Chapter 502 New Legend
17 years later, Earth, New York, in a cemetery.

Standing in front of a tombstone, two graceful women led a young man who hadn't completely faded away and said:

"Give your grandpa the flowers, Will."

"Okay." Will bent down and placed flowers in front of the tombstone engraved with "Thaddeus E. Ross" and said, "Mom, someone is here."

Betty and Nina glanced at the man walking towards this side, and then exchanged glances.Nina took Will's ear and walked aside, leaving the place for Betty and the man.

Weier looked at the middle-aged man curiously, then turned to look at Nina and asked:
"Mom, who is that? Do you know each other?"

"That's your grandfather's student." Nina knocked on Will's head and said, "I know what you're thinking, kid. It's not him, he's not your father."

Weier frowned and touched his head, sighing helplessly:

"I just want to know who my father is. Why is it so difficult? I'm bullied by you every day at home, and there's no one to complain."

"Huh-ah? Your kid's wings are hard!" Nina immediately clenched her fists and turned on Weier's head, "Look at the trick!"

"It hurts, it hurts, let it go..." Weier was no match for Nina, who was a mercenary, and he was subdued by Zhide after a few strokes, and stood aside like a quail, motionless.

"Is that your child?" Reginald would come here to visit the grave every year on Rose's death day, and talk to Rose about the short stories of the family and the recent trivia.

Betty glanced at Nina and Will, then nodded and said:
"Yes, what's the problem?"

Reginald silently withdrew his gaze and reminded in a low voice:

"The proportion of superpowers in the new generation of babies is getting higher and higher, and the Sokovia agreement has been reversed. If your family needs it, I will help you. This is the last thing I can do for the teacher. something happened."

Betty didn't directly refuse, but replied tactfully:
"We should be able to handle it ourselves. If we can't handle it, we will come to you again. Well, if there is nothing else, we will leave first. You must have a lot to say with my father."

After the words fell, Betty turned and walked towards Nina and Will.Reginald suddenly bowed towards Betty's back, and apologized choked up:
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, if the teacher wasn't protecting me at that time, I wouldn't have been taken away so easily, and I wouldn't, I wouldn't have forced you to do it... I'm sorry..."

"The past is in the past, and my father certainly doesn't want to be someone else's puppet." Betty shook her head, and walked towards Nina and Will, "Let's go, let's go home."

The lava orange car drove the three of them past Reginald's black SUV and drove towards the bustling New York city.

Weier, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly said:

"Mums, I think it's time for me to learn to drive. My friends all have driver's licenses."

"That's right, Will is also old enough to date girls. Hahahaha." The carefree Nina mercilessly exposed Will's purpose, which made Will feel embarrassed for a while.

Just as Will was thinking about how to resolve the embarrassment, two cars suddenly rushed out and crashed into Betty's car.

"Damn it!" Betty slammed the steering wheel to avoid pedestrians on the road, and rushed into the coffee shop on the street.

After Betty and Nina made sure that Will was fine, they kicked the car door and walked out.The fiery Red Hulk and the icy Domino, one wields a broadsword, and the other holds a submachine gun and shouted at the same time:

"Who is courting death?"

"Wil, go inside."

Boo, boo, boo!
Swish, swish, swish!
Red and Blue Shuangsha come out of the rivers and lakes again.

Looking at the battle outside from behind the counter, the Weir cat sighed:

"Thank you mothers for not killing me, I was too naughty before. Hiss, eh, woo, ah, it's too violent!"

"Well, it's really violent." The fat middle-aged man who had long been hiding behind the counter nodded in approval.

"Uncle, are you a policeman? Why don't you go? Can you do it?" Weier turned his head and found that the middle-aged fat man was holding a dark blue strange thing in his hand, and a U with a police badge engraved on it. plate.

Ned's physical strength has declined seriously, and his waist is getting more and more fat. He can no longer wear the pure belt of Kamen Rider, but how can he admit that he can't do it.

"Boy, what uncle! I'm not that old." Just as Ned wanted to correct Will, he suddenly found that a bad guy came in, and raised his gun at this point, "Be careful!"

Ned ejected his fat body and pushed Will aside, but his own shoulder was scratched by the bullet, and the belt fell off, and the situation became more and more critical.

"Damn it!" Ned said nonchalantly to Will, "Boy, put on your belt and insert the USB drive into your belt!"


"What! Hurry up and do it!"

"Oh." Will picked up the belt and USB flash drive and transformed into Kamen Rider Jun under Ned's guidance.

It was the first time Weier came into contact with this kind of high-tech equipment, and he couldn't help himself with excitement. He yelled in the blue and white halo, and then waved his fists and rushed towards the bad guys with guns:

"Hero Ville—official debut!"

"Ooooh! Uppercut! Where are you running?"


In the distant Haim Underworld, the man sitting on the throne looked back, holding a blank dial in his hand and said with a smile:
"Let's wait a while. Woz, I may trouble you again then."

"It's my honor, Your Majesty the Devil." Woz weighed the Hasselblad camera in his hand and said, "I haven't taken pictures of the earth for a long time."

"Yeah, I have worked hard for you during my recuperation period, Woz, Xin, Skye, Lilith... the injuries from the two Infinity Stones are almost healed, and it's time for us to go out for a walk." Zed stretched his muscles and bones , looking forward to the future.

"Great! I'm going to the beach!"

"I'm going to the hot springs!"



Everything fell into a deep sleep and returned to the universe, waiting for the awakening after endless years; the knights returned to their own world, their own time, and lived their own lives; the warriors who fought for the earth and the world have the glory They died in battle, and some returned home... But people can still live and work in peace and contentment, and their contribution is indispensable.

Tunxing is still wandering in the universe searching for high-energy food; Evolto has become the creator in the world of soul gems; Tan Lidou and other gods who seek knowledge are still exploring the mysteries of the endless universe; cosmic gods such as the Life Tribunal are still maintaining the universe The balance of the situation... The other demon kings are still making "harassing calls" to Zed.

Time is still flowing; people are still connecting with each other; the story is not over and will never end.

(End of this chapter)

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