The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 82 Don't Stop

Chapter 82 Don't Stop

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, Nick Fury is watching the battle between Blade and the Vampire Elder via satellite.

Nick Fury's one-eyed burst into light:

"Barbara, what's going on? How did the blade become like this?"

"I don't know either. It's also the first time I've seen Blade like this." Barbara was also puzzled.

Blade has been suppressing his bloodthirsty impulse, and will only use blood sucking to replenish energy in critical moments.

But the blurred fangs and the colored pupils of the blade in the picture are things that Barbara has never heard of the blade.

"So this is the new power of the blade?" Nick Fury's tone did not seem to be doubtful, he had already doubted the dial of the bat.

Before Barbara could speak again, Nick Fury ordered, "Barbara, I leave this task to you. Don't let me down."

"Yes, sir."

After Barbara left, Nick Fury made a call, "Put me to Zed Oleg."

"Mr. Nick Fury, please tell me what you want to say, and I will judge whether to transfer Mr. Zed." Saitron's mechanical voice sounded.

Nick Fury stared, and exaggerated:
"What? He blocked me too? No one can block Nick Fury!"

"Sorry, verification could not be passed."

"Mommy Falke! Blade's body has changed. Hurry up." Nick Fury didn't want to waste any more time with this artificial intelligence.

"Verification passed, transfer to Mr. Zed."

Zed is enjoying his life on the royal bed in Delanlong Castle, holding her waist behind Xin, and opening the communication with his right hand:

"What are you doing? Nick Fury. I remember our deal was limited to what I thought was fun, and it didn't include disturbing my night life in the middle of the night."

Xin squinted his eyes in confusion, leaned on the back with his hands, and pursed his lips to keep silent. (Evil does not subdue righteousness)

"Is the battle interesting? Is the mutation of the blade interesting?" Nick Fury said with confidence.

Zed frowned and asked unconsciously:

"The blade has mutated? What's going on?"

"Blade's vertical vampire pupil is gone, the pupil has become like stained glass, and there are two more illusory fangs." Nick Fury's answer was quite concise.


Dao Feng twisted his neck refreshedly, flicked the tip of the knife, and faced the remaining five vampires:
"Now, let's start the next song."

The blade appeared in front of the vampire elder as if teleporting, and the blade pierced the vampire's heart, with an aura of never returning until Loulan was broken.

And this vampire elder was not someone to be pampered, he instinctively dodged to the right, narrowly avoiding the vital organs of his heart.

The tip of the blade passed through the vampire's armpit, creating a wound.Although the injury was not minor, it was better than being stabbed in the heart.

Before the vampire elder breathed a sigh of relief, he saw that the corner of Dao Feng's mouth turned up slightly, his palm turned slightly, and the blade of the katana slashed upwards, drawing out a cold light.

One arm of the vampire elder was removed, and foul-smelling blood gushed out like a fountain.

Dao Feng held the knife in his left hand and stopped the Western Sword that was attacking behind him, "Your movements are too slow."

Elder Toreado's teeth were bared, his blood vessels were congested and protruding, and Blade's body was also covered with colorful lines.The image of the two at this time is very similar.

Dao Feng swung Torredo's western sword away with his left hand, turned around and stabbed the vampire behind him, and imitated Zed to use a roundabout kick while turning around.

Half of Toreado's face was kicked to pieces, and he fell to the ground wailing.The remaining three vampire elders joined forces to stop the blade, buying time for Torredo and another wounded person to recover.

The subsequent joint efforts of the five vampire elders did bring trouble to Blade. Although he was not defeated, it was not as easy as before.

As time went on, the colored lines on Blade's body gradually faded, and his strength and speed were not as exaggerated as before.

This phenomenon made several vampire elders see hope, "Don't let him suck us again, we can use energy to kill him."

Five vampire elders surrounded Daofeng, only one or two shot at a time, and the others were in charge of holding the line and never wanted to fight.

Dao Feng could feel that the surging energy in his body was slowly fading away, and he gradually became weak in the fight against the five vampire elders.

Blade stepped up his attack urgently, but the more the blade was like this, the more certain the vampires were that the blade would not last long.

The originally hearty battle has turned into a tiresome see-saw and entanglement.The colorful patterns on Blade's body were about to disperse, and he soon fell into a disadvantage.

A wound was cut on Dao Feng's shoulder, this was the first time Dao Feng was injured after the explosion.

"Keep going, don't stop. Hold on, don't be careless. We can win."

Toreado wasn't carried away by the advantages.Daofeng didn't have a chance if he wanted to cheat people to fight back.

Three or four minutes later, there were many more wounds on Dao Feng's body, and his physical strength gradually weakened.

A vampire with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes flashed past behind the blade close to the ground, and then a large spray of blood burst out from the blade's ankle.

