Chapter 87 Side Dishes
The pampered vampire nobles hid in the corner and secretly looked at the three of Zed. After all, the record of Zed and Blade was too appalling.

But there are thousands of people and faces, not every vampire nobleman is an embroidered pillow with a silver spear and wax head.

Heroes come out of troubled times, and the more critical the situation is, the more it can reflect the essence of a person.A middle-aged vampire with a gloomy face showed his charisma, commanding the guards to surround Zed and the others calmly.

The vampire looked at Lilith doubtfully and said:
"It was you who brought them here? Who are you?"

Lilith wouldn't pay attention to this vampire, even though he seemed to be of high authority.

The vampire who couldn't get an answer didn't ask any more questions, and waved his hand to order:
"Siege and kill them! Fuck them all, no one can survive without killing them! Fuck them all!"

The vampires knew very well that because of Lilith's leading the way, the entire Midi had been surrounded, and now the only way out was to kill them.

"Kill! Kill them!"

"Go together!"

Facing the swarm of vampires, Zed pointed at them without changing his expression, "Out of print!"

Zed summoned the Clockwork Sword and rushed into the vampire crowd to kill all directions.Zed was tired of these weaklings, and Zed just wanted to get rid of them quickly and go to Dracula's trouble.

But the topography of the vampire den is too complicated, and these vampires can't stop killing them.Zed asked Lilith helplessly:

"Do you know the way? Let's go straight to Huanglong."

Lilith was also afraid that Dracula would slip away, so she hurriedly said:
"I have basically figured out the terrain of the dense land, I can try it, but these vampires."

"Blade, I'll leave it to you here. Is it okay?" Zed planned to let the tool man, Daofeng, carry it.

Just as Daofeng was about to refuse, Zed already carried Lilith and spread his bat wings and flew over the heads of the crowd.

Dao Feng let out a snort and vented his anger on these vampires, "You are all going to die tonight!"

Zed wearing the moonrider armor flickered towards the inside of the vampire den like a ghost.

Lilith, who was being held by Zed, saw that this way of running was much faster than her own feet, so she didn't let Zed put herself down.

"What to do later, do you remember?" Zed finally confirmed.

Lilith glanced at Zed with pink eyes, and spoke lightly:

"I know, don't remind me. I will do what I have to do, as long as you can kill Dracula."

Zed shook his head and met Lilith's eyes, "I repeat, Dracula's undead ability is very exaggerated, and I'm not sure about killing him. My promise to you is to seal him. Don't mess with that. wrong."

Lilith bit her lips lightly, her expression unnatural, but Lilith also knew how unreasonable Dracula's immortality was.

Dracula once stood still and let Lilith kill him, hoping to let Lilith vent her anger in this way, hoping to make her daughter change her mind.

But the result was that Dracula was resurrected again and again, and Lilith couldn't kill Dracula at all.Lilith, who fell into despair, doubted her own power, so she decided to use the power of others.

Lilith took a deep breath and sighed:

"Just seal it, as long as it works."

Zed followed a large group of vampires and drove the train all the way to the gate of the Midi Palace, where the housekeeper Rona was already waiting.

There were wolves in front and tigers in back, Zed didn't panic.But Lilith was a little uneasy when things came to an end.

Zed put down Lilith in his arms, patted Lilith on the shoulder, and encouraged:

"Go, leave it to me."

Lilith tightly held the blank dial in her pocket, her expression gradually resolute, she nodded and walked towards the door.

Rona leaned on the western sword but did not stop him, but saluted and said:

"Miss Lilith, the Earl is already waiting for you."

Lilith didn't see Rona in her eyes. After passing Rona, she pushed open the door and walked in.

With the sound of the creaking door closing, Lilith's back disappeared between the closed doors.

Rona looked up at Zed, and also saluted:
"Mr. Zed Oleg, you should not have intervened in this matter. What you have done has made the count very angry, and I have been ordered to finish you here. I am very sorry."

Rona's etiquette is completely different from those of the pretentious vampire nobles, even if he is talking about killing people, he feels like a spring breeze.

Zed was very satisfied with such a conscientious butler, and said:

"You are very good, butlers like you are rare, I will give you a chance to be loyal to me."

"Mr. Zed was joking, I'm going to make a move."

Rona pulled out his western sword and slowly walked down the stairs.The vampires behind Zed were also ready to move, rubbing their claws.

Zed sighed in disappointment, then looked up:

"What a pity."

Countless ground cracks sounded, and all the vampires rushed towards Zed.

Zed's sword-holding hand gripped hard, and he swung the hour-hand sword and rotated it for a circle.The ring-shaped energy fluctuations spread, and the vampires who did not dodge were killed one after another.

The quick-reacting vampire either fell to the ground or flew into the air, avoided this wave of energy and continued to kill Zed.

