Chapter 51
Dr. Conners has been hiding in the New York sewers for a while trying to solve his mania problem, but the actual effect is not ideal.

Dr. Connors' way of thinking changes each time he assumes his lizardman form.

Every time the lizard head thought of Spider-Man or Norman Osborn, a surge of rage spewed up.

"Bug! Osborne! Buggy! Osborne!"

The more Dr. Lizard thought about it, the more angry he became, the more he thought about it. When he became extremely angry, Dr. Lizard decided to take revenge.

Since you can't find the little bug, let's tear Norman Osborn to pieces first.After Dr. Lizard crawled out of the sewer, he ran all the way to the Osborne Building.

The high-speed running, the screaming of pedestrians, and the explosion of vehicles all made Dr. Lizard more excited.One claw tore open the gate of the Osborne Building, and Dr. Lizard shouted:


Norman had turned into an evil green goblin at this time, and couldn't stand Dr. Lizard's provocation at all. He changed into a dark green combat uniform developed for the military, and drove towards Dr. Lizard in a devil glider.

"Connors! You are courting death!"

Norman cursed and shot Dr. Lizard with the gun on the glider.As the glider passed over Dr. Lizard's head, Norman dropped two more pumpkin bombs.

Dr. Lizard quickly dodged the Green Goblin's attack, avoiding the center of the explosion.


The violent explosion forced the two to separate, and a frivolous voice sounded when the two were about to fight again when the flames cleared.

"How can such a fun thing not take me!" Venom Spider-Man swung to the wall and looked at the two of them and said.

"small bug!"

This is just great!Both enemies are coming!Double the rage!Dr. Lizard kicked off the battle with a roar!

With the help of the venom, Peter's black muscles swelled up, and he resisted Dr. Lizard's impact with brute force.

Peter and Connors grab each other's shoulders and start wrestling, splitting the score between the two.

Peter laughed and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so weak?"

Doctor Lizard responded to Peter with a thick tail, and being drawn by this muscular tail is definitely enough to drink a pot.

Dr. Lizard's tail whip whizzed towards Peter, and suddenly there was a piercing and cracking sound.

A giant black hand stretched out from behind Peter to catch a tail whip, and then a second head emerged from Peter's neck.

Venom's head!
Venom moved his liquid viscous head and said:

"Peter! We're perfect mates! I'm hungry! I'm going to eat these two guys!"

Peter didn't reply, just giggled.

The Green Goblin, who was watching the show, threw a few pumpkin bombs directly at the three guys on the ground, and then machine guns fired wildly.

"Eat me? Just rely on your puddle of mud? I'm laughing to death! Ha~ha~ha~" The Green Goblin also joined the battle.

The spider goes mad; the venom roars; the green goblin laughs; the lizard howls!

Demons dance!

The entire lobby on the first floor of the Osborne Building was ruined by four lunatics. Zed, who had been observing secretly, suddenly sensed that a dial was activated.

"What's the situation? And the dial fell outside?" Zed was very surprised.

Zed tried his best to recall the position of each dial, and after thinking about it, only the pocket watch handed to Peter remained outside.But Peter is right there, busy fighting the Green Goblin and Dr. Lizard.

How could it be Peter who activated the dial?

Could it be that an outsider took that pocket watch?
Zed first guessed that the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered something wrong with the pocket watch, but then he thought carefully that S.H.I.E.L.D. is now in the "honeymoon period" with himself and shouldn't do such stupid things.

Zed, who can't figure it out, doesn't need to figure it out.A piercing sound sounded, and Zed followed the sound and looked at a piece of glass in the Osborne Building.

Ordinary people can't see it, but Zed can!A full face motorcycle is speeding in the mirror!

"Sea! Sea ray!"

Zed recognized the pink knight.

There was a burst of ripples on the glass mirror, and the sea ray came out of the mirror world and stared straight at the black Spider-Man.

As if making up his mind, he pulled out a card and inserted it into the summoning machine.

Swipe to read!

A pink tail whip was now in the sea ray's hand, and he felt the whip with a strong twitch, and the sea ray rushed towards the battlefield.

After the ray rushed into the battlefield, it not only attacked the Green Goblin and Dr. Lizard, but also helped Peter block many attacks.

"Companion? That's great! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

With the help of the sea ray, the pressure on Venom and Peter was relieved a lot, and Venom couldn't help laughing.

"Shut up! You monster! Get out of Peter's body!"

The sound from the ray made Peter wake up a lot.Peter asked in disbelief:

"Ben! Uncle Ben! How could you?"

It was naturally Uncle Ben who activated the ray dial, and Ben cursed angrily:
"Hurry up and get rid of this monster! What are you waiting for?"

Venom originally thought it was a teammate, but he didn't expect it to be an enemy in the end.Immediately, he increased his control over Peter to prevent Peter from getting out of control.

