Chapter 85
As soon as Zed took out the dial and driver, the vampire on the opposite side immediately attacked, and countless ammunition flew towards the three of them.

Zed swiftly dodged behind Blade and prepared to transform without haste.The corner of Dao Feng's mouth twitched, and he could only silently wave his two knives, jingling to stop all the bullets.

Seeing that Lilith was struggling to block, Zed inserted the Time King dial and freed his right hand to pull Lilith behind the blade, "It's safe here!"

Dao Feng ignored the two people behind him, but the two knives in his hands danced more vigorously, as if he was venting something.

Lilith looked at Zed and Blade strangely, doubts written all over her face.

"Beauty is always privileged." Zed continued to fiddle with the dial after finishing.

Daofeng finally couldn't help complaining at this time:

"What about you? Why are you hiding behind me?"

"The bullet hurts very much, and you have to eat a lot of food to make up for it. Don't worry, I will transform right away."

Zed inserted the Moonrider dial into the left socket of the drive and walked out of the safe zone, ignoring the hail of bullets and slowly walking towards the opposite vampire.

"Daddy is better than you"

Zed hummed a ditty in a wave, and took out the hour gun and faiz gun at the same time.

The gadgets in the hands of these vampires are children's toys in front of Zed's two guns.Whether it is the energy ammo of the clock gun or the laser beam of the faiz, it can cause great damage to vampires.

Amidst the wailing and screaming of the vampires, Zed danced and twirled and played the shooting game in the most elegant and handsome posture.

Bang Bang Shooting!

Although Daofeng said that he would not compete anymore, seeing that Zed was cooler than himself, his fingers couldn't help twitching.An couldn't bear it anymore, Daofeng finally rushed forward with two knives.

You can lose with strength, but you can't lose with handsomeness!
The blades frantically harvested the lives of vampires like flocks, but killing these weak guys even the blades felt boring.

Blade unconsciously stared at the leader of the team.With one knife, the vampire in front of him was cut in half, and the blade crossed the scattered ashes to kill the leader.

But the vampire who can be the captain of the secret guard must have two brushes. This leader vampire is comparable to the blade with his superb right-handed swordsmanship and left-handed gun fighting skills.

The leader looked at Dao Feng's colorful eyes, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and cursed:
"Damn bastard! How dare you invade the holy land of our blood race!"

"Dying ghost." After Dao Feng uttered a word, he stopped talking and swung the blade more vigorously.

The leader was really blown away by Dao Feng's arrogance. There were thousands of words stuck in his throat but he couldn't speak. In the end, he only said, "You! Bastard!"

"Yeah, yeah~ If you don't pay attention, you're going to grab my prey? That's not good." Zed's gun turned to the vampire leader.

Daofeng didn't answer, but just attacked harder, for fear of being robbed by Zed.

The vampire leader fired two shots at Zed angrily, "It's too deceiving!"

"You're not human." Zed exploded the bullets that were shot at him, and then complained.

It wasn't that Zed didn't want to rush up and blast it, but that if he and Blade stared at the little boss together, Lilith would be in danger.

Although Lilith did not reveal her true identity, Zed still suspected Dracula's daughter.After all, there aren't many beautiful vampires who want to kill Dracula.

Zed watched Lilith carefully as he shot.Zed saw that Lilith's swordsmanship had become very sharp and exquisite after a long time of polishing.

But Lilith's swordsmanship has a fatal flaw, it has no spirituality!This is a sword skill honed by stupid people through great perseverance!

Zed knows very well that he has been hiding his bloodthirsty and violent nature since he was still Tokiwa. In a sense, this is also a fighting talent.And I don't know how much sweat I have sweated like this, and how many knight kicks I have suffered from my second uncle.

Zed couldn't help but wonder how much sweat, blood and tears a little girl without fighting talent had to shed to reach this point.

Lilith rolled on the ground in embarrassment, dodging the sneak attack of the vampire behind her, and at the same time sent the rapier into its belly.

Before Lilith got up after finishing off the vampire, a bullet shot towards Lilith with a bang.

The bullet hit the Moonrider armor with a crisp and pleasant sound, Zed raised his hand and responded with a round of energy ammunition.

A group of flowers of blood mist bloomed.

Zed turned around and pulled up Lilith, who was covered in mud. At the same time, he rubbed the mud off Lilith's hair, and said with tentative concern:
"Are you all right? Miss Lilith~"

Lilith's pink pupils constricted instantly, and she looked at Zed with a murderous look, "Who the hell are you? Why do you know my real name?"

Zed looked like a muzzle with eyes, his right hand kept changing direction and shooting, while his left hand continued to play with Lilith's beige hair, and at the same time said in a frivolous tone:
"It really is you! Miss Lilith. Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you. I know you want to kill Dracula, why don't we make a deal!"

