Chapter 47 End and Begin

Zed sat lazily on the roof of the car, watching from a distance the five big guys gang up on these weak members of the action team.

Woz carried Rose back to Zed, and threw Ross at Zed's feet.

After coughing for a while, Rose knelt on the ground and breathed the fresh air greedily. His embarrassed appearance looked like a beach beauty, which aroused a certain impulse in Zed's heart.

Zed took out a handkerchief and wiped it symbolically, then jumped off the roof of the car, staring closely at Rose.

After panting for a while, Rose gradually calmed down, looked at Zed angrily, and roared:

"You bastard! You bastard! The military won't let you go!"

I have to say that Rose is worthy of the title of General Thunderbolt. He has not been timid in the face of hatred and Zed, and has always maintained the image of a tough guy.

But Zed didn't care if Rose was iron or not, and stepped on Rose's face with one foot.There was a burst of mocking laughter coming from under the cold visor:

"Oh~ hoo~ hoo~ hoo~ I've always wanted to see this expression of yours, this impotent and furious expression. Ha~ha~ha~ha~ha~ha~!"

Rose, who was stepped on by Zed, was breathing heavily once again, his whole face flushed to a liver color, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"You! You! You! You wait for me! You bloody bastard!"

Zed had had enough of playing, he stopped his sly laughter and returned to his usual demeanor, and moved away from the foot that was stepping on Rose.

Ross raised his arms with difficulty and wanted to stand up, cursing in his mouth: "Damn guy!"

At this time, Xin was bathed in blood, and walked back step by step with bloody footprints.

Rose saw the blood on the letter and immediately realized what the executioner had just done.An angry Ross was just about to yell.

Xin kicked Ross's hideous face.

Shin kicked Rose to the ground, then stepped on Rose's face.While rubbing the soles of his shoes, he said coldly:
"Is my majesty also something you can insult?"

Zed laughed loudly, and didn't care about the blood on Xin's body. He pulled Xin into his arms and said to Xin:
"You really deserve to be my female courtier! Believe me! You've done a very good job!"

Before the letter had time to reply, Rose began to curse angrily again:

"Are you all at this level? You don't have the strength to beat people! You even say you are a devil! All the recruits under me are stronger than you! Bah!"

Zed stopped the letter and wanted to do it again. Although Zed couldn't help but want to kill Rose, everything was in the overall situation.Wait until the Avengers Civil War, and then give Rose a very unseemly death.

Zed bent down and squatted down, facing Rose face to face, and said:
"I'm curious what you can do with me. I won't kill you today, I hope you can bring me some fun in the future."

Ross opened his mouth and smiled ferociously: "As you wish!"

Although Zed said he would not kill Rose, it does not mean that he would not beat Rose.Standing up, imitating Xin's usual legwork, he kicked Rose in the face.

How cool!

This kind of kick is not only good for kicking, but also can't kill people. It is most suitable for humiliating others.

Zed didn't look at Rose after the kick, and took out a strange watch face to the letter: "Hate, while it's hot."

Shin took the alien dial and walked towards the disgusting corpse.

Abomination's body function is strong enough, and it still maintains a certain vitality. If it is not for the loss of heartbeat and breathing, it is hard to see that Abomination is dead.

Shinobu pressed the alien dial on Abomination.The heterogeneous dial itself is an evil dark force, and the aura emanating from this heterogeneous dial is even more evil and violent.

Zed, who was watching from a distance, was a little curious about whose power it was. This kind of evil and darkness from the bottom of his bones was not much.After Xin came back with the alien dial, Zed confirmed that it was the alien zero.

Zed played with the dial of the alien number zero, and felt that today's purpose was almost completed, and he could retreat, so he gave an order in the communication channel.

Except for Tan Lidou who reluctantly fired a few more shots, the other three time demon machines immediately returned to Zed's side and disappeared into the night with everyone.

Hulk originally left together with Dan Lidou's flying dragon demon machine, but as Hulk became sleepy, Banner took control of his body again.

Hulk has Zed as a friend, Banner doesn't.Banner yearns for peace in his heart, so naturally he can't understand Zed's actions.

Before Hulk's strength faded completely, he let go of the hand holding the Demon God Machine, jumped to the ground, and then disappeared into the forest.

Zed didn't feel sorry for Banner's departure.Anyway, the friendly relationship with Hulk has been established, and Banner's favor is dispensable.

The space around Zedd, the time demon machine, was broken and then reassembled, pulling Zedd into a mirror space.

Zed said without panic:
"Why did Master Gu Yi come to the door again?"

