Chapter 483 Substitutes

Xingjue and others received the text message from Skye and hurriedly drove the spaceship away from Xandar, but Thanos' fleet was already eyeing them.

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky..." Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon did not compete for the control of the spaceship this time, and they all breathed out their fragrances, greeting Thanos' family.

On the other side, Zed's furniture was transported to Helm's Underworld, while the Tower of the World Tree, the Mavis Star Experimental Base, and the Hala Seaview Palace all inevitably fell into emptiness.

However, it doesn't matter.

Everything is worth it for the golden fruit.

Zed stood on the newly built ceremony high platform, overlooking the endless green forest, feeling the growing power, unconsciously looking forward to it.

As Professor Ling Ma's assistant, Skye debugged the main control computer, and the others guarded the steeple where the subroutine was located to prevent accidents.

While monitoring the screen, Skye asked:
"Professor, how long will it take for the golden fruit to appear?"

"Soon, my intuition tells me that it will be born soon." Professor Ling Ma closed his eyes and opened his hands, greedily breathing the air of Haim's underworld.

Skye found it strange that Professor Ling Ma would use such an imprecise word as "intuition", and frowned:
"Professor, how could you?"

"What will happen? Oh, you said this. Skye, let me ask you, as a scientist, what should you do when there is no way forward?" Professor Ling Ma opened his eyes and looked at half of his students.

Skye looked at the brightly colored fruits around him, thought for a while and said a word:
"open up?"

"That's right, it's pioneering! Since we want to develop, the most important thing is naturally the talent and knowledge of the scientist himself. If he doesn't even have confidence in himself, then he is doomed to fail. Do you understand?" Professor Ling Ma became more and more He has the demeanor of a mentor who teaches by precept and example.

"I see. Um~, that's it?" Skye nodded, and suddenly found that the surrounding vines began to twist rhythmically, and they all turned towards the high platform.

Professor Ling Ma glanced at the "restless vine" as if realizing something, then turned his head suddenly to look at Zed on the high platform, and exclaimed in surprise:

"Golden fruit, here we come!"

The forest covering the entire Haim Underworld came alive, and a strong vitality was gathering towards the central high platform.Zed, who felt this force, instinctively raised his hands to receive and guide this force, allowing it to condense in his hands.

Slowly, the transparent and formless vitality took on a color and shape, appearing as light spots exuding a faint golden light, and more and more, brighter and brighter.

In the end, a huge vortex composed of golden light spots appeared above the high platform, and a golden fruit slowly appeared in Zed's hand——Golden Fruit.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a long time, maybe a moment, this golden fruit is completely formed.Zed held the golden fruit in his hand and nodded towards everyone, then swallowed it suddenly.

"Hahahahaha! The time to display my talent has finally arrived!" Professor Ling Ma also pressed the button of the master control at the same time.

The spiers of each subroutine light up one after another, and energy lines are connected between the towers, forming a huge formation that covers most of Heim's underworld.

Feeling the huge energy in the golden fruit, Zed laughed maniacally. At the same time, he took out the space-time driver and put it on his waist. He released all the knight dials he had collected and placed them at his feet.

"Hiss—ah! Hahahahaha, come on! The strongest power——the king of the magic time!" Zed ignited the power of the magic that he had stored in himself, and he was reluctant to waste it.

The golden power of repelling demons ignited; the pale golden golden fruit decomposed in Zed's body; the white light in the air became brighter and brighter... The dials of the knights at Zed's feet also floated, wandering in the white light, surrounding Zed spun around.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Surrounded by various terrifying forces, Zed's blood dive body couldn't hold it anymore, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface of his body, but Zed still refused to give up.

Zed firmly grasped the time-space driver with both hands, and refused to let go. He also forcibly straightened his body, gritted his teeth and persisted, and stared at the time-space driver that was slowly staining gold with his blood-red eyes.

"It's still close! Hold on! Just hold on until it completes its transformation! Ahhhhh!" Zed's body began to twitch, and his consciousness gradually became blurred, making it difficult to continue.

Woz, who had his own purpose, stood at the farthest distance, gently opened the last page of Encountering the Devil, and read softly:

"Because a certain Tokiwa Shogo walked out of his own way and became the king of the time, the king of the magic that connected countless worlds was missing. Therefore, His Majesty the Demon King needs to find a new cornerstone to complete this part of history.

"And the only nearby universe where there is no His Majesty the Demon King, in order to maintain the balance of good and evil, He rejects the existence of good and evil by force to enter here, so a young man who is neither good nor evil was selected.

"The young man chosen by the demon king has different high hopes. Shi Wang Fengmo believes that although he is neither good nor evil, as long as he is guided well, he will not become the worst demon king; That piece of history completes...

"This is not history, this is the future, the future of the return of His Majesty the Demon King!"

With the end of the last sentence, the identity of this Woz is also clearly revealed.He is Hey Woz, the Woz who is absolutely loyal to the King of the Devils, or he is the independent Woz who was stripped from history by the King of the Devils.


Closing the Advent Calendar, Woz looked at the trembling young man on the high platform and said to himself:
"When you become the real Demon King, you will no longer be Zed Oleg; you will not be Tokiwa; you will not be Zhuang Wu; you will not be Zhuang Wu, but you will be the supreme, powerful, benevolent, and benevolent King of Demons.

"That Tokiwa Sogo doesn't want to be the King of the Devils, and keeps himself reserved, but you are different, I know it very well."

Compared with the calm Woz, Skye and others are very disturbed. Zed's evolution process is too long and should have ended long ago.

"Professor, what's going on here?" Skye looked nervously at the exploding instrument, fearing that something would happen to Zed.

Professor Ling Ma didn't think so, he thought this was normal, and this was the power that the gods he created should have.

Not long after, the hunched figure in the ray of light no longer twitched, and slowly stood up, standing up straight, with both hands resting on the space-time drive, and said indifferently:


(End of this chapter)

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