The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 474 Case Reasoning

Chapter 474 Case Reasoning
T'Challa stood at the door of the laboratory and looked at the busy Banner and others, then turned sideways and asked softly:

"Suri, what exactly is the third form of Gamma?"

"Brother, did you not understand anything just now?" Princess Su Rui, who is an outstanding female scientist in Wakanda, looked at T'Challa jokingly with narrowed eyes.

T'Challa had no choice but to lose and admit defeat:

"Okay, okay, you know I'm not good at this, tell me quickly."

"The only forms of gamma rays that have been discovered so far are particle flow and electromagnetic waves. They claim that a terrorist organization has obtained some knowledge of the third form of gamma rays." Su Rui changed his mischievous tone and suddenly became very serious, " Then I can be sure that if this technology is applied to weapons, it will be absolutely disastrous."

T'Challa's complexion also sank, and he murmured:
"This is really not good news."

"That's right." Su Rui nodded in agreement with T'Challa's point of view, and then stepped into the laboratory. She is qualified, capable, and willing to join.

Su Rui leaned over to Banner and asked about the progress of the experiment, while Shotaro and Philip checked the literature in the cubicle, most of which were related to scientists in the field of gamma rays.

T'Challa couldn't talk to the scientist, so he walked up to the two detectives and asked:
"Mr. Zuo, Mr. Philip, do you need any help?"

Shotaro and Philip looked at each other and nodded, then drew out a file.

T'Challa looked at the character information on the screen and asked suspiciously:

"You suspect Dr. Banner's father?"

"The former authority in the field of gamma rays; middle-aged obsessed with new theology of scientific research; ran away from home, disappeared for many years, died strangely...every clue shows that he has a problem." Shotaro said slowly with his hands folded own point of view.

But T'Challa didn't take it seriously, and retorted:

"But he did die. The U.S. police found an old cleaner who died on the street in New Mexico a few years ago, and later confirmed Brian Banner's identity based on genetic identification.

"And the police also confirmed through the testimony of the cleaning company that Brian Banner had been taking a lot of psychotropic drugs before his death. It is hard for me to imagine that an old man with mental problems would..."

Brian Banner's disguise was quite successful. Most people who explored here would only regret that a genius scientist fell like this, but the two detectives were not ordinary people.

Philip, who was still fiddling in front of the display, said:
"The cleaning company that Brian Banner works for cooperates with the government and often provides services for important facilities such as government office buildings and archives.

"Brian was working at a local archives office before his death, and his previous employment location is kept secret.

"Secret work; New Mexico; Bryan's death was within two months of that incident...Mr. King, don't you think there is a problem?"

T'Challa can become the king of Wakanda, so his brain can't be bad. He immediately realized what happened, and immediately went to the screen to conduct a deeper investigation on the cleaning company with his own authority:
New Mexico Gamma Experimental Base; Hulk was born and fled; the base was blocked and personnel were disbanded...

After these words came out one by one, everything became clear.Although there is no conclusive evidence and details of the case, the three people present all know that the possibility of this hypothesis is full.

T'Challa raised his head and glanced at the laboratory next door, then asked:

"You haven't told Dr. Banner, have you?"

"No, we have no evidence after all, and the most important job now is to solve the mystery of the third stage of gamma rays." Xiangtaro didn't know how to tell Banner that his father planned the birth of the Hulk.

And Banner, who is separated by a wall, is still cooperating with Su Rui to analyze gamma rays, trying to catch the tail of the third stage, unaware that Shotaro and others have discovered the truth back then.


On the outskirts of Wakanda, T'Challa's cousin, Eric, is lying on a hillside watching the "empty" grassland.

Eric was very patient. He lay on the spot and waited for a long time. He didn't respond until the time demon machine that Xin believed to be active in a wilderness disappeared in an instant.

"I found you!" Eric immediately sneaked in that direction.

Eric, who is extremely skilled, easily bypassed the sentinels on the outskirts of Wakanda, disguised as nomads, but he could not bypass Wakanda's high-tech detection system.

But this is also Eric's purpose. The first Wakanda he sees must have enough weight, and the tribal army general Wakabi just qualifies.

Wakabi and his soldiers stopped Eric and threatened:

"Intruder, you are under arrest. If you have anything to say, go to our prison and say it."

Eric didn't reply, but turned his lower lip directly, revealing his Wakanda mark, and said in Wakabi's shock:

"I, Eric, son of Jonib, cousin of King T'Challa, am I eligible to enter Wakanda?"

Wakabi and others stared at each other. No one was qualified to make this decision, so they could only report it to the king and the House of Elders... And the next development was just as Eric expected. Wakabi took him into the Wakabi. Kanda's palace, meet King T'Challa and the elders.

T'Challa, who left the laboratory, sat on the throne and wondered:

"I never knew Uncle Jonib had a son, if you did, why didn't you come back to Wakanda until now?"

T'Challa's problem is also the problem of the elders. Eric's sudden appearance can be said to be full of doubts.

Eric spread his hands and said with disdain:

"Because your father is dead, and I have the ability to protect myself, so I don't have to worry about being hunted down anymore.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, why are you so fierce? You don't really believe that my father died in a gang fight, or that my father is really a traitor. Wrong, big mistake, my father was killed Your father killed it!"

Eric spoke surprisingly, pointing at T'Challa with one hand, and continued without waiting for others to refute:
"I was downstairs that day, and I'll never forget the Wakanda ship.

"Hiss-heh, forget it, I don't care whether you believe it or not. I am not here this time to hope that you will help me reverse the case for my father. I will help my father clear up his grievances myself.

"Now, I want to exercise the rights of my royal family and challenge T'Challa to a king's duel!"

The grievances and entanglements between the old king and his younger brother are already intense enough, and Eric's proposal of a king's duel is even more exciting!

And none of Wakanda's tribes, which place great value on clan honor, would stand in the way of this traditional challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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