Chapter 95 Alchemist
The scientists and security personnel in the base looked at Zed suspiciously, wondering why he suddenly muttered to himself in the air.

Loki also looked at Zed with the same doubts, wanting to know why this human being could see him.

Although Zed has not learned magic and cannot see through Loki's illusion, Tezuka's superpower can perceive the existence of Loki.

Yesterday Zed felt that Tezuka's super powers were useless, but it came in handy today.The slap in the face came so fast, and it caught people off guard.

Seeing that Zed was indeed staring at him, Loki said arrogantly:
"Humans, why can you see me? More importantly, why do you still salute the gods when you see them?"

"Ha ha."

Zed took out the space-time drive and put it on his waist and jumped down. After landing on the ground, he had already transformed into the King of Time.

Loki felt the surging power after Zed's transformation, and became a little more serious, "Who are you? What's your purpose?"

Zed opened his hands and introduced himself:
"I am the Demon King of Midgard, the King of Kamen Rider Omage. My purpose of coming here is very simple, just to see why Thor, the god of thunder, was exiled to Midgard."

Loki's pupils shrank, and he immediately realized that this was a guy who knew Asgard to a certain extent.If you don't handle it well, you may ruin your plan.

Loki cleared his throat, straightened his suit and said solemnly:

"I am Loki, the new king of Asgard. Midgard has been a vassal state of Asgard since ancient times. You should salute me. King of Midgard."

"Tsk tsk." Zed shook his head, "Did I not make it clear enough? I am the devil, not the king."

"It's really a troublesome place in a poor country!" Loki said disdainful words on his mouth, but he was thinking about how to solve Zed's trouble in his heart.

Zed didn't intend to give Loki time to think of bad ideas, so he immediately asked:

"I don't know what mistake Thor made, but you can exile him to another country. Why exile him to Midgard? This is my place!"

"This is my father Odin's will, and it is also my will. My brother will stay in Midgard as a mortal and will not affect Midgard." Loki rubbed his fingers while playing bureaucratic .

Zed also started to show off his acting skills, looked at Loki with a serious face and condemned:
"Won't it cause any impact? Look at these mortals, and then look at this base. Is this called no impact?
This is my kingdom, not your Asgards.Since Thor is an Asgardian, he should be imprisoned in Asgard's prison instead of being exiled to Midgard! "

"But my father Odin has sealed Thor's divine power, and it has happened." Loki didn't care about Zed's condemnation.

Zed's voice suddenly rose, as if angrily said:

"Are you thinking of me as the warden? What do you think of Midgard?"

Loki's eyes suddenly burst into light, he changed his previous arrogant attitude, and enthusiastically put his arms around Zed's shoulder and said:
"Although I can't change this fact, Sol is my brother after all. I hope his life in Midgard will be better.

Can you help me arrange a clean and comfortable place for him so that he can live the most comfortable mortal life?

This is the last thing I can do for him as a younger brother.I will thank you personally.King of Midgard. "

"Your thanks? Sounds good."

Zed and Loki smiled kindly at the same time.But all he thought in his heart was: idiot, I'll take care of this.

Loki then picked out a few magic items that looked luxurious but were in fact incomparably tasteless and handed them to Zed, and exhorted them:
"My brother, please. The place you find for him must be clean and comfortable."

"Okay, okay, got it. I won't take care of your family business. Deal?" Zed finished and took out a blank dial.

"What is this?" Loki was puzzled.

Zed lightly pressed the dial button, and then said:

"This is the ritual of making a deal in Midgard. I don't know how you Asgardians do it."

Rocky was a little wary at first, but since Zed pressed the button first, there was no reason to hesitate.

Loki stretched out his index finger and pressed the dial button.Complicated magic spells flew out of the dial, wrapped around the dial and lit up with a dark golden light.

After the light dissipated, Zed shook the dial in his hand, "This means the contract has come into effect."

Loki nodded and turned to leave, "I will leave my brother to you, King of Midgard, King of the Devil."

Zed held the brand new dial and laughed out loud:
"Haha! Now I can do magic. You came at the right time, alchemist." (Kamen Rider Sorcerer - the golden magician in the wizard rumor)
Zed didn't plan to use the alchemist dial now, because Zed knew very well that Heimdall was looking at him above his head.