The corner of Peter's mouth twitched and said:

"No! This is my power! This is mine! No one can take it away!"

"Yes! That's right! We are one, and no one can separate us!" Venom continued to blow the wind in Peter's ear.

"Bastard! You monster!" Ben wanted to say something more but the Goblin's attack had arrived.

The bullets from the machine gun hit Ben's body, causing him unbearable pain, and it was too late to dodge if he wanted to. After all, Ben was just an ordinary person who couldn't fight.

Although Ben was Peter's uncle, he had already regarded Peter as his son.Enduring the pain, he pulled out a card and inserted it into the summoning machine.


The contracted beast of the sea ray, the evil sneak ray, came out of the mirror world, and Ben stepped on the sneak ray and chased the green goblin in the air as soon as he jumped up.

"Ha~ha~ha~ Just because you want to challenge me?"

The Green Goblin has already seen that the sea ray is just an ordinary person who can't fight, and the Green Goblin doesn't take such a guy seriously.

The two kept shuttling through the air, and the Green Goblin's posture was obviously much smoother and more proficient than Ben's.Ben wobbled on the stalker ray and could barely keep his feet.

But Ben has no fear!
When the Goblin activated the weapon on the glider again, Ben drew another card and inserted it into the summoner.

Copy read!

The same weapon as the Green Goblin's glider also appeared on the sneak ray. In the green goblin's frightened anger, the two weapons shot at each other at the same time.

After all, the glider was just a dead object and could not be compared with the contracted beast. It failed to avoid the attack of the sneak ray, and fell to the ground with sparks and black smoke after being hit by the bullet.

On the ground, Venom Spider-Man is still engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Dr. Lizard.Dr. Lizard's sharp claws have little effect on the venom's liquid body, and the torn body can recover in an instant.

In the double laughter of Peter and Venom, Peter's black arms quickly expanded and enlarged, and then he punched Dr. Lizard in the face.

This punch is really strong enough!
For the first time, the thick-skinned Dr. Lizard knelt down on the ground with his head supported, so dizzy that he was powerless to resist.

Peter hugged Dr. Lizard's tail and swung him, beating him like a toy.

But the more he beat, the angrier Dr. Lizard became.

After waking up, Dr. Lizard grabbed the ground with his sharp claws and opened a big hole, stopped his body abruptly, and kicked Peter out with a kick of his legs.

Ben, who just won a small round, saw Dr. Lizard walking towards Peter who fell to the ground. He didn't care about chasing the Green Goblin, and pulled out another card and inserted it into the summoner.

Finally came!
Ben sprinted towards Dr. Lizard quickly on the sneak ray, and kicked away with a leap.

As soon as Dr. Lizard turned to face Ben, it was already too late. The initial speed brought by the sneak ray was too fast.

This kick hit Dr. Lizard's chest!
Dr. Lizard was kicked directly to the ground and seriously injured.But Dr. Lizard is really rough and thick, and this shot finally came and failed to kill him directly.

"Peter, are you okay?"

Ben got up and checked on Peter, but it was Venom's fist that responded.

"Old thing! Don't meddle in your own business!" Venom's violent voice came out, and then staggered up.

"Ha~ha~ha~ha~! Go to hell with me!"

The Green Goblin who had just disappeared did not escape, but returned to the underground laboratory to replenish a wave of weapons and ammunition.Throw all the bombs towards Peter and Ben like a bomber.


The violent explosion of this batch of pumpkin bombs dealt a lot of damage to Venom.The venom could no longer maintain its normal state, and slowly slipped off Peter's body, revealing the red and blue Spiderman inside.

Although Ben is also within the bombing range, the protection of the ray armor is at least not as miserable as the venom.

Just as Ben staggered up from the ground, Dr. Lizard behind Peter also got up and swung his claws towards Peter.

Ben burst out as fast as he could and pushed Peter away, but he couldn't dodge the claw himself.

The blood was dripping, and the bones could be seen deep.

Peter, who was still struggling with the venom, yelled:
"Do not!!!"

At this moment, Peter finally woke up from his dark side!

"Get out! Get out of here! Uncle Ben!!!"

Peter cried and wanted to crawl out of the quagmire of venom, but the venom was at the end of his crossbow, so why not Peter?
Peter lay on the ground and stretched out his hands towards the direction where Ben fell to the ground, trying to grab something, but he couldn't grab anything and could only cry helplessly.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Zed walked towards this side.

Seeing someone approaching again, the tired Dr. Lizard gave up the idea of ​​making up the knife, turned around and ran away.And the Green Goblin has long since disappeared.

"Want to save him?" Zed said walking to Peter.

"Save him quickly! Quickly! Quickly!"

Zed threw down two blank dials and continued:


Peter glanced at Ben who was lying aside, then raised his hands stained with venom and pressed it down without hesitation.

Red and black!
Dragon Knight and Dragon Tooth!
(End of this chapter)

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