Chapter 493

Earth, Africa, Wakanda.

T'Challa, who had regained the throne, spoke impassionedly to the tribal leaders and elders:

"Guys, we in Wakanda have been hiding from the world for many years. The last time the aliens invaded us from the sidelines, I really felt guilty afterward.

"We, Wakanda, are also part of this planet. Do we have to wait until the aliens lay down a territory on the earth before attacking it? No!
"This time the aliens invade, I will send troops to support New York, and I will let the whole world and the whole universe know the power of Wakanda! Who is in favor and who is against?"

T'Challa's reputation has risen since defeating Eric, and young people in Wakanda are also full of curiosity about the outside world. Although there are still a few elders who oppose it, the trend is unstoppable.

Soon, a special operations team flew to New York in a super fighter under the leadership of Techara.

But as soon as Techara and others left, the spies who had been lurking on the African grasslands reported to Brian Banner:

"My lord, Wakanda has sent troops."

"Very good, wait for my signal." Brian Banner looked at the body of Glenn Talbot he was using now, and then said to himself, "It's time to say goodbye to you."


A fleet of Skrulls led by Nick Fury and Captain Marvel intercepted Chitauri reinforcements in space.

Nick Fury, who hadn't seen him for a long time, looked at the interstellar battlefield full of gunfire, touched his bald head, and then said to Captain Marvel:
"This is just a reinforcement army without elite monsters, we can handle it, you go to Earth. Then why are there five elite monsters there, Carol, kill them!"

Carol didn't ask Nick Fury and the Skrulls if they were okay, but nodded solemnly, then left the ship and turned into a golden light and flew to the earth.

At the same time, Asgard's reinforcements were also teleported to New York with the help of the Warner Protoss.

Thor, holding Gungnir recast by the dwarf king, wiped one end with his left hand, and the spear was transformed into a battle axe.

Sol held up his battle ax to call Fenglei, and yelled at the five generals of Hei Yao:
"For Nidaville! For Asgard!"

This battle is not only to help the earth allies, but also to avenge the dwarves.

Loki came too, but he came to beat the dog in the water.After all, during the First New York War, these guys didn't give him a good face.

"Hmm, which one should I choose first?" Loki played with the dagger in the dark, and lit it back and forth among the five black generals.

"What's that?" A huge explosion suddenly came from the depths of the ocean, and Loki quickly focused his divine power on his eyes and looked in that direction.

A fiery laser fell from the sky, hit the main ship of Hei Yao Wu Jiang, and caused a huge explosion.There are still a few small dots in the air fleeing rapidly, flying towards this side.

"Huh? It's a good weapon." Loki didn't care about the life and death of Tony and others, he only noticed the power of the Helios rail gun.

But the next scene was even more shocking. Ordinary people may not be able to see it, but Loki is a god, so he can see it.

A battleship in space is struggling to hold back the spaceship of the Chitauri reinforcements.The ship was left alone and helpless, but several gigantic droids suddenly appeared behind the Chitauri reinforcements, and they swept the Chitauri reinforcements with unstoppable force.

——This is the Great Demon God Machine Fleet controlled by Professor Ling Ma and Woz.

"Damn! Where did these weapons come from?" Loki now only felt that he was derailed from the universe, "Huh? Golden light? A woman!"

Captain Marvel, Carol, descended from the sky and stood in the middle of the five black generals with an invincible aura.

"The main ship has been destroyed; reinforcements haven't arrived; Thanos has lost contact; now there is another monster... Alas, it's time to retreat." Ebony Maw calmly analyzed the situation and planned to retreat tactically.

But all of this was seen by the supreme mage Strange, who quickly took out a ticket:
"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Ebony Maw, who had just flown into the sky, was hit by an air train before he could stop Strange in time.

"Oh ho ho ho ho! My uncle's driving skills are not good!" Momotaros was riding on the mechanical electric bird in the tram command room, pulling the accelerator excitedly.

"Play for a while! Play for a while!"

"Brother Tao, you should give up your position."

"Oh, just grab it. I will fire first."


"How could this be? Isn't this earth a low-level planet?" Ebony Maw really panicked, the power gathered on the earth was too terrifying, "Don't come here! Don't come near me!"


After T'Challa and others left Wakanda, a huge explosion occurred inside Wakanda, and the source was the out-of-control Hulk.

"Hulk!" Hulk beat his chest frantically, and rushed all the way to Wakanda, still muttering, "Home, home, home..."

Shotaro looked at the Hulk who was wreaking havoc, and shouted to Philip with a bitter face:
"Philip, let's transform!"

"No, we don't have enough energy left to transform normally." Philip walked out of the ruins of the laboratory holding the injured letter and explained, "Dr. The wall went out."

"Wait! Philip, are you saying that he attacked Miss Shin before he got out of control and turned green?" Shotaro immediately noticed the problem, "He was controlled?"

"Probably." Philip looked at Hulk who was rushing towards the outskirts of Wakanda, then handed the letter to Princess Su Rui, and finally looked at Shotaro and said, "Shotaro, our remaining power is not enough to transform normally, but you I can merge and transform with the power to maintain my existence, and we don't need to defeat the big guy, we are detectives."

Shotaro immediately understood what Philip meant, took out the lost drive and the ace memory, and said firmly:

"Ah, you were forcibly sent back to the original world. Don't worry, Philip, this time, I will definitely bring you back to life. Transform yourself, partner."

"Okay, it's time to go." Philip immediately stood on the right side of Shotaro, and also took out the Lost Drive and Hayate Memory.


trump card!

"Transform!" Philip turned into a green stream of data to help Shotaro forcefully transform into a normal form of Kamen Rider W.

While Philip was still conscious, Shotaro shouted:

"Come on, Philip, it's a detective's job to solve mysteries!"

"Understood, leave it to me!"

After the words fell, Kamen Rider W turned into a gust of wind and blew towards the maddened Hulk.

(End of this chapter)

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