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Chapter 11 What a coincidence

Chapter 11 What a coincidence
"Release the defense mode." After waiting for another minute, Hades confirmed that it was not a sequela of a delayed outbreak, shook his head, took off the probes of the instruments connected to the detection of the body state, and got up and said.

"The defense mode has been released." Luoshen said, and at the same time controlled the infrared camera outside to stop working, the weapon was retracted, the special steel plate inside the house was powered off and put away, and the curtains were automatically opened.

"Hmm... I don't have any special feelings." Hades seriously felt the changes in himself, and it seemed that there was not much difference.

However, he also knows that his thinking speed, learning ability, etc. must have been greatly improved in an all-round way, but if he wants to know exactly how much he has improved, he still needs a series of precise tests.

Compared with the simplicity and ease of testing [body], it would be a waste of time and energy to test something more abstract like [wisdom], and there is no need for it.

Knowing your own combat effectiveness is to accurately judge whether you can deal with the enemy, whether you should fight head-on, go roundabout or just run away.

What's the use of knowing how smart you are, inviting others to take the same test as yourself, and then despising others intellectually?

Therefore, Hades did not do unnecessary things.

Decisively chose Dr. Eric's [Physics Knowledge] as a skill bonus, and found that he still hadn't upgraded from level [-] to level [-], but after his brain's understanding of some physics knowledge deepened, Hades didn't overdo it. care.

This is normal. After all, the mission coefficient is too low, so the bonus is naturally not much. In addition, Hades himself has a level three [Physics Knowledge] from the beginning, so it is even more difficult to upgrade the level.

This is why Hades must ask Eric to take his own taxi to New Mexico, because a long journey brings a considerable fare, and correspondingly, a very high cost. task factor.

In this case, Hades can get a lot of bonus points.

After rearranging the medical kit and putting it under the bed, Hades scratched his head and decided not to go out for a drive today.

Originally, I planned to improve my [wisdom] during this time so that it could match my [body], but who would have thought that my [wisdom] would actually be higher than my [body].

In the past, when he was a student, Hades always played big exams, played small exams, and played without taking exams. Now that the exams have been turned into points, the same is true.

"Besides, the money in the car is almost full, so I just took it to the dean." Hades thought about it for a while, then changed into casual clothes, went to the garage, and used a bag to rent out the money in the storage box on the Reaper. He took out the money and put it on, then drove his Mercedes-Benz Vision to the Green Orphanage in New York.


"What??!" In the PGO Science Institute, Jane, who had just arrived, looked at Eric, who was smiling in front of her, "Hades? He wants to participate in my research and observation internship project?"

"Yes, very pleasantly surprised, right?" Eric said cheerfully, "Teacher, I spent a lot of effort this morning to persuade him to agree. With his help, your research It will definitely break through soon!"

After saying this, Eric lowered his voice again, as if he was afraid that Hades was nearby, "Let me tell you, Jane, you have to seize this opportunity, I have seen this young man Hades Yes, he is handsome and good-natured, and you know his academic achievements, if he is willing to follow this path, his future achievements will definitely be limitless."

The implication is "This guy is good, I am very optimistic and suggest taking this opportunity to win directly."


What a surprise!

Not only do I know that he is handsome, good-tempered, and has high academic achievements, I also said that I know that he is definitely a top teacher in terms of body, can you believe it...

Thinking of the phrase "I have a hunch, we will meet again soon" that Hades said when he left in the morning, Jane blinked and silently raised her forehead.

We will meet again soon...

"What's wrong?" Eric asked a little strangely, "Didn't you always say that Hades is the person you admire the most?"

"Yes, that's right, indeed," Jane nodded, "I'm just... jet lagged, so I'm a little dizzy."

"Oh, that's right, I just came from England the day before yesterday," Eric nodded suddenly, "Why don't you participate in the orphanage event later?"

"No, we have to participate at the same time to get that grant." Jane shook her head decisively. She didn't feel jet-lag and felt uncomfortable. It was purely some sequelae after the strenuous exercise last night. "And actually I also It’s not very uncomfortable, it’s good to go back to catch up on sleep after participating in the activities.”

Soon, Jane and Eric came to the Green Orphanage to participate in a more formalistic activity.

Many politicians or companies that need fame sometimes invite some famous people to participate in this kind of caring activities in order to gain some reputation bonus. This is a very normal thing, and as a reward they will give the invited people some funds, Just like Jane and Eric.

The best of all three things, no one will refuse.

So, as a matter of course, the two people who thought that the next meeting would be in a few months, only met again after a few hours.

Jane: "⊙ω⊙"

Hades: "⊙ω⊙"

Jane: "(ー_ー)!!"

Hades: "-(¬¬)σ"

"So, you are the physicists who came to participate in the charity support activities that the dean said." Hades led Jane to a slightly quieter place together. "What a coincidence."

"Yeah..." Jane walked beside Hades, "I didn't expect... I thought we would see each other in a few months."

"Did your teacher tell you?"

Finally came to the small bridge where there were no people, Hades stopped with a smile and leaned on the railing beside him, "To be honest, when I saw you in the photo that Professor Eric showed me, I still I was really taken aback.”

"Yeah, you told me this morning, and you kept saying that you should seize the opportunity." Jane pouted, leaning on the railing as well, "Who would have thought it would be such a coincidence?"

"Then do you want to seize the opportunity?" Hades looked sideways at Jane, with the same smile on his face.

"Can I understand that you're confessing your love to me, Mr. Haddish?" Jane rolled her eyes, "Please, we've only known each other for a day, a day... Ugh!"

Street diary:

Obviously, the collection is [-] per day, but the recommendation votes are still pitiful. After asking the editor, the editor told me——

"That means it's a dead collection, useless."

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

 Woo la la ~
  Today is Valentine's Day, I am actually writing about this kind of sweet love!

  Ahhh!I'm trying to die!
  Oh my god!
  (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

  Why am I so handsome, so tall, and so good-looking, yet I don't have a girlfriend yet?

  Also, let’s talk about the update of this new issue.

  I am not a master, the new issue is very important for a book, because basically all rely on the new issue to increase the collection before it is put on the shelves, so basically two updates and four thousand words a day, so it is better to control.

  If it's a great god, then of course you don't have to care about it, it must be how you feel, but I'm not... I'm still on the street...

  So please let me become a great god, so that I can have a new chapter in the next book!

  The manuscript is being saved, and it will be updated when it is put on the shelf
(End of this chapter)

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