Gu Yi walked out of the mirror, looked at the indifferent Zed and said:

"What are you doing this for today? Do you want to rule the world?"

"I have no interest in world domination, it's just a waste of my precious time. Because someone provoked me, I made him pay. That's all."

Zed spoke slowly, and after a pause, he continued:

"Don't tell me that Mage Ancient One is against ruling the world. Hydra wants to rule the world more than I do. But you still keep that Modu by your side to learn magic."

Gu Yi shook his head with a smile and said:
"In the past, I was the foresight to educate others, but now some people see farther than me. This is really~! Although I can't see your future clearly, but with your temper, I will definitely match him. This point I I can see it"

Gu Yi and Zed chatted for a few more words before leaving.But Zed knew that this chatter was actually a warning.

What Gu Yi meant was that she would take precautions against herself and prevent herself from causing a bigger crisis after solving the crisis.

Zed taps his finger, let's see who has the last laugh!

No one in the Moshen machine found out what happened just now, and Zed didn't intend to tell them, so he flew back to the company directly.

After Zed returned to the laboratory, he couldn't wait to use the W dial.The ability of the Earth Library has always made Zede covetous, but things like lottery draws can only depend on fate.

Fate has arrived, the villa is near the sea.

But it's clear that fate didn't come this time.Zed only got an orange Gaia memory, Zed picked up the Gaia memory and looked carefully and found that it was a saber-toothed tiger memory.

The saber-toothed tiger memory is for cats, so Zed had no choice but to throw it into the warehouse.

After Zed left the laboratory, he returned to the lounge and handed the dial of Faiz and the dial of the old driver to Xin, saying:

"Trust! You did a great job today! This is your reward! They all have great power, use them well!"

Zed already has the power of Cronus. In terms of speed, Faiz and the old driver can't help him very much, so it's better to let Xin use it.

Shin didn't show his excitement, he solemnly knelt on one knee, took the dial with both hands and said:

"Thank you for your gift! Your Majesty the Demon King!"

Zed was really satisfied with trusting this female courtier.After conquering Xin with strength, she is not only loyal but also considerate, and she is merciless when it is time to kill.

Such a beautiful executioner is most suitable to serve under the command of the Demon King.

After solving the problem of the right to use the two dials, Zed lay down on Xin's lap again, enjoying Xin's gentle service, and then said:
"Shrimp dumpling, our recent actions are a bit big, and identity security is no longer hidden. We must speed up the progress, and the dial of ex-aid can start to be produced. Also! I also want to see what your god limit can do in this world." How strong!"

"Ha~ha~ha~ha~ It's really you! No one understands my godly talent better than you! Good! Let this world see the limit of my god! Ha~ha~ha~ "Tan Lidou laughed and walked back to the laboratory.

Zed continued to ask:
"Setron, what's going on with Peter?"

"Peter Parker has returned to New York and has now joined the research team of Dr. Connors of the Osborne Group." Saitron mechanically replied.

"Are you about to start? Call up the Osborne Group's internal research data and search for keywords such as lizard serum and green goblin serum."

"Dr. Conners, how is your research going?"

Dr. Conners was a little cautious in front of the company's senior executives, because there have been some bad rumors in the company recently.

Dr. Connors took a deep breath and said:
"I have already made a breakthrough. You can see that the severed limbs of these mice have all recovered under the action of the serum. Although there are still some problems, give me some more time, and they will definitely be completely resolved!"

"what is the problem?"

"Irritable! The mice injected with the serum all showed violent aggressive behavior. The mental state is not stable."

"It's not a problem! Then the human trials can begin!"

The Osborne Group urgently needs a product that can be sold to compete with the Hammer Group for arms orders, and they don't care about human experiments.

"Wait! This is impossible! The lizard serum is far from ready for human experimentation! I still need time!" Dr. Conners was very kind before injecting the serum.

The company executives flicked their sleeves angrily and said:

"Time! What we lack most is time! In this case, the lizard serum project has lost its commodity value. We will transfer resources to other projects, so do it yourself! Dr. Connors!"

Dr. Connors has not given up: "Where is Mr. Osborne? I want to see Mr. Osborne!"

"No need to go, this project adjustment was decided by Mr. Osborne. I just acted according to the requirements." After finishing speaking, the company executive left the laboratory.

Peter on the side didn't know how to comfort Dr. Connors, but Connors spoke first:

"I'm sorry, Peter! You will be unemployed when you come here. You should go back first!"

After Peter left, Dr. Conners held onto the last serum tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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