The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 65 Physical Strengthening

Chapter 65 Physical Strengthening
After Zed inserted the thousand-wing dial into the space-time driver, a monster phantom with a blue body, scarlet eyes, four arms, and countless tentacles appeared behind him.

Jungle Neo~
The monster opened its bloody mouth and roared!

Amazon! ! !

Zed followed closely behind the monster and also roared!
A violent explosion occurred on Zed's body surface, and then orange flames ignited all over his body.The flames were so hot that they burned all the trees around Zed into charcoal.

The witty Skye moved away from Zed early on, hiding behind a large rock to avoid the impact of the explosion.Skye poked his head out to look at Zed after the explosion was over.

"Heh~heh~ah~ha! What a refreshing power!"

Zed stood in the ashes and smiled frantically, the Neo armor attached to his body also exuded a frenzied aura.

But unlike the last time when he transformed into Kingsnake armor, Zed's spirit was not affected this time, and he calmed down after laughing for a while.

Zed lifted his transformation and looked at his flesh and blood hands.Zed could feel a huge and primitive vitality roaring and rushing in his body.

This is the most primitive life energy, which belongs to the life force of lysogenic Amazon.

What made Zed even more delighted was that after the lysogenic Amazon cells entered the body, they were immediately overwhelmed by the power of encountering magic, and became loyal lackeys of the power of encountering magic.

The lysogenic Amazon cells under Zed's complete control enhanced Zed's body and genes without any side effects at all.

At this time, thousands of words can only be converted into one cool word!
Seeing that Zed had lifted his transformation, Skye walked back and asked:

"How? What have you gained?"

Zed looked at Skye evilly and said slowly:
"My physique has been greatly strengthened! Every drop of flesh and bone has evolved, and~ I feel like my kidneys are invincible!"

Skye twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at Zed, and turned back to the camp.Zed laughed and followed Skye.

On the other side, Blade drove his beloved motorcycle towards the nearest Giovanni family manor.

The information given by the curly-haired vampire named Schroeder before his death showed that the Giovanni family had some business dealings with Dickon recently.

Deacon even visited and stayed here several times.There's no better place to ask for news of Dickon than here.

The Giovanni family has always had a bad reputation in vampire history.

His ancestors gained great power and wealth by playing with the economy and politics, and after they became prosperous, they killed the vampire master who gave them their first embrace.

Since then, Giovanni has independently become a vampire family and has been passed down to this day.

Today, the Giovanni family still occupies a large number of economic industries, and secretly sells human blood to vampires.A veritable commercial vampire.

Dickon has always been a major customer of the Giovanni family, and recently Dickon has ordered a large amount of fresh blood, which made Giovanni's current patriarch Allport laugh.

But he soon stopped laughing.

The blade has rushed into the manor!

Dickon's order is really too big, and all the blood manors under Giovanni's name are already fully loaded.

Even half of the bodyguards responsible for guarding the manor were transferred to help.The remaining half of the bodyguards couldn't stop the blade at all, and the blade killed these vampires as if entering no one's land.

"Blade, are you ready? I was born ready, Mare Fuck! Mare Fuck, I like it!"

While waving the sharp blade in his hand, Dao Feng talked to himself and said cool lines.

Each cut of the silver-plated blade will take away a large piece of the vampire's flesh, leaving only a charred section.

Allport angrily walked from the underground blood cellar to the front yard of the manor, directing his men to block the blade.

"Come here! Serve me! Take out my collection! Let our daywalker bastard taste it!"

These vampire bodyguards in black suits moved box after box of special mithril shotgun ammunition from the warehouse.

It is true that Mithril will cause great damage to vampires, but the blood of vampires is also flowing in Blade's body, and Mithril is also useful to Blade!
The shotgun after shot came one after another, forcing Blade to dodge in embarrassment.

Sawdust splashed on the road where the blade was flying, and chickens flew like dogs.

Dao Feng leaped, hid behind a low wall, and took a breath of relief:

"That's a good thing! Damn Falk!"

Dao Feng took a fancy to these mithril shotguns, and his eyes rolled under the sunglasses.Blade vigorously threw his black leather coat to attract the attention of the vampires, and then stepped on the outer wall of the manor and rushed towards them.

The vampire bodyguards subconsciously fired two rounds, and then turned their guns to point at the blade on the side wall in response.

Even though the blade was parallel to the ground, his sunglasses still didn't shake at all, they were still firmly on the bridge of his nose, motionless.

Dao Feng took a step forward, turned around and threw out two samurai swords.The two vampire bodyguards closest to the blade were killed, and the remaining vampire bodyguards had no chance to stop the blade.