"Deal? What deal?" Lilith didn't know whether to trust this frivolous guy.


After Zed finished speaking, without waiting for Lilith to agree, he handed her the faiz phone and a blank dial, and then walked towards Blade and the vampire leader.

Lilith put away the blank dial and didn't think about it anymore, she lifted the faiz phone and concentrated on dealing with the remaining vampires.

As for the deal Zed said, Lilith has already agreed in her heart.It's best to succeed, and you won't lose two pieces of meat if you fail.

And just now when Zed played with Lilith's hair, the blade had already gained the advantage and suppressed the vampire leader.

The silver-plated blades of both sides showed varying degrees of damage, but it was obvious that the blade of the vampire leader was more severely damaged, and its blade had already begun to curl.

The superior blade took advantage of the victory and pursued, leaving many scars on the vampire leader.

The vampire leader became vicious after being injured.Teeth bared, eyes horrified, blood all over his body boiled, he slashed down with all his strength with a loud shout, almost slashing the blade in half.

The blades had to cross their double knives to stand up for this decisive knife.Under the pressure of this knife, Dao Feng's feet gradually sank into the ground, which showed the power of this knife.

Dao Feng gritted his teeth and stood firm, just as he was about to fight back, a black muzzle pointed at Dao Feng's head.

"Die!" The vampire leader roared ferociously.

But there was no panic on Blade's face, and he moved his head to the side, revealing a muzzle bigger than that of a vampire.

"Stupid, times have changed!" Zed laughed disdainfully.

A shot with full energy blasted half of the vampire leader's body into pieces.The vampire wailed and fell to the ground, excruciating pain.

Dao Feng immediately rushed forward and killed it with a knife, "Half for one person."

Zed laughed angrily on the spot, jokingly said:
"You want to snatch this kind of dead guy?"

It's like using a big move to beat the enemy to residual blood, and then igniting the enemy. After three seconds, he will be burned to death.

Really annoying!

Blade has a different opinion:
"I've been fighting for so long, you just hit one blow, one half is very suitable."

Lilith was afraid that the two guys would fight among themselves, so she hurriedly shouted:
"Still come to help?"

The two looked at Lilith at the same time, and then turned their heads to look at each other.

Zed narrowed his eyes and looked at Blade, "If you want to grab this, I'll complain to Barbara! But before I file a complaint, I will give you a good education!"

"What about you?" Dao Feng was not to be outdone.

Zed laughed wildly:
"I am the most vicious and evil devil king! I can do whatever I want!"

Blade shook his head and went to kill in another direction.Daofeng is not a lawless person like Zed, and Daofeng really cares about Barbara, so he can't let Zed complain.

Zed swaggered towards Lilith, shooting the other vampires as he walked.

These weak chicken vampires are foody and redundant, but there are so many of them, they only know how to rush forward.

After playing for a while, Zed gradually lost interest and just wanted to find someone who could fight him for [-] rounds.

Zed used his clever mind to think for a while, the vampires were densely underground, and the range of activities was too narrow for the Wushuanglong to fight, so he raised his hand towards the small puddle and summoned the two Wushuanglong.

"Eat as much as you want!" Zed ordered the two Wushuang dragons and turned to look at Lilith, "Let's go, I'll leave this place to them."

Lilith looked at the two powerful and fierce mechanical dragons, and then took a closer look at Zed's armor.Maybe this man can really solve Dracula!
As soon as this idea popped up, Lilith decided to gamble on it.Because Lilith also knew that it was impossible to get rid of Dracula on her own.

Originally, Lilith's bet was placed on S.H.I.E.L.D. and Blade, but now she obviously has a better choice.

After making a decision, Lilith drew the rapier from a vampire and turned around, "Come with me!"

Zed and Blade immediately followed Lilith's footsteps and headed towards the vampire den.There are more and more vampire guards encountered along the way, but this just proves that the gate of Midi is just ahead.

Zed beckoned to the sky, and De Lanlong still had the time demon machine to appear.

"Get rid of them and open the way for me." Zed ordered to Satron.

After receiving the order, Saitron immediately launched an attack, shooting along the direction of Zed's advance, opening a wide avenue for Zed.

Zed, Lilith, and Dao Feng immediately rushed forward along the road, and a few lucky ones could not stop Zed and the three.

As soon as Zed left Delanlong, he couldn't help but landed and began to feast.Although the life energy of these vampires is not as good as that of the tooth vampires, they can't hold back the large amount of vampires.

Delan's cute eating looks are in stark contrast to Wushuanglong's brutal eating looks.

(End of this chapter)

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