Chapter 74 Phone
Nezerd, Castle of Delanon, is experiencing the evil and decadent life of capitalism with a critical purpose.

Setron's communication rings, disturbing Zed who is sleeping back to his cage.Zed looked at the screen dissatisfied, "Tony Stark, what the hell is this guy doing?"

When Zed ordered scientific research equipment from Tony, he left a secret communication channel.

Previously, this channel had been in charge of Tan Lidou, and now that there is Saitron, Zed handed it over to Saitron to manage and let it protect the communication security.

Tony is currently in the basement of his seaside villa, checking the palladium level in his blood:

"Jarvis, call Mr. Clock."

"Okay. Sir, connected."

After the signal was connected, what came out of the speaker was not Zed's voice, but the synthesized sound of Setron's machine:
"Mr. Stark, may I help you?"

Tony has long been used to Setron's cold voice:
"Get me through Zed Oleg. Now I know he's just a high school student, so I don't need to hide it anymore."

Satron still answered coldly:
"Mr. Zed has blocked you. If there is anything important you need to tell me, I will judge whether you need to transfer Mr. Zed."

Tony immediately widened his eyes, turned his head suddenly and shouted:

"He blocked Tony Stark!"

"Yes, Mr. Stark. Mr. Zed also left a message for you at the same time: Don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

At this moment, the cold Saitron imitated Zed's tone vividly.

Tony was short of breath for a moment, and hurriedly said:

"Get me through him quickly. The last time Stan lost so much money in his account, it must have been secretly transferred by this guy. I haven't settled with him yet!"

Setron was unmoved:
"Mr. Zed has given me full responsibility for this channel. I will handle affairs strictly according to Mr. Zed's request.

Now please tell me what you want to say, and I will judge whether I need to transfer Mr. Zedd. "

The corners of Tony's mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he didn't intend to talk nonsense with the cold Saitron:

"I want to invite him to my party. Will that pass?"

Setron's dynamic face morphs into a loading bar, and as the loading bar reaches [-] percent, Setron opens again:
"I'm sorry, sir, but failed."

"Genius scientist Tony Stark invited Zed Oleg to the party!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but failed."

"Genius scientist and iron man Tony Stark invited Zed Oleg to the party!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but failed."

"I want to host the Stark Industries Expo"

"Verification passed, transfer to Mr. Zed."


Zeid connected to the communication submitted by Setron and shouted:
"What are you doing so early in the morning? Neighbors don't go to work! Don't go to school!"

Tony sarcastically said:
"Are you still in school? Dear Kamen Rider Shi Wang."

After thinking about it carefully, Zed seemed to be unable to spit on Tony, so he stopped asking for trouble and asked:
"What are you doing? Such a disturbing dream so early in the morning."

"I invited you to the party, but I couldn't pass the verification. As soon as I mentioned the Stark Industries Expo, I passed it.

Why didn't I see that you were such an old-fashioned guy?Is my party just that unattractive? "

Tony has restrained his bad mouth, but he still couldn't help complaining.

Stark Industries Expo!

Iron Man II begins!

Zed immediately woke up, and said righteously:

"I have no interest in this kind of decadent, meaningless party! I will definitely not go to your party!"

"Skye! Where's Tan's authentic suit?"

As night fell, Tony's seaside villa was brightly lit and noisy.Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Rolls-Royces were parked outside the villa.

Many courtesans are self-aware, not expecting to hug Tony Stark's lap, so they target these party guests.

The courtesans twisted their waists proudly, showing off their charm to their heart's content, trying to outshine their competitors.

The men, on the other hand, looked at these courtesans competing for beauty and flirting with each other with smiles in their eyes. It was so lively!
A water-blue lightning streaked across the night, and the roar of its engine made professional racing enthusiasts excited, and its cool water-blue fluorescent pattern made courtesans scream again and again.

The Saitron chariot of the next era parked swaggeringly at the gate of Tony's villa.

After the car door opened, a young man wearing a silver-gray suit, a black shirt, and a curly bang with a curly bang came down.

"Whose son is this?"

"I care more about the car."

"It looks like a custom-made luxury car."

"Wow, so handsome!"

"Car or human?"


After getting off the car, Zed ignored these passers-by and walked straight to the gate of the villa.

"Welcome, Mr. Zed, I wish you a good time."

"Thanks, Jarvis."

Zed came to the party alone today, and Skye was clamoring to come too.Zed repeatedly assured that there would be an accident at the party, which dispelled Skye's restless heart.

