Chapter 487
"What? We're still fighting here, and you're going to another planet?" Tony didn't know the specific situation, so he didn't think it was suitable for the strategy of catching the thief first.

Nebula pinched his chin and thought for a while, then interrupted:

"No, it's just right. Thanos's army is more than that, and he can transfer some troops from the Chitauri home planet. It would be more beneficial to kill him directly, and for now, we are not powerless."

"I'm going too!" Xingjue only thought about Gamora, and he had lost the ability to think calmly.

Zed didn't dare to let Xingjue get into trouble, so he rejected Xingjue without hesitation, and reprimanded indifferently:
"Xingjue, if you go, you will only hold me back. Thanos is not something you can deal with, you should focus on General Black Five and these Chitauri.

"Stopping these guys and not giving them a chance to support Thanos is all you can do now, the only meaningful thing, understand?"

Star-Lord wanted to refute, but Zed had already turned and left.Zed doesn't want to give Star-Lord any space and opportunity to "play freely".

After Zed teleported away, Tony gritted his teeth and turned to Rocket Raccoon and asked:

"Little raccoon, have you adjusted?"

"What? Little raccoon! Damn it!" Rocket Raccoon just wanted to go crazy, but when he realized that this is not a good time to go crazy, he gritted his teeth and responded, "The change is complete. This spaceship will fly to the depths of the sea, but we still There are other problems to be solved, those small and medium-sized ships."

"I'm Groot." The young Groot muttered towards the door.

Tony realized something, twitching the corners of his mouth stiffly and asked:

"Let me guess, it was saying we have to deal with the enemies in this ship first, right?"


"There are many mistakes, but the general meaning is right." Rocket Raccoon jumped off the seat, pulled the bolt with both hands and said, "Let's have a big fight! Baby."


The main ship of the Five Hei Yao Generals was hijacked and flew towards the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Many medium-sized spaceships surrounded the ship and did not dare to use weapons of mass destruction. Instead, they released small landing spaceships to forcibly board the main ship.

"Catch the intruder!" Commander Chitauri yelled through the channel.


One ebbs and another, the battle on the ground begins to show its advantages, and the scale of victory is tilting.

On the human side, with the support of mutants, aliens, folk superpowers, etc., the momentum has surged; on the other hand, on the side of Hei Yaowu, even if they show some strength and no longer hold the mentality of playing, they are still unable to turn the tide .

"Damn it, how could there be so many powerful combat forces on the earth, this is obviously just a low-level planet!" The most insidious Ebony Maw has never shown his true strength, and it is the same now.

While Ebony Throat was "fiercely fighting" with Dr. Strange, he was thinking about what to do next. On the surface, he was the most loyal to Thanos, but in fact he never thought of dying for Thanos.

When he intercepted the message from the main battleship, his mind became active:
"Hehehe, fighting Thanos on Titan? Not bad, I can just paddle here.

"If Thanos wins, we will go all out to wipe out these ants; if he loses, I have the ability to evacuate and recruit the remaining Chitauri. Hehehe..."

The magic whip in the hand of Supreme Mage Strange hit Ebony Throat's cheek, and Strange spat at the same time:

"Your smile is unflattering. What bad idea were you thinking?"

"Oh, ants." Ebony Throat squinted his eyes and became angry, but he was not impulsive, he has always been an extremely calm person.

boom! boom! boom!
Compared with Ebony Maw, which is loud and rainy, the massive black dwarf is the most dynamic, while Proxima Centauri is the hardest.As for General Deathblade and Superstar, they are also a little cautious and deliberately retain some strength.

Human beings are really united and united.Everything is as planned by Zed. When a powerful foreign enemy invades, human beings will unite together and fight against each other until the crisis is resolved or they are eliminated...

Of course, there is no shortage of extremely selfish people in this world.They put others on top while they stay behind; some don't care about it; some even want to set the world on fire.

For example, Norman Osborn, Victor Doom, Brian Banner...

At this time, Norman was an old and seriously ill businessman, supporting a large amount of weapons, equipment and medical drugs for the front line.And the Green Goblin was lurking in the dark and peeping at everything, sneering disdainfully;

Dum monitored the entire battlefield in his laboratory, and all the heroes of the earth and alien monsters became his experimental materials.Constantly updated data and information made him happy physically and mentally, unable to extricate himself;
Brian hid in the abandoned New Mexico gamma ray experiment base, staring at the monitoring screen intently, and at the same time ordered:

"Go and catch Ross for me. Remember, the commotion must be louder. In addition, if Wakanda also sends troops to support, please notify me immediately, and I will personally lead the team to bring Hulk back...

"The gift of God will only be given to the pious, understand?"

The men in black behind Brian responded in unison:


In the hot spring of the Temple of Death in the depths of the universe, Tun Xing took a comfortable bath with a towel and cried out in satisfaction:
"Ha-ah, it's comfortable. Not only can this pool allow us to resurrect infinitely, it's also good for healing our wounds."


In the center of the pool floated a purple-black pipe with the words continuation of life written on its outer wall, and then Tan Lidou, who was wearing a navy blue bathrobe, jumped out of it and gritted his teeth:

"Damn Purple Potato Essence, how dare you lie to me! How dare you lie to me who is a god! Unforgivable!"

Tun Xing waved his hand indifferently and comforted:
"Isn't it just being cheated once, junior. In our infinite life, this can be called a complete surprise. Without these things, our life would be very boring."

"Shut up! I must make him pay the price!" Tan Lidou's age is not even a fraction of Tunxing's, and he can't reach this kind of Buddhist realm, so he flew out without saying a word.

Tun Xing patted the water splash boredly, and said to himself:
"It's nice to be young. You have the motivation to do everything. Unlike me, I have no motivation for anything except eating. Ha-ah, I shouldn't want to eat, and I'm hungry again."


Tan Lidou turned into a purple meteor, piercing the barrier of space and flying towards the position he sensed.

At the same time, a scarlet figure also cast his gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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