The blade landed precisely next to the weapon box, rolling to dissipate the kinetic energy.After Blade stood up, he already had a shotgun in his hand.


The sound of loading sounds!
The mithril weapons hoarded by Allport became a good helper for the blade. The efficiency of these mithril shotguns is much higher than that of katana swords.

Blade runs and shoots, taking a vampire with every round of ammunition.After the ammunition is empty, there is no need to reload it, just use it as a short stick and draw it on the vampire, and then replace it with a shotgun.

The gunshots from Giovanni's manor became more and more sparse, and none of the vampire bodyguards were killed by the blade.

Alport, who was afraid of death, had already slipped away and ran to the secret passage of the manor to prepare to evacuate.

"Damn bastard! This damn bastard! Why did you come to me!"

Allport's whining was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass.

Blade got up and grabbed Allport's fat chin with his left hand, and stuffed the shotgun into his mouth with his right hand.

In Allport's panicked eyes, Blade slowly spoke:
"Where is Dickon? What plot do you have with Dickon? Answer honestly, or I'll pull the trigger! Do you understand?"


Allport's fat pig head kept nodding, indicating that Blade would cooperate well.

After Blade pulled out the shotgun, Allport said:
"I really have nothing to do with Dickon!"

As soon as Daofeng exerted his left hand, Allport hurriedly said:

"We just do some business and sell some of his blood. Really! Really! We are only responsible for transporting the blood, and we really don't participate in the rest!"

"Where are you taking your blood?"

"Two places! One is New York, and the other is a barren ruin." Allport sold Dickon without hesitation.

Blade was silently thinking about Dickon's purpose of buying blood, and in Allport's eyes, this silence was thinking about whether to kill himself.

Allport said cautiously:

"I'm a businessman! It's really none of my business! Just let me go!"

Blade raised his shotgun and pointed at the secret passage entrance and said:
"What's in there?"

Allport carefully controlled the fat on his face and replied:
"Secret passage! The secret passage leading to the outside of the manor!"

"Do you think I'm a fool? Such a big smell of blood! Can't I smell it?"

Dao Feng pinched Allport's neck and carried him into the secret passage. Allport had difficulty breathing, and kicked his feet with his eyes turned white.

Daofeng walked out of the narrow and long secret passage and entered the vast underground blood cellar, and all the people in bags came into view.

These living dead were sealed in bags, with several tubes connecting the human body at the top and bottom.

Some are responsible for respiration and circulation, some are responsible for intake of nutrients, some are responsible for excretion of waste, but more are pumping blood.

Countless blood was collected in a special container, and the strong smell of blood stimulated the nerves and taste buds of the blade.

But Daofeng's will is much stronger than Qianyi's.

Although the vampire's instinct makes the blade hungry and thirsty, it does not affect the blade's invincible will.

Blade didn't say any more, and removed Allport's limbs and threw them into the blood vessel.

"Gudu~gudu~ah~ let it go~ let it go~ let it go~ woo~"

Allport, who had no limbs, was floating in the sea of ​​blood, uttering words with difficulty.But Daofeng didn't want to listen to his nonsense any more, he poured gasoline into the container with the oil barrel in the corner.


Dao Feng ruthlessly dropped a lighter, "Burn it to ashes!"

The shrill screams could not shake Dao Feng's determination, let alone arouse the reaction of the living dead around him.

Dao Feng really wanted to destroy this underground blood cellar, but the disposal of these living dead stumped Dao Feng.After much deliberation, Blade could only call Barbara the Mockingbird.

And Zed was lying on the bed in the RV, watching the live broadcast brought by the Falcon watch with his arms around Skye.

Skye gritted his teeth and looked at the underground blood cellar of Giovanni Manor. The tragic appearance of those living dead gave Skye a great shock.

"These bloody vampires! Us! Us! Them!"

Skye was too angry to utter a complete sentence.

Zed, who has been integrated into the lysogenic Amazon cells, did not have an irresistible cannibal urge to see this bloody scene, but he also did not have the same strong sense of disgust as Skye.

Everything was normal, but these disgusting guys still made Zed feel a little bit unhappy.

They are so tasteless!
Zed stroked Skye's earlobe and said slowly:
"It's unrealistic to kill them all, but it's still possible to hit them hard while Dickon is doing something. But our trip is going to be ruined!"

Skye sat up straight and looked at Zed:

"The purpose of traveling is to relax, but do you still need to relax now?"

"That makes sense! Go! Kill them!"

(End of this chapter)

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