Chapter 57 Clues

Zed walked unhurriedly in Daniel Whitehall's secret base, his eyes were looking ahead, but his heart was no longer here.

Xin, who knew Zed's thoughts, was merciless in killing people. No matter whether the Hydra soldiers resisted or surrendered, Xin would kill them all, leaving no one behind!
Xin's nature is an executioner, and after being trained by the Hand for so many years, killing is as common as breathing for Xin.

Even, it can bring joy to the letter!
On the other side, Tan Lidou took out some new props to test the power from time to time in order to collect data.

Some unsatisfactory ones will be eliminated immediately, while some good ones will be retained.

But no matter which one it is, it has brought huge casualties to the Hydra troops.

Daniel Whitehall is gnashing his teeth in the control center, watching Zed and his party massacre their own troops.

After the secret tunnel for retreat was destroyed, Daniel Whitehall had no way out.

Daniel Whitehall's face was grim, and he said in a deep voice:
"Press all the soldiers with secondary abilities to transform! The others are ready to break through! Also! Tell Brock that his enemy is coming!"

Daniel Whitehall has accumulated power here for a long time, following his orders to pass on.

The Hydra members in the base were busy but not in a hurry to prepare for the breakout.

Zed has already met a large number of soldiers with supernatural powers.From the appearance of these soldiers, it can be seen that they are crooked melons and dates, and some are even defective products, far inferior to the four sent to attack Charlie's house before.

"Welcome us with these defective products? Do they want to run away?" Tan Lidou said to himself.

Zed came back to his senses and said:
"Then let's act separately! Once you see Daniel Whitehall, send a signal. Xia Dumpling, you go to the control center and take over the control of the base. Don't let them do anything."

"Small idea!"

After the task was assigned, Tan Lidou continued to move towards the depths of the base.Woz and Shin advanced to either side.Zed and Skye returned to the previous hall and waited.

On the way back, Zed needs to solve the fish that slipped through the net by himself.Zed took out the hour gun and shot these lucky ones one by one.

Some of the supernatural transformation soldiers who rushed up were handed over to Skye for training. Skye stretched out his hands to point at these weird-looking guys, and tried hard to sense the vibration frequency inside their bodies.

The first few shock wave attacks were fine, destroying the target's vitality from the inside.But in the next few rounds, Skye's control was not satisfactory.

The violent shock wave directly exploded the target into blood, and both Zed and Skye were stained a lot.

Although Zed also felt disgusted, he could bear it, and Skye vomited directly on the ground.

Skye wiped the blood, flesh and mud on his body while spitting, and the tears could not be stopped.

Zed patted Skye on the back to help her straighten out her breath, and then said:

"Come out! Is it so beautiful?"

After Zed finished speaking, Coulson, May, and Ward came out from around the corner.

Skye looked up at the three of them, then continued to vomit.

Coulson looked at the blood on the ground, then at Skye who was vomiting, and then said to Zed:
"Is this what makes Miss Skye so special? What a terrifying ability!"

The Charlie family is still under the protection of Nick Fury, and Zed's attitude is quite peaceful and said:

"Colson, I don't care what you do here, but Daniel Whitehall must die! I said it!"

Coulson showed a signature smile and said:

"Although I really want to arrest Daniel Whitehall, I don't think I can beat you. The director will understand me!
in addition!The director asked me to tell you that Charlie's family is safe now, and no one will disturb their peaceful life anymore. "

Zed didn't want to say anything more when he heard this, and made way for the three of Coulson to pass through to carry out their task.

Tan Lidou rushed all the way to the deepest part of the base, besides what Zed told him, Tan Lidou still had his own ideas.

Dan Lidou is also interested in the abilities of aliens, and these abilities are a new and completely unknown world to Dan Lidou.

Challenging the unknown and conquering the unknown has always been Tan Lidou's scientific research attitude.Regardless of whether the research on abilities can bring surprises to Tan Lidou, Tan Lidou enjoys the joy of exploring the unknown.

The more Tan Lidou recalled the scene of Skye activating his ability in his mind, the more he couldn't wait to get Daniel Whitehall's research materials.

Tan Lidou kept talking to himself:
"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Tan Lidou ran and jumped quickly, jumped up and kicked a knight on the protective door of the control center.

The door burst open, revealing the main control computer inside.

The red sign on the display of the main control computer is obviously the remote control program for the self-destruct of the base, but why would Tan Lidou be afraid of such a thing.

