90 - Reunited
"What do you mean?" Zed was confused by Tan Lidou's words.

Tan Lidou directly canceled the transformation and handed over the player drive and God Billion cassette to Zed, and then took out the purple invincible player cassette under Zed's puzzled eyes.

Tan Lidou shook the invincible player cassette in his hand, squinted his eyes and said:

"I'm going to be Prallad, do you dare to come and dream of treasure life forever?"

"Ha~haha~! Ha~~hahahaha~ha~ha~!" Zed laughed while holding his forehead, "It's really you, Shrimp Dumpling! Well, let's transform!"

After Tan Lidou gave the invincible player cassette to Zed, he smiled and turned into a virus and entered Zed's body, "Give him a hard beat!"

Dracula, who was half recovered, felt uneasy, but couldn't stop Zed and Tan Lidou, so he could only stare and speed up the recovery of his body.

Two lines, one gold and one purple, climbed from Zed's neck to his cheeks, and spread to Zed's closed eyes.The pupils exposed after opening the eyes are also one gold and one purple.

Zed took off the space-time driver and replaced it with a player driver, and inserted the God Billion cassette into the card slot after turning it twice in his hand.

As soon as Dracula finished repairing his body, he rushed towards Zed driven by instinct, trying to prevent Zed from transforming, "Die!"

Holding the invincible player cassette in his hand, Zed looked at Dracula rushing forward and said coldly:
"I will end your fate!"

Scared of the hen!

The entire conference hall turned into a cosmic starry sky.God's billion-strong armor emerged behind Zed, eating Zed in one bite.Just blocked Dracula's attack.

"Damn it!" Dracula cursed angrily.

Zed turned into a pitch-black genm and jumped out of the reinforced armor, and all the stars in the universe shone around Zed.Then these stars all melted into Genm's body and turned into a brand new armor.

God is invincible!God is immortal!
The invincible player transformed by Zedd and Dan Lidou is significantly different from the original invincible player.

Zed was wearing a pitch-black undershirt with purple patterns on it, and the metal armor was cold silver.The eyes are genm's unique red circular threaded eyes.

More importantly, God Invincible has a skirt!The skirt with black outside and red inside is a symbol of strength!

Zed swung his skirt and kicked Dracula away, then raised his hand sideways and made an invincible voice:
"God and demon king, we are invincible!"

Dracula came to Zed again and shouted:

"But it's just another skin, so what an arrogance!"

Zed faced Dracula's attack without defense, and opened his hands as if to be slaughtered.

Stab it!

Stab it!

With red eyes, Dracula tried his best to attack Zed with all his strength, but Zed didn't even have a wound on his body.

"How is it possible?" Dracula was completely stunned.

Zed dusted lightly, mocking disdainfully:
"Hmph~ Are you done? How about I give you three more moves?"

"Stop looking down on people!" Dracula roared and killed him again.

Scarlet blood awns erupted from Dracula's claws, piercing Zed's eyes like sharp swords.

There was not a single scratch on the goggles of God Invincible, Zed tilted his head, "The first move."

Unwilling to give up like this, Dracula clasped his hands together, and the blood glow on his sharp claws turned into sharp blades and slashed at Zed's neck.

"Second trick. Can you use some force?"

With red eyes, Dracula retreated to distance himself, and said fiercely:

"you wanna die!"

After Dracula finished speaking, his whole body boiled, and the blood of the ancestor vampire rushed in Dracula's veins.With a bang, Dracula turned into countless scarlet bats and attacked Zed.

Zed was instantly surrounded by bats.The crazy bites of these bats made a clanging sound on the armor of God invincible.Zed was upset by the disturbing noises.

"Enough! Three tricks have passed, it's up to me!"

With a wave of Zed's hand, all the bats were blown away, but God Invincible was still shining with invincible brilliance.

Zed walked towards Dracula who had just regained his human form, stepped in front of Dracula, and then punched Dracula in the chest.

The engraving on Dracula's chest was broken again, but before Dracula could repair the engraving, Zed punched Dracula's chest again.

"Recover! Recover again!" Zed taunted while waving his invincible iron fist.

Dracula resisted the severe pain and swung his claws to fight back, but it was all in vain.Dazzling white light shone on the invincible armor, as if mocking Dracula's overreach.

Zed completely ignored Dracula's attack, and just kept attacking blindly, wearing away Dracula's magic imprint bit by bit.

The immortal ability that Dracula is proud of is not worth mentioning in front of God Invincible, and the magic imprint parasitic on Dracula's body is even more unbearable.

Zed's fists were like dragons, and fell on Dracula like a storm. At the same time, Zed made an invincible voice, "Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola ~ Ola Ola Ola Ola~~Ola!!!”