After Zed entered the villa, the party hadn't officially started yet, and all the guests were in touch with each other in twos and threes.After all, there are still a small number of guests who come here purely for fun.

Jarvis notified Tony as soon as Zed arrived at the gate of the villa.Tony immediately put down the document in his hand and walked towards Zed's position.

Pepper, who was processing the documents, and Natalie Rushman, a newcomer to the legal department, had no choice but to keep up with Tony.

"Hey! Isn't this Mr. Zed who can't come to the party? Why do you have the time to come to my decadent party?" Tony said with a smile.

"It's so fragrant!"

Tony smiled and picked up a glass of champagne and a glass of juice from the dinner plate, "Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol. This is your juice, high school student!"

Zed looked at Tony with contempt:
"Where is my king's Coke?"

Tony's face collapsed in an instant, and he looked at the arrogant guy in front of him with bared teeth:
"My king? Coke? Don't be ridiculous! Is there any king who doesn't drink alcohol? Only juice, do you want it!"

The quarrel between Tony and the boy in front of him caught Pepper's attention, and he came up and asked:
"Tony, this is your friend? Why don't you introduce me?"

The arrival of Pepper and Natalie Rushman caught Zed's attention, but Zed had long known that Natasha would lurk beside Tony, and it was no surprise.

It just surprised Zed that the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were so busy.He was rushed to perform the task without even having time to rest and vacation.

Natasha looked at Zed meaningfully, and then pretended not to know him like Zed.

Tony was a little speechless for a while, and Tony was not sure if he and Zed were friends.

Although both of them are very conceited, it is obvious that the direction of their conceit is not the same.Moreover, Zed's tough approach in the face of the military also made Tony a little uncomfortable.

Zed generously extended his hand and shook Pepper, and introduced himself:
"Zed Oleg, a watch merchant who has just entered the industry."

Pepper was surprised, he clearly claimed to be a watch merchant, but why didn't this young man bring a watch?
The smart Pepper didn't ask much, and greeted Zed politely:

"Mr. Zed is very young and promising. I hope you have a good time tonight."

"Thank you."

After Pepper and Natasha left, Tony couldn't help laughing:

"Watch merchant? Watch merchant! Although it is indeed suitable for your identity, is there any watch merchant who doesn't wear a watch?"

While talking, Tony pointed to the celebrities in the lobby of the villa.

Zed said disdainfully:
"What if it's broken? And what I'm selling is not the clock itself, but what's inside the clock."

Tony reacted at this moment, and looked at Zed viciously:
"You will sell your dial? Back in the Middle East, you played a trick on me! What are you talking about remote bombs!"

Tony obviously doesn't believe that Zed will sell the dial, just as Tony refused to hand over the Iron Man suit at the NIS.

Zed shook the juice glass and said slowly:
"Only rental service."

"How much?" Tony's eyes were already shining at this time, what if he researched something from the dial that could cure his palladium poisoning?


"Ah? Priceless! Are you kidding me, Tony Stark?" Tony was really angry.

Zed said indifferently:
"The dial is rented out to be recycled, and the rent is the power attached to the dial after it is activated.

It is impossible for you to activate another dial now, and I will not do any loss-making business.

That dial you activated earlier in the Middle East was the price tag to save you.The price is clearly marked, and there is no deception. "

Tony was a little disappointed with Zed's businesslike appearance, and his pride didn't allow him to ask for help.

Tony tried his best to perfuse Zed for a while before leaving, but then Zed said again, "Lithium dioxide."

"What did you say?" Tony was puzzled by the words that suddenly came out of Zed's mouth.

Zed took a sip of juice:
"I said Lithium Dioxide is a good thing. Time to get on stage, the party's about to start."

After Zed finished speaking, he turned and left without further words.

Tony seemed to understand something, and exhaled Jarvis, "Jarvis, start the reaction experiment of lithium dioxide and palladium first."

Lithium dioxide cannot completely solve Tony's palladium poisoning, it can only provide temporary relief.

Reminding Tony in this way can snatch this favor from S.H.I.E.L.D. without affecting Tony Stark's growth path.

Zed walks comfortably in the villa with a juice, comparing Tony's modern mansion with his own classical royal castle.Zed can't say which one is better, he can only say that each has its own merits.

As Zed passed by a room, an arm suddenly stretched out from behind the door and pulled Zed inside.

(End of this chapter)

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