"Ha~ha~ha~! Interesting! The base exploded, the data was deleted, and the control was transferred! Ah~ how can these little troubles come so hard to my new-Tan Lidou-Kami-sama!"

Tan Lidou laughed maniacally, multitasking and controlling multiple computers at the same time.

While cracking the self-destruction program of the base, while restoring the data that was just deleted, they competed remotely with Daniel Whitehall for the control of the base.

The crazy keyboard tapping and Tan Lidou's maniacal laughter made the control center with only one person look like a sea of ​​people.

The remote control program of the base self-destruct was not cracked at the last second like in the movie.

It took Tan Lidou less than a minute to crack the self-explosion program, delaying the solution until the last second is an insult to the talent of God.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Lidou seized control of the base and sealed off the entire base to ensure that Hydra's people could not escape, so he concentrated on studying the alien's data.

A few minutes later, Zed just helped Skye up, and the three of Coulson ran back desperately.

Zed was very puzzled and said:
"What are you doing?"

After Coulson ran to Zed's side, Panasonic replied:

"There's a big guy! He's looking for you!"

Just as Coulson finished speaking, a little giant with muscles all over his body bulging explosively and blood vessels protruding jumped in front of them.

He came to Zed before and after, and Zed discovered that there were many stitches on the body of this stupid and drooling man.

Probably another masterpiece of Daniel Whitehall, Zed complained in his heart.

But what Zed didn't expect was that after seeing the King of Time armor Zed was wearing, this guy opened his eyes wide and roared:

"Time King!!!"

"He really came to look for me!"

Zed made complaints about Gui Tucao's hand, but he was not slow, the W dial was already inserted into the space-time drive.

Two people, one big and one small, collided together, and the big guy was sent flying by the little guy.

After Zed obtained the power of the second level, his basic strength has also been greatly improved.Although it can't be compared with Hulk's kind of forgiving macho, it is more than enough to deal with this kind of reformer with little technical content.

The big man got up from the ground and rushed up again with a roar.

The big man's reluctance made Zed understand that this guy must have been his enemy before.

But with plastic surgery like this, you can't even say a complete sentence, who knows who you are?
Zed didn't bother with this issue anymore. After all, today's target is Daniel Whitehall, and he doesn't want to waste time with him.

Zed sideways dodged the impact of the big man, squatted down and received a leg sweep, and the big man rolled and hit the wall.

But this big man was really rough and thick, and immediately rushed towards Zed after getting up, as if he didn't know pain or fear.

No matter how many times Zed knocks this guy down, he gets up and charges Zed again.

Zed, who was extremely irritable, directly took out the second-order dial, even if he killed a chicken with a sledgehammer, he would blow this guy up at once, so that he could never get up again.

There was a pink light on Zed's fist, and at the same time there were voices in his heart—kill him!kill him!Kill him quickly!

There was a purple evil light in Zed's pupils, heeded the voice in his heart, and swung a domineering punch at the big man.

A big hole was blasted in the chest of the big man, and he was already dead from this kind of injury, and he couldn't get up again.

After getting rid of the guy who made him irritated, Zed couldn't help giggling.

Laugh loudly, laugh very carefree.

Coulson, May, and Ward who stood by were all panicked. They had only heard this kind of laughter in the mental hospital.

Skye knew that Zed was under a lot of pressure recently, but he didn't expect Zed's mental problems to be so serious.

Skye hurried up to hold Zed:
"Okay! He's dead! It's over!"

Skye's reassurance calmed Zed, but the purple in Zed's pupils did not dissipate, and remained entangled in his eyes.But with the mask covering it, no one noticed.

Zed walked towards the big body without saying a word, and Skye knew what he was going to do and didn't stop him.

The three of Coulson were curious, watching Zed take out a black dial and press it on the big body.

Although the big man is said to be a big man, his size and strength are much smaller than the abomination.

The dark energy gushing out of such a body is not inferior to hatred at all, and even surpasses it.

Zed's mind has been completely attracted by the ferocious empty self on this strange dial.

"What's wrong? Zed!" Skye asked strangely seeing Zed standing there motionless.

Zed didn't answer Skye, but silently took out a new blank dial and held it in his hand.

Zed looked at the alien dial on his left hand, and then at the blank dial on his right hand. He raised his right index finger to point at the button of the blank dial and pressed it down.

There was a sound of snakes spitting out letters, and then a strange and treacherous purple light lit up on the blank dial.

(End of this chapter)

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