Chapter 456

Gao Tianzun's eagle and dog minions were kicked by Yajituo's knights, "the main effect died", but this is not over yet, Yajituo still kicked to a corner of the arena with devastating power.


A gigantic explosion resounded through the night sky, leaving behind a dilapidated exit to freedom.

The slaves who were closer to the "exit" looked at me and I looked at you, and were stunned for three or four seconds, and then a loud shout sounded in the crowd of slaves:


The cry of "freedom" aroused the slaves' blood and desire for freedom. They no longer paid attention to the collar around their necks, and no longer considered the consequences of escaping from prison.Now, they just want to get out and get out of this damn place.


"for freedom!"


These slaves who were close enough to the "exit" screamed and roared, and ran out of the arena with their feet loose.Kurg, Mick the Insect, and Valkyrie carried the unconscious Thor and mixed in with the escaped slaves, and ran out of the arena together.The guards encountered along the way did not dare to block the huge flow of people, and hid aside and did not dare to show their heads.

Yajituo didn't respond obviously when he saw the fleeing slave. After a few seconds, he turned his head to Zed and nodded. Then he turned and fell into the darkness. There was only a white light that gradually faded away until it disappeared.

"It's amazing, a mountain is higher than a mountain! But I'm not a rookie now." Zed said to himself, and then looked at Woz and Xin who were fighting the remaining eagle dogs and minions, and shouted, " Break out first, leave from there, and settle accounts later."

After the words fell, Zed trotted towards the fainted Hulk.Hulk is also like a deflated balloon at this time, turning back into a relatively thin Banner.Zed picked up Banner, turned around and followed Woz and Xin.

The process of breaking out went smoothly. Gao Tianzun's pursuers were all cleaned up by Yinhewozi's floor scrubbing skills. Even the slaves who fled before were favored, and the pressure was greatly reduced.Only those slaves who were too far from the "exit", or hesitated to miss the opportunity, or were too unlucky to be caught did not regain their freedom.

After leaving the arena, Woz rolled up his scarf and disappeared into the nearby streets with Zed, Xin, and Banner, and returned to the place where he and Valkyrie stopped the boat.

Valkyrie, who left first and then arrived, suddenly found Zed and his party running in front of him, and shouted in disbelief:
"How did you get ahead of us? And who is this person?"

"Do you still have time to ask questions? Take us to a place where we can avoid the limelight. When Sol and the others wake up, we can leave Saka." Zed took the lead on board the gangster superstar spaceship, and the rest He also reacted like waking up from a dream.

Valkyrie only feels regret now, regretting that he got on the thief ship out of impulsiveness.Pursing his lips and shaking his head, Valkyrie led a group of people to his secret base.


The irritable Gao Tianzun was very dissatisfied with the result of this operation. A large number of slaves fled and mixed into the crowd. Even if he still had a controller, it was difficult to solve this problem in a short time.What's more, the mastermind is gone, and so are Thor and Hulk!
"Damn, hate, hate, hate, hate! What are you looking at! Don't let me arrest people!" Gao Tianzun yelled at the incompetent subordinates, and all kinds of obscenities came out.

Loki, who is very good at flattering, seized the opportunity and said:
"Dear Gao Tianzun, Thor and Hulk are both injured now, and they need to rest, so it is impossible for them to take the lead in a short time. And when they recover, they will definitely..."

"What will happen?" Gao Tianzun turned to look at Loki, wanting to see what unique insights Loki had.

Loki explained confidently:

"Spaceship, your advanced spaceship.

"Thor's purpose is to return to Asgard and fight the enemy, then he needs soldiers, a lot of soldiers, your slaves are the best soldiers.

"As a 'hero' who liberated the slaves, Thor only needs to raise his right fist, and there will be a large number of slaves willing to sacrifice their lives for him once or twice. It is impossible for him to miss such a good opportunity.

"And if you want to take these slaves out of Saka, you need a spaceship big enough."

Loki's analysis was clear and logical, and he really convinced Gao Tianzun.Gao Tianzun stroked his mustache and nodded, then looked at Loki who had "recommended himself" and said:
"This task is entrusted to you, don't let me down."

Loki performed a standard etiquette, lowered his head and replied:
"Please leave it to me."

There was a sly smile hidden on Loki's lowered head, which was not noticed by others.

After dawn, Sol and Banner, who possess super recovery abilities, woke up one after another, and they both shouted at the same time:



Saul and Banner, who woke up, looked at their bedmates dully, and then greeted each other awkwardly:
"Yeah, Banner, you finally woke up. Yesterday, you gave me a hard time."

"What? What the hell happened? Where am I?"

Banner's memory still stays where he was pushed into the deep pit by Natasha and forced to transform into the Hulk. He doesn't remember what happened in such a long time, and he doesn't know that Hulk already has blood in Saka, maybe Hulk himself doesn't know.

"Banner, I would like to remind you that this is not the earth, and you have maintained the appearance of Hulk for a year or two. Hulk is no longer a child at heart, he should be considered a youth." Zed leaned on the wall and briefly summarized After a while, he added, "I know you think Natasha just needs Hulk, not really likes you. I don't know what Natasha is thinking, but your identities are doomed that you can't live the lives of ordinary people .Think about it for yourself."

Banner's mood gradually calmed down, and he hugged his knees without saying a word. Saul shouted:
"Zed, I've really become stronger, we can go and kill Hela!"

"No rush, the time flow on Saka is faster than outside, and you still have plenty of time to prepare." Zed shook his head leisurely.

"Yes, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." The stone man Kurg didn't know the inside story, he just wanted to show off his knowledge, but his escape was caught by Sol, "Uh uh, why are you looking at me like that? "

Although Sol and Loki's thinking logic is different, they made the same choice at this time:

"Kurg, I need your help!"

Sol immediately jumped up from the bed, dragged Korg and Mick and began to discuss how to save more slaves and how to grab a bigger spaceship.

Zed coughed dryly, then said:

"Banner, the matter between you and Natasha depends on your own choice. Besides, your ex-girlfriend Betty..."

(End of this chapter)

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