this? Do I need to bring anything?"

A bunch of questions popped out of Natasha's mouth instantly.

Natasha has seen Hades' magic before. In her opinion, the person who can make someone like Hades willingly call him a teacher must be an absolute boss and a very powerful mage.

She did not guess wrong.

"Holy land, in Karma Taj, a hidden illusion in the Himalayas," Hades said, "My teacher is called Gu Yi, and you can call her Gu Yi Mage later, she is the Supreme Mage, The existence of guarding the dimension and protecting the earth from being invaded, don’t need to bring anything, just remember to have a correct attitude.”

"Oh..." Natasha was confused.

Supreme mage, protect the earth?
Why haven't I heard of it before?

"Because what magic faces is also magic," Hades saw what Natasha was thinking, and explained, "This is a battle on another level, if you want to watch... I Let me take you to see it now? There is still some time before going to Karma Taj, we can go shopping first."

"Okay," Natasha naturally knew as much as possible now, so she didn't refuse, and agreed, "Where are you going?"

"Space." At this time, the two were wandering on the street. Hades had already applied the magic of camouflage, so others saw the two of them as ordinary people. After Hades said the word space, he cast Another magic, so that other people can't see himself and Natasha, and then came to space with Natasha in his arms.

Of course, a protective magic circle is a must, otherwise, Hades would be fine, and something would happen to Natasha.


Natasha was stunned.

When Hades uttered the word 'space', she hadn't reacted yet, but after going through the portal and facing it directly, and experiencing such a scene, her only thought was shock.

In space, there is a boundless blue earth in front of me, but I am not wearing a space suit, but I can still breathe and survive normally, and I am not directly torn by the vacuum...

All of this left Natasha with nothing but shock. Only now did she know that there are so many... such miraculous things in this world!

"Are you surprised?" Hades smiled and said to Natasha, "Want to see something more shocking?"

"Of course!" Natasha nodded.

"Look at my eyes," Hades and Natasha looked at each other, and cast a spell on her eyes, "Now, look at the earth."

Natasha looked at the earth as she said, her small mouth opened subconsciously, and her eyes widened.

She saw it, a magic circle that enveloped the entire earth, similar to the kind Hades once used!
"This is what mages do," Hades said softly, "Now that you have seen my angel, then you should know that, in fact, heaven really exists, and so do demons. The giant magic circle was set up to resist the invasion of some demon gods from other dimensions..."

"So... I didn't ask you formally before, but now, I think it's better for me to ask once," Hades looked at Natasha, "Actually, this is much more dangerous than the life of an agent , are you really enter such a life?"

"If you don't want to, I can release an oblivion spell on you, so that in your memory, none of this has happened." Hades said seriously, "Our previous agreement is still valid."

Everyone has the right to choose, and now Hades is giving this right to Natasha.

"Do you know how many life-and-death crises have to be experienced for an agent who has been training for as long as he can remember and is about to retire?" Natasha didn't directly answer Hades' question. She flicked her curly red hair, "There are countless, but I didn't choose them voluntarily. This time, although it's still the same danger, at least I have the right to choose."

"And, this time," Natasha smiled at the end, looking into Hades' eyes, "Isn't there still you~"

"It seems that we have reached a consensus," Hades smiled. Since Natasha said so, it is naturally impossible for Hades to ignore it. "I am here, don't worry."


The man on Earth, Gu Yi, heaved a sigh of relief, touched his chest and complained: "Damn, I almost gave me a heart attack. I thought my plan would fail before it even started!"

"I really appreciate his decision," Nv Guyi calmly poured tea for herself and Nan Guyi, and then took a sip, "Such respect is hard to come by, even for me it's hard for me to think about it."

"'s a pity that I don't have such a person..." Nan Guyi sighed again when he said this, "I have to settle for the next best thing."

"Don't worry." Nu Guyi said with a calm smile, "Be calm like me, I'm never in a hurry..."

Nan Guyi rolled his eyes, but thought that he was asking for something from others, so he had to keep the words in his heart, not daring to speak out.

I believe you a ghost!
Everyone is Gu Yi, what are you pretending there?

How many times have you hollowed out Hades in such a hurry, you really didn't see it when I was ob, right?
Nu Guyi drank tea calmly.

What is hollowing out and not hollowing out, I am doing my best to impart magic knowledge and skills, okay?

I'm really in no rush!

 I have been coughing, a little flustered, and I am not in the mood to write. I will go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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