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Chapter 163 Show You a Big Baby!

Chapter 163 Show You a Big Baby!
At this time, Johnny and Carter also finished absorbing the two milky white holy lights, opened their eyes, and wanted to report their feelings excitedly, but when they saw Hades with dull eyes, they were stunned.

"Mr. Hades?" Finally, Johnny asked cautiously, "What are you doing?"

"Huh?" Hades came back to his senses, shook his head, and collected his thoughts, "It's okay, you guys got it done?"

When I first communicated with God, God’s reply to Carter was—to purify him of the spirit of revenge in his body, and let him and Johnny, who was also purified, fight crimes on the earth to make up for his mistakes, so After absorbing the holy light, they all have a long lifespan, and they will not be out of control when they transform into ghost knights.

Or, it should be called the Good Spirit Knight now.

"Success!" Johnny was very excited, "I can feel that the feeling of peace and tranquility is completely different from the feeling before!"

"Yeah, not bad, very good." Hades congratulated slightly perfunctorily.

What's so exciting about two whitewashed vengeful spirits, I'm going to prepare God for this, and I will scare you to death!

Just thinking about it, Hades received the news from God.

After the communication between God and Hades, God called the archangel Gabriel and talked to her about it.

Of course, God didn't tell Gabriel about the part-time job of God. He only said that Hades was bestowed with the position of honorary Archangel, and by the way, he got a skin for him to wear.

If you talk about the part-time God...God is very doubtful, whether Hades can live long enough to take over his position.

Gabriel who heard the words: "..."

"We don't have the position of Honorary Archangel in Heaven," Gabriel said, "Lord, do we need to add this position? Does this position have real power? Do angels need to be divided under their names? Angels are drawn from our subordinates, Or let him find it by himself? Also, what does that skin plug-in mean?"

"There is no real power, and there is no need to assign angels to him." God waved his hand and said, "As for the skin plug-in, it just... it looks like that on the outside, but it doesn't have much effect, you know what I mean ?"

"Understood," Gabriel nodded, "it's just a show."

" feels weird to say that...forget it, that's roughly what happened," God thought for a while, and found that the word really hit the nail on the head, "I'm going to make it look better, it's better It’s the same as when you transformed, and the basic special effects still need to be added, such as halo, purification, sanctity…all these buufs are full!”

"Those are not special effects, they are the attributes of the Holy Light." Gabriel seriously corrected the mistakes of his own God.

"Well, that's what happened anyway," God waved his hand.

Then, Gabriel and God looked at each other, and there was an awkward silence in the air.

"What are you looking at?" God broke the silence and asked.

"Lord, do you have no other orders?" Gabriel said that he had been waiting for God's order.

"Ahem, there is one more thing," God rubbed his hands, "I forgot that...what did you look like when you transformed, so you can't make a plug-in for that visual know what I mean? "

Gabriel: "..."

I believe you a ghost!
You're just greedy for my transformation, you go... hum!

"Lord, I'm done," Gabriel thought with a thought, saying that since God didn't say it clearly, he could understand it as another meaning. During the surge of holy light energy, he handed over a mark, "This should meet his needs."

Making such a plug-in doesn't take much material and time for Gabriel, he just needs to extract some from his huge energy, and the sentence God said before... can be understood as two meanings, One is: I forgot what your transformation looks like, so you can transform yourself to show me, and the second is: You can help me do it.

The witty Gabriel once again escaped God's molestation.

"Uh...cough cough, let me see...well, it's not bad, that's it!" God took the mark in disappointment, and after seeing the effect, he began to communicate with Hades, and honored the Archangel After informing him that the position was being created, he sent the imprint to Hades.

Hades, who got the imprint, chose to experiment first.

This is the same as express delivery. When you get it, you must first disassemble it to see if the function meets the pre-requirements.

As a result, Johnny and Carter were completely stunned.

After a holy light that almost illuminated the entire world, an angel appeared in front of their eyes.

The sacred white six wings are flapping behind, and every time they flap, some white light spots will fall, and the body exudes a holy halo. Listening carefully, it seems that you can faintly hear the singing in the kingdom of heaven, pure white The holy light of the gods shines on everything around, bringing pure purification, and the gorgeous armor on the body brings endless majesty to people.

If it weren't for the angel's constant manipulation of his own body, this picture could have been taken directly for filming.

Hades didn't have any special habit of playing tricks on himself, he just tried the effect of this skin plug-in.

Then, he discovered that this skin plug-in was really just a skin plug-in, which didn't add any defense or attack power, and even the wings on the back were decorations, the kind that couldn't fly.

In other words, if Hades can't fly now, then he can only stand on the ground and flap his wings, and be the most unreasonable and silly angel in history.