Rona, who had experienced many battles, jumped up directly and pierced Zed's heart, as if he had used a flying fairy from the sky.

Zed stepped on the face of the vampire who was attacking from behind and soared into the air, and met the tip of Rona's western sword with the back of the hour needle sword.

The crisp sound of gold and iron intersected, stimulating everyone's senses with dazzling sparks.

After the two landed, they were still competing for strength, trying to overwhelm each other.Rona's always peaceful face gradually turned ferocious, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

Zed also gritted his teeth in a timely manner, but Zed's performance was all fake.

Before the blank dial for Lilith was activated, Zed had to stay here and couldn't step into the gate of the chamber, and he couldn't wipe out all these vampires at once, otherwise it would be too boring.

Zed panted slightly, looked at Rona in front of him, and spoke again:
"You guys can't stop me, let alone kill me. Do you have anything more exciting waiting for me?"

Rona could feel that Zed's strength was stronger than his own, and relying on ordinary vampire guards to help him could not help him.

"As you wish."

Rona's eyes gradually became fierce, his pale and sickly complexion gradually turned purple, his nose and ears gradually elongated, and his fangs were exposed.

The real blue-faced fangs!
"Fuck! You're so ugly! I take back what I said just now, you are no longer worth existing, out of print!" Zed suddenly yelled violently when he was frightened.

Zed abandoned the original plan, it was a sin for such an ugly thing to remain in the world.

Be sure to keep them out of print!
Zed increased his force again and pressed Rona to half-kneel on the ground.Rona braced his arms, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go!"

The vampire guards behind Zed screamed and swarmed up again.

Zed rolled his eyes, and suddenly stood sideways with his sword drawn.Under the action of inertia, Rona staggered forward a few steps and crossed Zed's body.

Zed took this opportunity to lean sideways and kick Rona towards the vampire guard.When Rona was still flying in the air, Zed took off the moon dial and inserted it into the slot of the hour gun.

Zed holds the gun in both hands, and his feet are stretched forward and backward. The muzzle of the gun is full of energy, "Out of print!"

The energy ammunition burst out, and Zed slid backward for two or three meters under the huge reaction force before stopping.

Rona, who was still in the air, felt the deadly threat behind him, roared, and then a pair of disgusting blue-purple flesh wings tore the tuxedo and stretched out.

Rona flapped his wings and turned to avoid Zed's lore shot.And the other vampires couldn't escape, especially the vampire guards in the middle who were the worst.

Before the energy ammunition hit the vampire guards and exploded, these unlucky ones were directly vaporized without leaving ashes.

Only a few lucky people standing on the edge survived the explosion.The terrified lucky guy looked at Zed, then at the burns on his body, got up, turned around and fled.

Zed didn't stop these cowards, patted his thigh and smiled:

"This is your elite guard? Ha~~haha~ha! I laughed so hard. Ugly Mr. Housekeeper, you can also run away with them, although you will die the same. Haha~~ha~ha!"

It was impossible for Rona to escape, neither his own duty nor the earl's order allowed Rona to escape.

Rona was hanging upside down from the ceiling, stroking his sharp claws, thinking about how to deal with Zed.But Zed has decided that putting him out of print won't let him live another moment.

Zed shot into the deep pit where the previous round of ammunition exploded, and a large cloud of dust was blown out, covering Rona's sight.

Rona's pupils shrank, carefully guarding against Zed's surprise attack.Rona looked and looked left but Zed didn't attack from any direction.

At this time, Rona was already in a panic, and kept on high alert until a pink light lit up from the smoke screen.

When the smoke cleared, Zed was still standing there, but he had already changed into a suit of armor.

Second order!

Zed doesn't know why, the opponents he meets can basically be dealt with by using the Cronus dial. Except for the battle with Gu Yi, the second-order knife is used to kill chickens every time it comes out.

If you kill a chicken, you kill a chicken!Just be happy with yourself!
Zed held two swords and pointed at Rona:
"Use the second order to bury you, you should feel honored."

After Zed finished speaking, he walked slowly towards Rona with the steps of a king.Rona swung his claws toward Zed with his heart straight, but every time Zed was able to slash Rona with the knife in advance.

Rona, who was covered in scars, didn't dare to approach Zed anymore, clutching his wound and saying in shock:
"Who the hell are you? How did you do this?"

The corner of Zed's mouth twitched, "You are already dead."

"What?" Rona looked bewildered.

Zed seized the opportunity to throw away the blade decisively, and then jumped into the air with one step, "Time shatters!"

"You can't live by committing sin!"

 It is even more impossible for the National Day explosion to explode, and only three days and three shifts can maintain life.Don't ask why, just ask for three days off 555
(End of this chapter)

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