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Chapter 109 My Loyalty to the Organization Can Be Learned from the Bright Moon! (320)

Chapter 109 My Loyalty to the Organization Can Be Learned from the Bright Moon! (320)

In the president's office of Heijiu Company, President Gibbs was in a state of cold sweat all over his body at this moment.

Why, why would people from S.H.I.E.L.D. attack my people?
Don't we all belong to the same organization?
If someone inside S.H.I.E.L.D. who doesn't belong to the organization did something to my people, why didn't anyone tell me?

If it was my own people who did it to me, then why?
Why did the organization want to do something to me?
Heaven, earth, my loyalty to the organization can be learned from the moon!

Thinking of this, Gibbs' heart couldn't help trembling.

No, if the organization really wants to do something to yourself, then you must be prepared to deal with it, and you must not be caught without a fight!

Gibbs seemed to have forgotten his thoughts of being loyal to the organization in the last second, and immediately began to think about how to escape from the organization's sanctions and the strategy of revenge.


He is really very loyal, the bright moon can be a lesson...

Soon, after drawing up a series of plans - "If the organization really wants to sanction me, how to escape and get revenge back", Gibbs called Annas.

Of course preparation is to be prepared, otherwise, is it true that you will be caught without a fight?

Gibbs wouldn't be such a fool.

Of course, being prepared doesn't mean he has to do that, because in fact, he still hasn't determined why the organization will attack him, whether it's a misunderstanding, or being used by someone with a heart.

If he directly betrayed the organization without confirmation, then if this incident was actually a complete misunderstanding, wouldn't he have betrayed in vain?

Well, Mr. Gibbs once again proved his loyalty to the organization, and the moon can be used as a lesson.

(Mingyue: "I'm sorry, I can't identify it. Please go back.")
"Hello?" Annas, who was sleepy, asked impatiently after picking up the phone, "What's the matter?"

"It's like this..." Gibbs carefully told Annas those things in an extremely innocent tone, "What's going on here?"

"What? There is such a thing?" Annas was shocked by what Gibbs said. He comforted Gibbs with a confused face and said, "Don't worry, this thing must be If there is a problem, there is no need for the organization, and it is impossible to do something to your own people for no reason, I guess there may be some misunderstandings during this period, don't worry, I will help you ask."

"Okay, okay," Gibbs said hastily, "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I must ask you exactly what's going on!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely ask, don't worry." Anas said.

After hanging up the phone, Gibbs pressed a button on the side of the desk and told the man over there his plan.

After all, he didn't know whether Anas was trustworthy. If Anas was with those who wanted to deal with him, if he trusted him completely, wouldn't he be deceived and kill him easily?

The heart of defense is indispensable, and Gibbs saw the end of Kogas, so he didn't have much sense of belonging to the Hydra organization. He knew that he was just a dispensable person in it. Yes, it's just a chess piece that can be discarded at will. If he is killed, the organization can select some people like him to replace him at any time.

It's no wonder that Gibbs is so "loyal" and "the bright moon can learn from others", so easily abandoned a mid-level and senior member who is not considered cannon fodder. Naturally, it is impossible for such an organization to let the members of the organization How much sense of belonging it has.

Gibbs began to prepare for escape and betrayal, while Annas made a phone call to Dressler.

For things like this, Pierce naturally doesn't need to bother, so just ask Dressler who is in charge of personnel transfer.

As a result, after talking to Dressler...

Dressler called up the mission file from the database with a dazed expression, then found the Hydra agent Sitwell who participated in the mission, and called him into the office.

"What's going on with this mission? Who asked you to perform it?" Dressler pointed to the document on the computer and asked, "Why is there only one closing report, and the detailed process of this mission?"

"Agent Coulson led us to carry out this mission," Sitwell touched his bald head and said, "We carried out the finishing mission, because it was indeed just cleaning the scene."

"What do you mean?" Dressler frowned and asked, "You mean that this mission was not actually done by S.H.I.E.L.D., and S.H.I.E.L.D. used to do just finishing work?"

"Yes, that's what it means," Sitwell nodded and said, "When we passed by, it was all over. All we saw was a group of biologically mutated experimental subjects who died on the ground, and one Coulson's informant."

"Colson's informant?" Dressler frowned.

"The informant was driving a taxi, and... I don't know why, his upper body was naked at the time, and his trousers were torn, as if he had been burned by fire. He was barefoot, um... his appearance was not bad Very high." Sitwell quickly expressed all his impressions of Hades.

"I saw in this mission report that you not only dealt with the biological experiment variant, but also dealt with an accident at the scene of the explosion," Dressler said, frowning tightly, "Would this person be It was at the scene of the explosion, so the clothes were tattered like they had been burned, and he was also the one who caused the death of the person in the commercial vehicle?"

"It is indeed possible, but if that is the case, it is difficult to make sense, because in such an explosion, it is impossible for ordinary vehicles to leave no traces. I have observed his taxi The car doesn't have any dents or scratches on the outside." Sitwell shook his head, "Is there anything special about this person that needs attention? If necessary, I remembered his license plate number, so I can investigate it .”

"The few people on the commercial vehicle, that is, the biological experiment mutant you disposed of, they were originally members of our organization, and they were members of an external organization," Dressler knocked on his head, "But now, they died unexpectedly, and it was our own people who dealt with the traces. The leader of their organization was overthinking because of this, thinking that we were going to do something to him."

 Everyone's subscription, crab crab!The first ten changes at night, everyone has a good sleep, and the remaining ten changes will be posted when I get up in the morning!

(End of this chapter)

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