But fortunately, Hades, he can fly by himself now, so there is no need to worry about this problem.

In addition to these, Hades also discovered that this holy light is the real thing, but it is full of purification, brightness, and compulsion, and it is definitely the number one weapon for pretending to be aggressive.

"Aha, this plugin is very good!" Hades nodded in satisfaction.

"Big... Archangel?" Johnny murmured.

"Absolutely, this kind of holy light is an angel, and then it has six wings..." Carter stared at Hades blankly, and the whole person was stunned.

They always thought that Hades was Pluto, but from this point of view, Hades is clearly an angel!

Being able to communicate with God, having such a great right to speak, and dealing with evil, defeated Mephisto, the king of hell...

This is obviously something that only angels can do!
Based on the records in the Bible, they quickly identified Hades' identity.

"Archangel Michael!" Johnny and Carter saluted excitedly.

There are four archangels in total, and Gabriel is responsible for "receiving the power of God", because many angels cannot directly bear the words of God; Michael is the chief warrior, the leader of the angel army, and has the most beautiful appearance ; Raphael is an academic angel; Uriel is an angel who rules hell...

Combining that Hades' main action this time is to fight, coupled with his appearance, Johnny and Carter agreed that he is the Archangel Michael.

Although angels usually appear in front of the world in the image of fair-skinned and beautiful young ladies, in fact... there is no saying that others cannot become men!

"Michael? No, I'm not," Hades came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "I am Hades, Archangel of Honor in Heaven!"

Johnny and Carter were dumbfounded.

Honorary Archangel?

What kind of weird job is that?

Why does it seem that it has never been seen in the Bible?

Could it be that the Bible has not been updated in these years, so there is an extra Archangel, and no one knows?
No matter how these two people guessed, of course they couldn't figure it out. In fact, this Archangel only appeared today, and it was a newly established position.

"Okay, I still have things to do, you guys go do what you have to do." Hades waved his hand, not intending to waste time on meaningless things, and opened a portal to send the two of them off. After leaving, Hades contacted Gu Yi decisively.

"It's done so quickly?" After Gu Yi received the news from Hades, he was not busy growing vegetables, and opened a portal directly, and then saw Hades' appearance, "Damn it, you The kid actually turned into an angel?"

"Hey, what does it mean to be an angel? I'm in heaven... I found a part-time job, the Honorary Archangel, okay?" Hades waved his hand and said, "This is a serious position. I have a share in the title bonus!"

"Tsk tsk tsk," Gu Yi circled Hades once or twice, amazed, and pinched the wings by the way, quickly seeing the essence of this thing, "Isn't this just a show?"

"Ahem, it's just for show. If I really want to fight, it must be useful for me," Hades said with a light cough, "The symbolic meaning of this thing is greater than the actual meaning. There’s no shortage of that power.”

"It makes sense..." Gu nodded, "Do you want to go back now?"

"I'm done with my work, it's time to go back," Hades put away the skin plug-in, turned it into a mark and hid it on his arm, and said with a smile on his face, "Master Ancient One, please send me back."

"Hmph, get out, get out," Gu Yi snorted coldly, and set up a complicated magic circle to send Hades away, "It's annoying to see you!"

Seeing that the opportunity to get off work early and run away is in front of you, but you can't seize this opportunity, it's very uncomfortable, and it's no wonder that Gu became annoyed as soon as he saw Hades.

Hades naturally slipped away quickly. He has enough part-time jobs so far, and there is no need for another duplicate.

Soon, Hades returned to his original dimension and met the ancient one mage.

"That's right, you've made great progress," Nu Guyi looked at Hades and nodded with a smile, "Go back and rest for a while, and master your body by the way, our teaching will start tomorrow, it's still the old time .”

"Thank you, teacher." Hades bowed respectfully, almost all of his rapid progress during this period was due to Gu Yi, and his gratitude and respect for Gu Yi is justified now.

"You're welcome," Gu said with a nod.


After opening a portal, Hades returned to the garage with his Pluto rental.

Since Banner has completely merged with Hulk, he moved out from here and lived with his little girlfriend. Hades' villa finally restored the situation of only him alone.

I didn't feel lonely or anything. Hades didn't like lively people very much, and he has been used to this kind of life for so many years. Besides... he also has a lot of things that are not suitable for others to know , he is indeed very busy recently, and his life is extremely fulfilling, not empty at all.

"Hello?" Hades called Natasha, "Come out to play? Show you a big baby!"

What?emptiness?No, no, I'm trying to tease a girl!

"What?" Natasha was operating the computer, and was stunned after hearing the words, "What?"

"Good stuff," Hades said with a chuckle, "it's fun!"

