Chapter 49 Banquet
The TV news was reporting about last night's fight between Spider-Man and Lizardman on the bridge.

From military experiments to alien genetic modification, from political parties to capital predators, these experts dare to say anything.

Listening to the report on TV, Zed, who was eating breakfast, was a little irritable.After returning from last night, Zed felt a little restless, but he didn't know why.

Zed took a few deep breaths and then rode his bicycle to the school.Zed didn't find anything unusual along the way, but when he was about to arrive at school, Zed suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of something.

The current situation is exactly the same as last time at Matt's house. The plainclothes agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have already booked out the nearby area.It's just that Zed didn't have Matt's hearing ability, so he didn't see it right away.

Zed was already convinced that he was surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.What's not sure is how much the people at S.H.I.E.L.D. know.

Was it because of Peter that he was routinely censored?

Or has S.H.I.E.L.D. already identified itself?

But no matter which one it is, he can't show his feet.Although he is not afraid of S.H.I.E.L.D., Zed doesn't want to make accidents at this juncture. Peter's dial is the most important.

After entering the school, Zed gave up all his plans and devoted himself to the role of a lonely young man who doesn't like to study.After school, Zed and Ned watched Peter go to Gwen's house for an appointment, and the original plan to monitor Peter had to be shelved.

Natasha and Coulson were sitting in a coffee shop two streets away directing their agents and monitoring Zed's every move.

Natasha looked at Zed, who was in the surveillance as usual, and said:

"This guy is really calm! He has already found us!"

Coulson was very puzzled:
"What? He has already found out! We sent out the best agents! How did you find out?"

After Natasha just replied to Coulson's intuition as a woman, she opened the communication with Nick Fury:

"Zed Oleg has discovered that we are monitoring him, what should we do next?"

Nick Fury at the other end of the communicator rubbed an old-fashioned pager and pondered for a while, then said:

"Natasha! I need you to contact him personally. You can choose to accept or reject this task."

"I accept. This is my job. Isn't it?" Natasha agreed without waiting for Nick Fury to continue speaking.Then got up and walked out of the cafe
Nick Fury ordered in another channel:
"Kolson, keep an eye on her. Don't let her get into trouble."

"Yes, sir!"

Natasha stopped Zed and Ned generously, looking at Zed with provocative and seductive eyes.Zed didn't respond, and Ned stared blankly.

"What's wrong? Zed! One night is not enough for you to remember me?" Natasha's vermilion lips parted.

"What! Zed! You're with this beautiful woman! You! You! You make me so jealous!" Ned wasn't really jealous, but to liven up the atmosphere.

Natasha turned to Ned and said, "Are you Zed's friend? My name is Natasha! What's your name?"

"Ned! My name is Ned!"

With Ned by his side, Zed dared not make a move.Natasha would not let go of such a good opportunity, she walked to Zed's side, held Zed's arm intimately, and walked on the road with the two of them.

Zed and Ned have been friends for so many years, even if they came with a purpose in the first place.But after so many years, a stone should be warmed up.

Ze Dexu cooperated with the snake:

"How could I forget you! Natasha~~!"

Zed deliberately dragged the tail to warn Natasha not to shoot Ned.

Natasha pretended not to understand, and continued:

"Then why are you in such a hurry to leave? I'll buy you a drink! Juice! We can talk slowly! Can't we, Ned?"


The three walked into a beautiful, clean restaurant.Zed guessed that these guests and waiters might have been replaced by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and he was waiting for himself to get in.

No good feast!

In the restaurant, Ned took the initiative to order food, wanting to give the two a chance to be alone.Ned wanted to be a wingman and sent an assist, but he picked up the wrong plane.

Natasha supported her cheek with a jade lotus root, and said with a smile, "Good friend!"

"That's right. Ned is indeed a good friend." Zed also calmed down at this time, and now he can only cover up with soldiers.

"You care so much about this friend, you don't look like a devil!" Natasha stared at Zed's eyes with shuiling eyes, not letting go of any details.

Zed understands the truth that too many words will lead to mistakes, especially when facing a psychology master like Natasha.Showdown directly: "What do you want to do?"

Natasha switched hands and said:

"It's more appropriate for me to ask this question! What do you, the devil, want to do?"

