Chapter 79 The Truth
A round of dragon flame bullets shot out from Wushuanglong's mouth, forcing Tony to flee in embarrassment.

The new steel suit was covered with scars, and the parts that were unfortunately scratched by the dragon flames had begun to melt.Such a huge amount of heat, even through the protective lining, Tony couldn't bear it.

"Oh! Damn, I'm almost cooked!" Tony couldn't help complaining.

Zed on the ground admired this cat-and-mouse play, and patted Rhodes on the bottom from time to time:
"Hey, Rhodes, do you think Tony can last a few more minutes? There will be a prize for guessing right."

Rhodes has been struggling to get rid of Zed on his back, but the jet power of the war machine is completely unable to match Zed's inhuman strength.

Rhodes gave up the meaningless struggle, looked up at the one man and one dragon who were having fun in mid-air, "Aren't you and Tony friends?"

"Wine and meat friends! Do you understand? Besides, didn't you also fight with Tony?" Zed knocked on the iron skull of War Machine.

Rhodes rolled his eyes:
"It's different! What did you and Ivan Vanke say? What's your purpose in doing this?"

Zed was too lazy to chat with Rhodes, and shouted to Wushuanglong:
"Come on, we should go."

After Wushuanglong took the order, he roared and rushed towards Tony.

Tony evaded urgently, dodged to the side and fired several palm cannons at Wushuanglong's body.Wushuanglong was not stupid and sprayed a dragon flame bomb at Tony at the same time.

The collision between the dragon flame bomb and the palm cannon produced a violent explosion, and the flame and impact affected Tony's sight and Jarvis' detection.

"Where is it? Jarvis!" Tony asked Jarvis eagerly.

But before Jarvis could make a sound, a huge dragon's tail cut through the smoke and drew towards Tony.

"Oh no!"

Tony's eyes widened in horror, he had no time to manipulate the steel suit, but Jarvis did not disappoint Tony.

Jarvis executed the emergency takeover procedure, maneuvering the Mark VI to climb upwards, avoiding Wushuanglong's tail whip.

Call ~
Call ~
"Good job, Jarvis!" Tony gasped.

"Thank you, first. The protection mode is fully turned on."

Hearing what Jarvis said, Tony raised his head numbly and looked up, "Oh! Damn it!"

Wushuanglong was already waiting above Tony's head, opening his mouth wide to store energy for the dragon flame bomb.

The dragon flame bombs sprayed straight from top to bottom towards Tony.Tony, who had eaten a dragon flame bomb in front of him, fell weakly.

Zed released Rhodes in due course.As soon as Rhodes got rid of Zed's restraint, he immediately flew towards Tony with full power, "Tony!"

"Woz, come pick me up. We're going there." Zed turned and left after contacting Woz.

The Time Demon hovered invisible above Stark Industries, and then Setron sent a scout robot into Howard Stark's laboratory.

"Your body can't move freely, so just stay here and watch the broadcast of the scout. Do you have any objections?" Satron asked routinely.

Ivan was seriously injured long ago, and the steel suit was damaged and unable to function.Ivan couldn't leave the cabin on his own, so he could only nod in agreement with Setron's decision.

The screen on the display screen is constantly changing as the reconnaissance robot sneaks in.As the camera deepened, voices began to be heard.

"Stark! We succeeded! We have worked hard for so long and finally made it!" The young Anton Vanke was staring at the prototype of the Ark reactor on the test bench with fascination.

Howard on the side couldn't hide his excitement, his mustache kept shaking:

"Yes! After spending so long, we have finally successfully obtained the key to open a new era."

Anton Vanke danced and described his imagined future:

"Yes! A new era! We can start a new era. When the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, etc. come to buy our energy, we will be the richest people in the world!"

Howard frowned and reminded:

"Anton, this is just a prototype, it's not even an exaggeration to call it a concept machine. We don't have the ability to tame it completely, and it will be a long work."

Anton didn't care about Howard's kind reminder, and stroked the glass alone:

"Don't worry, Stark. The two of us can handle it. There's nothing we can't do together.

At that time, oil, gas, various traditional power generation industries, etc. will be compared by us.We will master the world! "

Anton's actions and demeanor at this time looked like a crazy cultist, which made Howard very uncomfortable.Howard never realized his partner had such ambitions.

"Anton, calm down. The Ark reactor should not be used in this kind of place. It should have a nobler mission." Howard looked at Anton very seriously.

Anton Vanke's tone also cooled down:
"What do you mean, Stark."