The blade staggered and almost failed to stand still, but this momentary stagger was enough for other vampires to make a move.

Blade held a samurai sword in his left hand as a support, and swung the samurai sword in his right hand to slash at Torredo.

Torredo had been prepared for a long time, and stopped this powerful knife.When the two were in a stalemate, two more vampires pinched the blade, forcing the blade into a panic.

Dao Feng knew very well that the final ultimate move came from behind, but Dao Feng could no longer take care of his back.

The killing intent is getting closer, and the claws are getting closer.

"Dark Moon Breaks!"

A black shadow descended from the sky and stomped the vampire who was sneaking up behind him, leaving only a huge bat mark and a few sporadic ashes.

"Who the hell are you?" The vampire elders were frightened and speechless.

Zed turned sideways and pointed at the vampires:

"The most vicious and evil demon king, King Kamen Rider Shi. Remember it for me."

Before the vampires could react, Zed killed them.Except for Toreado who was still fighting with Blade, the other three vampires were surrounded by Zed.

Zed raised his foot and kicked a vampire down, turned around and grabbed the sneak attacking claws, which was an over-the-shoulder fall.The fall was not enough, so he picked him up as a weapon and hit the third vampire.

Zed stepped on the vampire's chest with his left foot, grabbed his arm with both hands and pulled it upwards, directly tearing off his arm.Blood splattered everywhere, and the scene was bloody.

Amid the horrified eyes of others and the screams of the vampires under his feet, Zed raised his right foot and turned half a circle around his left foot.At the end of the half circle, the right foot landed right on the vampire's head.


Burst brains and blood spattered Zed all over his body, "It's disgusting~"

Zed tilted his head and hooked his fingers at the other two vampires, with an extremely mocking expression:

"Come on, use your blood to please me! Otherwise, I'll feed you to my pets."

After the two vampires looked at each other, they immediately fled in different directions, completely ignoring Toledo who was still here.

"Bastard! You two! Damn it, damn it!" Toreado really panicked.

Zed looked left and right and then spoke:
"Just two, let's eat."

A piercing sound sounded from the window of the castle, and two unparalleled dragons, one red and one black, flew out of the glass, chasing a vampire respectively.

Zed believed that with the power of Wushuanglong, the two vampires would never escape, so he turned around and faced Toledo with confidence.

Zed raised his finger to Torredo, and said righteously:
"Sarah, count your sins!

One, I wasted my time and energy.[-]. Your blood splashed on me.Three, disturb my night life.

So, out of print! "

Zed walked towards Torredo with a step of disbelief, counting the crimes while walking.

Toledo wanted to escape, but the blade had already blocked the escape route, and the killing star in front was getting closer and closer.

"Give it to me~ Get out!"

Torredo's eyes hardened and he immediately turned around and rushed towards the blade, whether he could escape or not depended on this last fight.

Dao Feng held a pair of knives in his stance, his body sank slightly, his knees were half bent, and he faced the crazy Torredo calmly.

The moment the two staggered, Toreado stabbed Guisheng's most peak sword, and the blade also swung an unrepeatable Shuangjuhe.

The two kept their backs to backs in the last movement, and neither of them moved rashly, or they couldn't move if they wanted to.

A blood hole was pierced through Blade's left shoulder, and Torredo's movement of withdrawing the sword took away a large piece of flesh and blood.

Half of Dao Feng's body was dyed red, but he held on to his body and said to Zed in front of him:
"I won, and I will leave it to you later."

There was a crisp metal landing sound, and Torredo's western sword was chopped into two pieces, along with Torredo's left leg.

Ah ~
Torredo wailed and fell to the ground, stretched out his hands and crawled forward with difficulty, "Hu~hu~ah~ I can't die yet! I can't die yet!"

Toledo panted frantically and crawled with all his strength, dragging long bloodstains behind him.

Zed crossed the blade, walked towards Toreado step by step, and taunted at the same time:
"What are you doing? Vampire!"

Toreado ignored Zed behind him and just crawled on his own, "I can't die yet! I can't die yet! Huh~huh~"

Zed slowed down and drove alongside Toreado, "Don't stop! Work harder!"

Deep in love, Zed couldn't help humming:
"The flower of hope, the bond that connects us. As strength, it will suddenly bloom and shine tomorrow"

The poignant melody finally caught Toreado's attention.Torredo's movements became slower and slower, and finally gave up crawling, and stopped in place, listening to the song numbly.

When Zed stopped humming, Toreado smiled sadly and asked:

"What's the name of the song?"

Zed walked up to Torredo, slowly raised his foot, stepped on it hard and said:
"Call everyone Muda!"

The Amazons sing about vampires dying.

(End of this chapter)

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