"I'm sorting out the data."

"organising materials?"

"Well, the surveying work is basically in the late stage, and we have basically checked out the situation in the United States," Natasha slid the mouse, looking at the names of the companies and the names of the employees above, and couldn't help but write. She curled her lips, "It looks really shocking."

"After all, it's just a piece of loose sand, and there are still a large part of them that can become our own people. We just need to kill a few diehards..." Hades said lightly, "Since it's almost done, how about Come out to play?"

"It's easy to say," Natasha rolled her eyes, but her words were conscientious, her body was very honest and she came to the closet to pick out clothes, "What good things did you say you showed me just now? "

In fact, Natasha's mission is indeed coming to an end, and she is just sorting out these materials and preparing them for Fury when the time comes.

As for those in other countries...that's not their responsibility, Fury arranged for someone else to do it.

Did you go home to see the children without seeing Barton?

Now Natasha is alone in the safe base.

"Don't you know when you come?" Hades smiled and said, "Where are you now?"

"I'm in a safe base," Natasha said, "By the way, in your current situation, aren't you going to be watched wherever you go?"

Ten days ago, Hades made a wave of his [-]-yuan passenger-carrying plan, and at the same time released part of the news, it immediately dominated the headlines, and the popularity has not diminished until now.

Future prospects, past deeds, life plans, etc., although Hades is talking about it casually, but the people who can't hold back others love to hear this!

"It's okay, I have a solution," Hades said, "I can guarantee that we will never be recognized."

"Huh?" Natasha raised her eyebrows and asked, "What way? Make up to disguise?"

"It's almost the same effect, but in a different way, and it's very hidden and reliable," Hades said, "Where is your address?"

"Why? Don't you want to come here directly?" Natasha said with a chuckle. She had just picked out her clothes. "There is quite a distance from here to where you are."

"Who do you think I am?" Hades said. "Would you like to make a bet?"

"Bet? What bet?" Natasha asked.

"You tell me the latitude, longitude and altitude of your location, and I can appear in front of you immediately." Hades said.

"What?" Natasha was confused.

"Want to try?" Hades smiled, "If I can't do it, I can help you do one thing for free, as long as it doesn't violate my principles of life, it's fine."

"What if I lose?" Natasha asked curiously.

"Equivalent exchange, the same conditions." Hades said.

"Okay," Natasha said curiously, "are you in your home now?"

"Yes," Hades made a video call to Natasha to prove that he was not lying, "are you ready?"

"Okay..." Natasha narrowed her eyes, then looked it up on the computer, and said the latitude and longitude of her location.

"Um, by the way, it must be accurate to the altitude." Hades blinked and suddenly remembered this matter.

The coordinates can be determined by the latitude and longitude of opening the portal, but the altitude still needs to be determined in order to accurately open to a point.

Of course, if Hades drove directly into the sky and then put it on, it would be okay, but that would not be shocking enough, and it would not be so compelling.

"Let me guess... You didn't invent some fixed-point teleportation device, did you?" Seeing Hades so confident, Natasha couldn't help complaining, and then moved the safe base where she was. The altitude said it.

"Congratulations... you guessed wrong." Hades smiled and said, "Now, look at me."

"I'm watching." Natasha blinked and said.


With a thought in Hades' mind, a portal appeared in front of him, and on the opposite side of the portal, Natasha was facing him.

Natasha heard the strange noise, and without thinking, she took out the gun at her waist and turned around. However, after seeing that miraculous scene, she was stunned, her eyes widened, and she looked surprised .

This scene was beyond her cognition.

"Look," the portal moved towards Hades, closed behind Hades, and disappeared. Hades spread his hands and said with a smile, "I won."

"Yes..." Natasha was a little confused, "You... how did you do it?"

When Natasha saw Hades' profile for the first time, her impression of Hades was-this is a handsome, slightly eccentric genius.

When Natasha came into contact with Hades for the first time, her impression of Hades was——this man is a genius with equally perverted force and IQ, with some heroic complexes, um... Nothing.

When Natasha had sex with Hades for the first time (river~crab~big~law~), her impression of Hades was that this person was very good at teasing, and his physical strength was at the monster level, and Ideas are many, plans made and actions implemented are perfect.

However, Natasha never felt that Hades was an alien like what he said in the information and in his own mouth.

Really didn't show it!
But now, Natasha believed it.

I crossed such a long distance in an instant, it seems that I used the space teleportation technology to come directly, and I haven't seen any special equipment yet...

Is this the high technology of alien civilization?
 I can accept Xiu Enai posting in Moments, but Qiuqiu, don’t you send me a Ctrip to help you bargain hotel links in the middle of the night, okay? This is a human thing?
(End of this chapter)

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