Howard patted the prototype:
"You know how powerful it is. Do you think we can fully control it with the technology we have?

Have you thought about the serious consequences it would cause if it got out of control or fell into the hands of dangerous anti-social and anti-human people? "

Howard has participated in military scientific research projects many times and helped complete part of the work of making the atomic bomb.He is well aware of the consequences of these powers beyond the times being used on evil paths.


Anton Vanke suddenly shouted:

"Don't try to lie to me! Stark! You just want to monopolize the Ark reactor, right? You already have a huge Stark industry, aren't you satisfied?"

"No, Anton. Let me explain."

"I don't listen! Don't talk so noble, why didn't you jump out and be a good person when you helped make the atomic bomb? Now that the Ark reactor is completed, you are in a hurry to become a saint! Do you think I am stupid?"

"Enough! Anton!"

Howard Stark and Anton Vanke, two close partners, eventually parted ways and became strangers.

But the story is not over yet, and Anton Vanke, blinded by greed, does not intend to give up.

Anton tried to take away his own scientific research results, but Anton was not good at spy work, so he was discovered before he went out.

Howard looked at Anton in disappointment, and let the government people take Anton away without saying anything more.

"Stark! It's you! You hypocrite! You."

Anton Vanke cursed with bloodshot eyes, but the people in the government would not take care of him, and dragged Anton away from the Stark Industrial Center.

Under the intervention of the Soviet Union, Anton was not obliterated, but was only sent back to the Soviet Union as a spy.

But when the Maozi found out that Anton, whom they paid a big price for, could not complete the Ark reactor independently after leaving Stark, the Maozi exploded instantly.

Maozi felt that his pure feelings had been deceived, so he could only vent his anger on Anton.Since then, Anton has been exiled to the bitter cold of Siberia, where he can only survive on alcohol every day.

This flash is nearly half a century.

Zed came just in time for the finale, and after the curtain ended, he stepped into the cabin of the Time Demon Machine.

At this time, Ivan was lying on the ground in a daze, as if his spine had been taken away.

Zed kicked Ivan and asked:
"How do you feel? Who do you think is right and who is wrong between these two?"

Ivan looked back at Zed, and was silent for a long time before speaking:
"What's the point of asking that now? My father and I are here because of Stark. Nothing will change that fact."

Zed leaned on the cabin wall and said in a frivolous tone, "Oh? I thought you would die like old Anton."

Ivan is very smart, and he understands that Howard's decision is in a sense very correct.

With the technological level of that era, it was indeed impossible to master the Ark reactor, and even Ivan had just touched the threshold.

But if Howard is easily admitted like this, then Ivan's entire life will become a dream.

Ivan shook his head and sighed:
"What is the purpose of your doing this? Mechas that travel through time and space, what is the purpose of taking out this kind of thing?"

Zed straightened his posture and said slowly:
"For your knowledge."

"You want me to work for you?" Ivan laughed disdainfully.

"Tsk tsk." Zed shook his index finger, "You're just an extra, it doesn't matter if you have it or not. You just need to press this dial."

After Zed finished speaking, he handed a blank dial to Ivan.

Ivan took the dial and looked at it carefully, then looked up at the clock dial and the Kronos dial on Zed's waist drive, and guessed that they were almost the same.

"Ahem, hahaha, this is your purpose! It took a lot of effort. Let me see what it will look like." Ivan pressed the dial button while speaking.

A clear yellow light shines from the dial, filling the entire cabin with the fragrance and sour taste.

"Ha, ha, ha! Sure enough, it really is him! Haha!"

Zed laughed and took the dial back from Ivan's hand, played with it for a while, and then inserted it into the space-time driver.

A round zipper was unzipped on the top of Zed's head, and then a huge lemon fell on Zed's head, and then transformed into armor and attached to Shi Wang's body.

Woz held the Advent Calendar in his hand and said loudly outside the cabin door:

Let's celebrate!Inheriting the power of all knights, the time king who knows the past and the future-Kamen Rider Time King.This moment is the moment when he gains the power of the legendary genius Kamen Rider Duke!

The power of the Duke is dispensable to Zed, but the wisdom of this genius is very important to Zed.

Zed held the space-time driver with a trace of nervousness, took a few deep breaths and calmed down, "Come out! SSR!"

The space-time drive screen opened a space door, and a mechanical bionic life form wearing a white coat and a half-wrapped mechanical mask came out.

"Welcome to the new world, Professor Zhanji Lingma!"

"Thank you for your call, Your Majesty the Demon King! You are the truth I have been pursuing."

(End of this chapter)

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