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Chapter 156 Between My Fingers, There Is a Milky Way

Chapter 156 Between My Fingers, There Is a Milky Way
"who are you?"

At this time, the mocking call of the Witch Heart Demon seemed to be conveyed to other places. A priest held a cross and pushed open the door, asking cautiously. He felt that there was something wrong with this person.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is, where did you hide the contract of Saint Van Gonzal?" Witch Heart Demon asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The priest shook his head and said, "You can leave now."

It is impossible to stay. The devil who asked this question, and the devil who asked this question here, must be very powerful. He cannot be beaten. We can only see if he can be tricked away. son.

"For many years, you have been keeping the secrets of the past," the witch heart demon walked slowly towards the priest, "I ask again, where did you hide the contract of Saint Van Gonzal?"

"I swear I'll keep this a secret," the priest tensed up. He knew that today would be impossible, "especially for a devil like you!"

The priest didn't want to run away anymore, he figured it out, he was going to face the evil!
In fact, it is to go to heaven after death.

If a priest like him has worked so hard for so long and finally dies in a battle with the devil, then his soul will be led into heaven.

"There is an old saying—'Don't raise tigers as trouble', my father made this mistake," Witch Heart Demon showed an evil smile on his face, and he directly revealed the body of a demon, and began to pray The priest rushed over!

Then, there was a sound of the roof being broken, and after a violent impact.

The priest, who closed his eyes and prayed for death, found that something was wrong.

Why doesn't it hurt at all?

Could it be... are demons now popular in killing people painlessly?
Is the service attitude so good...

Why don't I feel anything at all?
Also, what's the matter with the violent impact sound?

The puzzled priest quietly opened his eyes, and at the same time he was ready to be startled by the devil. Of course, the prayers on his lips did not stop.

Then, after he saw the situation in front of him, he was indeed taken aback, but not by the devil.

On the ground, a large pit appeared, and a large hole appeared on the top of the church.

The menacing Witch Heart Demon from before... he was gone.

Priest: "???"

What about people... um no, what about demons?

Where have you been?
This is……

He lowered his head to look at the big hole on the ground, and then raised his head to look at the big hole above his head. The priest came up with a thought, that is—maybe God was moved by his spirit of sacrifice for the Lord, and then Is this the divine punishment from heaven to kill this Witch Heart Demon?
But... why break the church instead of attacking directly through the icon in front?

After looking around, and feeling the atmosphere inside the church, and found that there was indeed no demonic atmosphere, the priest relaxed, not knowing whether he should be happy or disappointed, but also worried.

I am happy because I can continue to live, I am disappointed because I seem to have missed a chance to go to heaven, and I am worried because...

Such a big pit and a hole cost a lot of money to repair!
Time to start promoting miracles and raising donations!

But in fact, the Witch Heart Demon is in the mirror space at this time.

He was knocked to the ground with a punch by Hades who arrived in time, and then dragged in.

After turning Johnny into a Ghost Rider again and sensing the location of his target Witch, Hades put on his armor and flew over.

To open the portal, one of the prerequisites is that you must outline some things in that place in your mind, and at the same time have definite coordinates.

In other words, the meaning is - you can't open a portal in a place you haven't been to.

And Hades wants to find the Witch Heart Demon, in fact, it is to disgust a wave of Mephisto.

"Who are you?" The witch heart demon tried his best to resist, but he was directly torn off by Hades, and then directly imprisoned by the magic seal. He roared angrily, "How dare you treat me like this!" ?”

"Why not?" Hades spread his hands, "Are you strong?"

"I'm the Witch Heart Demon!" the Witch Heart Demon roared.


The scene fell into an embarrassing silence.

"Hmm...should I cooperate with you?" Hades blinked and said, "For example...showing a very scared look, what to say, ah, don't, I'm so scared, I'm going to die Category?"

Such words, coupled with Hades's flat tone, instantly overwhelmed the witch heart demon, and he roared angrily: "Report your name, human, and I will give you death!"

"I'll report it if you say it, what kind of onion are you?" Hades beat the Witch Heart Demon half to death with another punch, and after he finally recovered, he came again, and that's it, Repeatedly, keep the witch heart demon between alive and dead.

And Wu Xinmo's attitude also gradually began to change. After being abused more than a dozen times, he finally realized one thing, that is—his beating is impossible.

The person in front of him, his strength, his magic, are all things that he has never seen before!
The witch heart demon felt that he had no power to resist in Hades' hands.

Therefore, he struggled and said when Hades' next punch came: "Stop, stop!"

"Huh?" Hades raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to say?"

"I have an idea!" Seeing Hades stop his hand, the Witch Heart Demon breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I know there is a contract here, with thousands of extremely evil souls on it, we can cooperate, as long as we get With that contract, I can be your subordinate, and we can dominate the world together!"

"Seriously?" Hades showed a puzzled expression on his face, and took out a contract from his arms, "Is this what you're talking about?"

Witch Heart Demon: "!!!"

"I don't know where your confidence comes from, Witch Heart Demon," Hades unfolded the contract in front of Witch Heart Demon, then turned to take a look at himself, and put it away, "It's just a contract for a thousand people. Fallen resentful souls? Do you know how many such souls a hell lord can produce at any time? Even if they can't do it, what qualifications do you have?"

"After all, in my opinion, you are too weak compared to those people... demons, let alone a poor soulless devil who sneaked out with the tacit consent of his father, thinking that he Very successful, but in fact, it is just a pawn in Mephisto's hands." Hades said with a smile, but his words sounded more like the whisper of an angel to the Witch Heart Demon, "Don't you Would you think that Earth is defenseless waiting for your invasion?"