Coulson saw that there was an extra dial in Zed's hand, and he knew that the ghost had left after canceling the transformation.

"Mr. Zed, can you explain what happened just now?" Coulson said politely.

Zed walked up the steps step by step and replied at the same time:

"An invisible alien came here just now, and I had a friendly exchange with him. That's it."

Coulson knew Zed was telling the truth.But it is the truth that is condensed countless times, and there is almost no usable information.

Coulson shook his head, this matter should be reported to Nick Fury for him to deal with.

Zed walked up to Coulson and waved, and the magic items Loki gave just now fell to the ground, "This is a gift from that alien, and I will generously give it to you SHIELD. "

Zed, the gift of the God of Mischief, dare not keep it on his body. Maybe there is some vicious curse on it. It is most appropriate to hand them over to S.H.I.E.L.D.

After dropping these things, Zed returned to the lounge with Skye and Lilith in his arms, not caring about the eyes of others.

Gemma watched Zed and his party pass by in front of her eyes, and only turned around to ask Fitz when they disappeared around the corner:

"Do you men like this?"

"Uh uh uh."

The question didn't bother Fitz, but Fitz was afraid to tell Gemma the truth.As for lies, Fitz would not lie at all, and in the end he could only haw and haw, unable to explain why.

"Okay, let's check these things." At the critical moment, Coulson made a relief for Fitz.

Fitz immediately walked over with interest, and began to take out various instruments to scan these magic items.Gemma didn't expect Fitz to say anything nice, so she also joined in the inspection work.

"From the perspective of decoration style, these things have the same origin as that hammer." Gemma carefully inspected these magic items.

Fitz was tinkering with the detection equipment, "These things also contain special energy, but they are much worse than hammers."

"So these things really belong to aliens."

Looking up at the night sky, Coulson recalled his first encounter with aliens as a young man.Coulson remembers her own hair was still very thick.

"Seal up all these things and bring them back to the laboratory at the headquarters."

Coulson left after giving the order, and he had to report to Nick Fury.But the sudden visit of Dr. Eric disrupted Coulson's mission plan.

Coulson put his hands in his pockets and asked:

"His name is Donald Blake?"

"Yes, he has a bad temper. When he heard that you... stole the research data, he... he was so anxious... he rushed over as soon as his head became hot." Dr. Eric's explanation was full of loopholes.

Coulson turned to look at the agent behind him who was investigating the identity of Donald Blake.The agent shook his head at Coulson, indicating that it was a false identity.

Although Eric lied to Coulson, Coulson did not embarrass Eric and let him take Saul away.

Coulson looked at the backs of the two leaving and said lightly:
"Watch them."

After dealing with Sol, Coulson was about to go back but met Zed who was about to go out.Coulson asked curiously:
"What's the matter? Mr. Zed, what's the matter with coming out so late?"

Zed shook his head and sighed:

"Thanks to you. The work is so hard and the lounge is so simple. Your folding bed is just a little bit better than the one in my original small warehouse."

Coulson was speechless. This is a temporary base, not a five-star hotel, so there are so many demands.

"So what does Mr. Zed mean?" Coulson smiled, unable to see the real emotion.

Zed patted Coulson on the shoulder and said solemnly:

"Arrange someone to take us back to the town. The hotel there is much more comfortable than here. I think Agent May's driving skills are pretty good, and he should be able to send us back to the town before eleven o'clock. Hmm."

Mei on the side stared at Zed with wide eyes.You are the one who is coming, and you are the one who is going to go!
"May" Coulson looked at May helplessly.

May took a deep breath, "I'm fine. I'm a professional agent. Go, go now. I promise to send you back to town by 10:30."

Catch shrimp.
Zed wants to go back to the town on a whim, partly because the accommodation conditions at the SHIELD temporary base are really bad.There is only a single folding bed, which is too inhumane.

The other half of the reason is that Zed couldn't help but want to draw a lottery.It's time for Heimdall to look away, let him and Loki fight each other.

Zed took out the alchemist dial to prepare for transformation, and Lilith closed the curtains for Zedra intimately.

A golden magic circle with four corners on the outside and inside circled appeared behind Zed. When the magic circle passed through Shi Wang Su's body, a golden mage robe was draped over Zed.

Zed could feel a sense of desperation enveloping him.Everything around was plunged into darkness, only a total solar eclipse hung high in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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