Chapter 481
The good show in Wakanda came to an end, but Zed was not in a hurry to return to Heim's Underworld, but diverted to Mavis Star because of the news from the informant thrown by Zed.

Skye, who stayed at the Mavis star base, sat in front of the monitoring screen, reviewing the news from Nebula, and comparing it with the information from Kerry. After all, Nebula was just an informant.

After Zed arrived at the Mavis Star Experimental Base, Skye sat on the seat, stretched out his hand and called out a few photos and said:
"The purple giant Thanos you have been paying attention to has returned to the galaxy, and many interstellar spies have photographed their fleet from afar.

"The news from Nebula said that Thanos' goal is very likely to be the Guardians of the Galaxy, because Thanos once sent Gamora to find the most mysterious Infinity Stone."

Zed nodded in agreement with this guess. Four Infinity Stones were in his mind and one was on Tan Lidou's body. Thanos could only find the Soul Stone first.

Skye went on to ask:

"So what should we do?"

"My current work focus is on Helm's Underworld, and I don't have the extra energy to sail far away. As for the Guardians of the Galaxy, send them a text message and see if they can slip away." Zed has done his best, and Zed also I don't know the exact location of Star Lord and the others.

pat, pat, pat.

While typing the contents of the text message, Skye asked:
"How soon do you have to start the ceremony? I don't want to miss it."

"The forest has completely covered Heim's underworld, and the golden fruit should appear in the next few days. I have to go back to Earth soon to recover all the dials of the alien troops, and then we can quietly go to sea. Mu's Underworld is waiting." Zed had already arranged the plan, and everything was for this purpose.

"That's how it is. I still need to guard Mavis Star, and you will pick me up when you are ready." After pressing the Enter key, Skye raised his head and asked for a kiss.

Zed has always been responsive to requests.


After Zed fed Skye, he was directly transported to Malik Manor through the teleportation stone.

"Hilde, where's Stephanie? I'm going to take back the dial." Zed straight-forwardly stated his purpose after seeing Hilder, but there is still some greetings that should be given, "Well, you smell better .”

Hilde had no choice but to let Zed hug him, and at the same time took out his mobile phone to contact Stephanie:
"Miss, sir is back, and sir is going to take back the dial."

"Understood, I'll go back tonight." Stephanie's work was very heavy, but for this matter, she pushed off all follow-up work.

Without the help of Hilde, her deputy and good sister, it is estimated that Stephanie would even have to push back the matter she was dealing with.Fortunately, Hilde is not only capable, but also loyal, willing to do anything for her.

"Illusion Company's financial report, prepare it for me tomorrow; reschedule the day after tomorrow..." After processing the documents at hand and arranging other people's work, Stephanie left the World Tree Tower in a private helicopter.

Hilde rested his chin on the two pillows stacked together, reached out and picked up the phone to browse carefully, then turned his head and urged:
"Hurry up, it's time for us to go. Miss will wait for us at the base, so don't be late."

"What's the hurry, we teleport there, there's still plenty of time. What time does Stephanie have an appointment?" After Zed's initial control of Helm's Underworld, his space skills such as teleportation and teleportation have greatly improved, and he is confident that he can come in and out of the earth at will. Out, out and in.

Hilde had no choice but to reply honestly:

"Eleven o'clock."

Zed looked up at the clock and immediately called out:

"It's only nine o'clock! It's very early. Hilde, do you know what you look like now?

"—like an innocent little boy who has a 'date' with the goddess in his heart and arrives two hours early.

"There is no card, hum, let her wait for 2 minutes."

At 58:[-], the golden time-space gate opened in the void, and Zed and Hilde saw the dark crowd as soon as they stepped through the gate.

——They were all dressed in black combat uniforms, with standard postures and sharp eyes.This is a group of aliens trained as special forces and absolutely loyal to the Malik family.

Those who are not loyal will die.

Stephanie nodded towards Zed, then went to the high platform and shouted:

"Long live the Hydra!"

"Long live Hydra!" A uniform response came from the mouths of these alien soldiers.

Zed then walked towards the soldiers, shook out all the blank dials he had accumulated with a big wave of his hand, then stepped aside, and nodded towards Stephanie.

Stephanie ordered someone to bring two boxes, pointed to the boxes and the blank dial and said:
"Everyone, take a watch face and put it in the case whether it's active or not. Got it?"


"let's start."

At Stephanie's order, the first soldier in each row walked towards the pile of blank dials, picked them up, activated them, and placed them without any unnecessary movements.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Hydra does have a way of training soldiers." Zed had to admire, it is not an easy task to be able to train rebellious aliens with supernatural powers into the most loyal soldiers.

Hilde echoed from the side:

"Orthodox Hydra soldiers who have undergone complete training will never betray, and those who will betray are speculators who joined Hydra halfway."

Hilde has a sense of pride in his identity as a Hydra, perhaps because of honor-based brainwashing, or perhaps because of his sense of accomplishment in completing devil training.

Zed doesn't reject this, after all, he and the Hydra of the Malik family are in the same group.

A row of soldiers walked by in an orderly manner. Most of the soldiers successfully activated the dials of the mass-produced knights. Few soldiers activated the dials of three, four, and five knights. There were also soldiers who failed to activate the dials, but they were very rare.

The box for storing the dials of the knights gradually filled up. Although most of them were mass-produced knights such as Ollie cavalry, black shadow soldiers, and knight players, this number really cannot be ignored.

Zed estimates that there are at least two hundred dials in the box alone, and there are still soldiers who haven't had their turn yet.

"Hiss—wow, chirp." Zed's saliva was drooling, with this wave of replenishment, why worry about lack of strength.

Zed went to the box and picked up a mass-produced knight dial, threw it in his hand, and said to himself:
"This investment is really profitable! With this mass-produced knight dial, plus dials such as J, steel bucket, Glenn, and scepter, it is enough, absolutely enough!

"Let's keep Ned's plain dial, it won't be of much use anyway.

"Fu~! Hahahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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