A look of horror appeared on Dracula's distorted face, "No, no, it's impossible!"

Dracula could clearly feel that the operation of the magic engraving was starting to stagnate, and the speed of automatic repair was getting slower and slower.The magic seal has been overwhelmed and is about to reach the brink of collapse.

Zed stepped out of the heavy horse and lowered his waist in one step, a wave of air was shaken, and his right fist was tense like a fully drawn bowstring, ready to go.

"Nothing is impossible!" Zed roared angrily and blasted out the Rising Dragon Fist.

Dracula's jaw burst open, turning into black mist and scattering away.But it wasn't just Dracula's jaw that exploded, the magic seal on Dracula's body also completely collapsed.

Dracula struggled to gather the black mist to restore his form, but the sporadic fragments of magic engravings were no longer enough to support Dracula to move freely in the time-stopped world.

It was very difficult for Dracula to raise his arms, his body seemed to be poured with cement, "No, no, no!"

Zed stood not far from Dracula and tapped the invincible player cassette to recharge his nirvana.The turbulent energy poured into Shen Wudi's right leg, and Zed put his right arm on the knee of his right leg and squatted down slowly.

"The song's over, Dracula."

After a quick run-up, Zed flew into the air, and the black cosmic vortex accompanied by countless stars wrapped around Zed's feet and kicked Dracula, "This is your last ceremony!"

Gritting his teeth, Dracula raised his arms with all his strength to block Zed's knight's kick, and spoke intermittently:
"No, it's not over yet!"

Dracula roared and poured all his strength into his arms, and the crossed arms struggled to resist Zed's knight kick.

The ground under Dracula's feet shattered with a touch, and Dracula's feet sank deeply into it.

"I am the king of vampires! I will not fall here!"

Dracula exploded with incredible force under the death threat and really pushed Zed back a little bit.

Zed roared and increased his strength, and at the same time Tan Lidou's voice came from within the God Invincible armor, "Universe Chronicle, activate!"

All the stars in the game field lit up, turned into power to bless Shen Wudi, and Shen Wudi's right foot was even more dazzling at this moment.


Zed and Tan Lidou roared and broke through Dracula's defense, and then turned into dazzling light and passed through Dracula's body.

"Do not!!!"

Dracula exploded into black smoke, and the last fragment of the magic seal on his body dissipated.

The original nimble black mist stagnated, and Dracula was trapped in the time-stopped world in this way, maintaining the image of half flesh and half black mist.

After getting up, Zed threw off the hem of the skirt and stretched out one hand, then took out the Cronus dial and pressed it down, "Out of print!"

Game Clear!

The game field and the time stop dissipated at the same time, and the black mist named Dracula also dissipated together.

The lengthy battle between Zed and Dracula is unknown to outsiders, and others simply don't realize what happened.

In the blink of an eye in Lilith's eyes, both Zed and Dracula disappeared, replaced by an unknown armored man standing in place.

Lilith guessed that this guy was Zed. After all, Zed's transformation with a belt is too obvious.

Lilith tentatively called out Zed's name, "Zed? Is that you? What happened?"

The armored man turned to look at Lilith and then canceled the transformation. Zed and Tan Lidou separated and said:

"It's me, you don't have to worry. Dracula has been sealed."

Lilith walked up to Zed and looked at Tan Lidou, then asked Zed:
"What happened, please explain it carefully."

"I pulled Dracula into the world of time stop. Unless someone with the power of time opens the door for him, he will be trapped there forever."

Zed's explanation was quite concise and concise. He didn't mention the arduous battle process at all, and only told Lilith the result.

Lilith's eyes turned red again, and tears flowed down her entire face.

Lilith's emotions became more and more agitated, and she finally squatted on the ground hugging her knees and crying loudly, words such as father and brother kept coming out of her mouth.

This time, Lilith is not acting, but a real love affair.

Zed took out a handkerchief to wipe Lilith's tears, and comforted:
"It's over, it's over, you're free."

Lilith looked up at Zed and responded with a hoarse cry:
"No, it's not over. The curse on me is still there, and the souls of my father and brother have not rested."

"But Dracula really can't be killed, at least I can't do it now." Zed shook his head.

The rising sun sprinkled a ray of light on the Midi Conference Hall underground, gradually illuminating one area of ​​the world.

Lilith didn't respond to Zed, and walked towards the big hole that Tan Lidou had knocked open while wiping away her tears.

Lilith stopped at the junction of light and darkness, turned around and looked at Zed, with a poignant smile:
"My curse does not allow me to step over, can you help me?"

(End of this chapter)

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