Zed raised his eyebrows, stared into Natasha's eyes and said:
"What I want is simple—freedom! Absolute freedom! I don't like to rule others, but I hate being ruled by others even more. I will destroy anyone who gets in my way. Simple, isn't it?"

This answer was almost consistent with Natasha's guess. Seeing that Zed was willing to have a good talk, Natasha continued:
"It's no different from making the whole world an enemy."

Zed answered irrelevantly and asked: "Then you also understand my power?"

"Although the power of time is strong, you can't use it unlimitedly!" Natasha continued to confront Zed.

"There are a lot of restrictions." Zed admitted generously, "but it's okay to see a little bit of the future. For example, when you die! I'm not threatening you. I mean you have less than 15 years of life left gone."

Natasha didn't panic, but laughed instead:
"So I won't die here today!"

"Not really! You will die on an alien planet, not on Earth." Zed began to fight back.


"A very distant place, a deserted place. I don't know if you like this kind of home."

Zed took a sip of water and watched Natasha's reaction.A trace of panic and unwillingness appeared on Natasha's face.

If Zed hadn't known what kind of person Natasha was in advance, he would have been deceived.

These agents have dirty hearts!
Zed was almost completely defeated in this verbal confrontation, and no useful information was obtained.And Natasha sure got a lot.

Zed can only release the last trick:

"You SHIELD is not my opponent. If you want to deal with me, find someone who can fight me. If you don't have such a person? I can recommend one for you!"


"An old popsicle! This old popsicle only uses a shield to fight, and there is a star on the shield. I don't know if you need him. If you don't, he will be mine." Zed replied slowly.

"Captain America? He's still alive! Where is he?" Natasha asked following Nick Fury's instructions.

Peter came downstairs to Gwen's house with flowers in his hand, and looked up.Then he climbed up the wall and turned into Gwen's room.

No one could understand why Peter had to climb the wall and go through the window when he went to the girl's house for the first time.Not only did it scare Gwen, but the flowers in her hand had already wilted during the climbing process.

"Ah! I'm sorry! This flower~er~" Peter was at a loss in embarrassment.

Gwen patted his forehead and said, "Why did you crawl in here? Can't you go through the main entrance?"

"I just wanted to surprise you. Sorry, Gwen!" Peter quickly admitted his mistake.

Gwen didn't intend to be serious either:

"Okay, Peter. Don't do this in the future. It's not a surprise, it's a shock!"

"Who is there?"

Gwen's father, George Stacey, heard the movement and opened the door of Gwen's room, just in time to see Peter with rotten flowers appearing in his daughter's room.

"Peter? Why are you here? I didn't see you coming in?" George, who was the chief of the police station, had an occupational disease and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Gwen, who didn't want to stay in the girl's college, must be pushing George out of the room towards the boy she likes:

"I opened the door, you just didn't see it in the kitchen."

At this time, George had figured out that Peter had come in through the window, but he didn't pursue the matter further in order to save face for his daughter.

The three of them came to the dining table together, and it happened that Gwen's mother had put the dinner on the table, and a family dinner began.

Gwen's mother had a very good impression of Peter. Peter's internship in the laboratory of the Osborne Group was definitely not a small achievement for a high school student.

But at the same time, as soon as Peter went, the laboratory was disbanded, which made Gwen's mother feel sorry for Peter, and comforted:

"It's nothing! Don't lose confidence! Osborne's internal adjustment has nothing to do with you, it's just bad luck. There must be better opportunities next time."

Peter didn't care about this matter before, and he felt more at ease with Gwen's mother's comfort: "Thank you!"

The dinner has been pretty good so far, until George jumps to Spider-Man.

As the chief of the New York Police Department, George is a really good policeman. He is not only jealous, but also disgusted with these vigilantes who do not obey the law.

"Spider-Man will only create more trouble. Doesn't he know how much he's helping? Only the law can protect the citizens! Daredevil, Spider-Man and others are law-breaking and unstable elements!"

The young and energetic Peter could not accept that his hard work was denied by others, and he really wanted to help others.He expressed his agreement with Spider-Man to George.

George originally thought that there was something wrong with this young man who broke through the window and entered other people's houses, but now he directly has a big problem with his concept of right and wrong.Immediately began to educate Peter.

Communication becomes education, education becomes quarrel.

Such a ruined dinner party.

A heartbroken Peter wandered from building to building, venting his grievances, completely unaware that he had been attacked.

(End of this chapter)

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