Chapter 499
The tug-of-war is still going on. Although Zed and others have involved many deformed monsters, there are still a large number of deformed monsters crawling out of the sea of ​​flesh and blood and rushing towards Hulk.

Therefore, the speed at which Hulk passively absorbs green light spots continues unabated. Although this increase is not exaggerated, it is definitely not good news.

"Damn it, there's no other way. We can only zoom in." Zed put away the blaster hand cannon, and at the same time took off the Shiwang dial and Chonghuang Shiwang dial with both hands, "Transform."

The golden clock eyes came again, and even the invisible things in the sky cast their gazes, although this gaze was just an illusory vortex.

Blessed moments!The most benevolent, the most benevolent, the most supreme and the most powerful king!King of the Devils!

Six Infinity Stones shine on the medal dial on Zed's right chest, which gives Zed far more than 6 minutes of free movement time, not to mention the increase in strength.

Zed raised his head to look at the invisible vortex, clenched his right fist and slammed at him.The golden energy fluctuated straight into the sky, shaking everything under it slightly, obviously the effect was not good.

Just like humans cannot harm the universe, although humans are inside the universe, they will never be able to touch the universe.This is also the case beneath everything that is a part of the universe, and nothing can harm him before his incarnation.

"It's really troublesome." Zed's mouth twitched, and he could only turn his head to look at the sea of ​​flesh and blood in the distance.

The golden energy flame was burning on Zed's right fist, and the power gem suddenly lit up, dyeing the flame purple.Zed floated in mid-air and swung this invincible and domineering punch towards the sea of ​​flesh and blood in the distance.

Zijin's energy instantly exploded in the sea of ​​flesh and blood, raising a large mushroom cloud and clearing out a vacuum area.

"It's not good." Zed was not satisfied with the huge results he had achieved, and was also faintly worried.

No matter how big the value of the attack power is, it is meaningless in the face of infinity.

Brian looked at the mushroom cloud that went straight into the sky, and his face changed slightly. After seeing that everything was not affected by anything, he smiled again:
"It's useless, the great god is part of the universe, no matter how strong you are, you cannot be the enemy of the universe.

"Those Asgardians who claim to be gods; the indigenous gods on Earth; the gods in the universe...they are all inferior to my God! Only He is the real God!"

"A part of the universe?" Banner thought for a long time. Without the Hulk, he is not qualified to fight at all, but there are still some things that only he can do.

Bryan would love for Banner to ask him about what lies beneath all things so he can proclaim the greatness of his master.

Brian opened his hands frantically to face the invisible vortex, and praised loudly:
"My master! The restarter of the universe; the source of negativity; the aggregate of all evils. He has no name, and no name is worthy of him, but I dare to call him the God of Destruction—under all things!"

"Totally crazy." Banner murmured in his heart, and then continued to ask, "You abandoned your family; assassinated me; created the Hulk...all for the sake of allegiance to it?"

Brian glanced at Banner coldly, and then said:

"Watch your words, Banner. There won't be another time.

"But you are right, everything is for my God. You and your mother are obstacles to my progress. I once wanted to kill you, but God stopped me. He gave me a better choice, and more choice of meaning."

Banner stood on the spot, clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and growled:
"Create a container inside my body big enough to hold him?"

"That's right, that's right. This is a more meaningful choice. Banner, you should be honored, and I'm also proud of you." Brian didn't care about Banner's reaction at all, and went crazy on his own.

"You ever tried to kill my mother?" Banner was on the verge of rage.

Brian turned his head and asked in a very incomprehensible way:

"Didn't I say it once? Don't you understand? Well, well, I'll just say it again.

"I'm tired of seeing you, an ant who can only play with building blocks and disturb my research. Your mother stopped me when I was about to kill you, so I planned to kill her too, and then He sent down the oracle..."

"Bastard!!!" Banner roared and rushed towards Brian, punching the ghost one after another.

The out-of-control Banner not only did not hurt Brian, but made himself embarrassed.

Bryan laughed at Banner, who fell from inertia:

"Oh, poor little Benner. Why can't you figure it out? You can't hurt me long dead and without a body."

"You scum! You actually want to kill my mother!" Banner got up from the ground and threw himself at Brian's ghost, "You crazy!"

Brian just floated in place and let Banner pass through his invisible body, mocking at the same time:
"Hahahaha! Yes, I just want to kill you and your mother! Hahahaha!"


After eating a mouthful of ashes, Banner got up, and threw himself at Brian again with red eyes, and shouted at the same time:

"You led me into the lab and ruined my life!"

"That's right, that's right, it's me. I still remember you saying hello to me, 'Hi, good morning, David.', hahahaha!" Brian became more and more happy seeing Banner's defeated dog .

Banner grabbed a handful of dust and sprinkled it on Brian, and rushed up again:
"You separated me and Hulk just to see my jokes! To provide a body for that damn god! To satisfy your twisted desire!"


Banner fell to the ground in embarrassment again.

Brian's ghost floated in the air and joked:
"Anger can make people lose their minds, but you are too unbearable, Banner. Although what you said is all true. Hahahahaha."

This time, Banner didn't jump at Brian again, but fell on the ground and trembled.Just when Brian was about to continue laughing at Banner's incompetence, Banner suddenly ran down the hillside and yelled at Zed:
"Zed!!! I got it!"

Zed immediately turned his head to look at Banner, who was crying and shouting, and Brian, who was astonished, rushed towards Banner in a flash.

Although he didn't know what Banner knew, Brian still felt that something was wrong, and immediately flew towards Banner's body, but he was not as fast as Zed's teleportation.

Zed appeared behind Banner in an instant, and stretched out his fiery golden palm to grab Brian, who was flying straight.And Brian couldn't stop the car anymore, and crashed into Zed's palm, his head was pinched tightly by the golden flame.

Banner turned around and said heartbreakingly:

"Kill him, Zed!"

"Extremely happy." Zed squeezed Brian's ghost with one hand and said, "You have no commodity value, out of print."

(End of this chapter)

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