Well, angels are to demons what devils are to men, all right and reasonable!
It wasn't until Hades clicked through this point that the Witch Heart Demon reacted.

Why can I break through unimpeded all the way and come to the earth?
Before this, Wu Xinmo thought that his method was very clever, but now it seems that there is no doubt that someone helped him stop those people!

who is it?

Who else but Mephisto?

Why did he pretend to be very angry after helping himself, and even sent ghost knights to chase and kill him?

Father's love?

For the great devil Mephisto, this absolutely does not exist.

In other words, he has a purpose, that is, to let the Witch Heart Demon come to Earth!

Combined with Hades' words, the Witch Heart Demon instantly understood.

All my actions are completely within Mephisto's plan. I thought I was strong enough to control the whole world thanks to myself!
"Who the hell are you?" Witch Heart Demon couldn't help shivering after thinking this through, and he just stepped into the trap unknowingly, "Why do you know these things, why do you tell me these things? !"

"Well, after talking for so long, it seems that I haven't introduced myself yet," Hades said, "My name is Hades, Hades, Hades."

Witch Heart Demon: "!!!"

Hades what is that?
That's God!

The witch heart demon looked left and right, but he didn't think that Hades looked like Hades.

"We are not like you, the devil looks...too ugly," Hades frowned, and said in a very disgusted tone, "Mephisto and I had a festival, and this time, I Use this opportunity to teach him a lesson, do you understand?"

"Understood, understood!" Witch Heart Demon didn't dare to speak much at this time. He didn't know if Hades was Hades, Hades, but he knew that he couldn't beat Hades, so Hades had no choice but to fight. He said whatever he said, "How can I cooperate with you?"

Picking and pinching persimmons is a traditional skill that every devil must know.

"What I want is not your guarantee. I would be absolutely crazy to listen to a devil's guarantee," Hades smiled, and took out another contract from his bosom, showing it in front of the Witch Heart Demon. , "Sign this contract, and I'll let you out, otherwise, you'll stay here until you die!"

"No, your contract is unfair!" Wu Xinmo yelled just after glancing at the contract.

After signing this contract, the soul of the Witch Heart Demon will belong to Hades permanently, and he must obey Hades' orders unconditionally, otherwise the contract will take effect, and the Witch Heart Demon will be killed directly!
"After all, I won't be like the devil, doing some weird tricks on the contract, such as adding some conditions in a very small font, or directly hiding a small needle on it to make the contract come into force unintentionally... ..." Hades spread his hands, "As a decent person, I prefer to discuss directly and aboveboard. If you agree, sign this contract and you can go out. If you don't agree, I will bind you and imprison you here ...Don't worry, I won't starve you to death."

"After all, I still know very well that your soul is not here. If your body dies by then, you will have escaped successfully..." Hardy paused and said, "How about it? Isn't this kind of devil who only likes to play tricks much better?"

Witch Heart Demon: "???"

Do you have any misunderstandings about "decent people" and "good people"?
Shouldn't the so-called decent people and good people be the kind who like to help others, and even if they catch those murderers, they will just lock them up?

Why does chamfering here directly become killing? ? ?
Is it really okay to bully people like this?
However, before he could react, Hades counted down and said: "Ten seconds of consideration time, start now, ten, nine..."

When counting to one, Hades tilted his head, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: "Very well... I really didn't see that you are still a spineless demon, then you will spend your time here For the rest of your life..."

After all, Hades cut a circle of fire and was about to leave.

The witch heart demon became anxious in an instant.

He can only succumb, because he has no way to turn the tables, and Hades was supposed to deal with Mephisto, so from this point of view, the Witch Heart Demon can fight Hades collaborated.

Although, if he signs this contract, he will lose his freedom and can only obey Hades' orders, but the Witch Heart Demon can only do this, because he would rather be Hades' partner than being locked in the mirror space for a lifetime. Men, then fight against Mephisto!

I have to say that this is really a characteristic among the devils in hell-"Father is kind and son is filial piety".

"I sign!" Wu Xinmo gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

"Isn't that right?" Hades stopped, let the contract float in front of the Witch Heart Demon, and smiled, "Listen to me, I can make you a fool in hell!"

The latter sentence, in fact, Hades is nonsense.

Although he is known as the Pluto... but in fact...

In fact, he is also the king of Pluto, but he is very bad.

There is no such thing as the underworld at all, let alone my little brother.

Therefore, it would not work to train Wu Xinmo, his little brother, to become one of the kings of hell and then bring benefits to himself.

Moreover, even if Hades had this strength, he wouldn't do it like this.

Witch Heart Demon, isn't this a Tie Hanhan?
After spending so much effort to hold this Tie Hanhan to that position, he might be killed by others in the next second!
Had it not been used to disgust Mephisto, Hades would have killed him directly!
Isn't a high-value Piao Piao delicious?


In the church, the priest was cleaning up the rubbish on the ground, and then Johnny broke in.

"Father, have you seen..." Johnny opened his mouth, and then thought about adjectives, "A handsome man has been here?"

"A handsome one?" The priest frowned, and asked angrily, "Is it as handsome as me?"

"Uh...well...cough cough," Johnny was a little embarrassed by the priest's shameless remarks, coughed twice, and drew a small slit with his index finger and thumb, "probably bigger than you So handsome."

At the same time, Johnny said silently in his heart: "There is a Milky Way between my fingers."

 Q: What will appear on the face if you often eat fried and barbecued food?
  Answer: There will be a satisfied smile.

(End of this chapter)

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