The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 450 The Battle of Women

Chapter 450 The Battle of Women

When the gangster superstar spacecraft arrived at Saka, several days had passed since Thor entered the arena to fight hard, and this day happened to be the day when Sol faced the champion of the arena.

Valkyrie, who was still playing wild at the garbage dump, stood on the garbage mountain and looked at the brightly lit and crowded arena in the distance. He took a sip from the wine bottle, and then said in admiration:
"Tsk tsk tsk, prince of Asgard? Uh huh, I wish you good luck.

"Huh? What is that?"

A flash of light flashed behind Valkyrie, and then disappeared among the garbage piles in the distance.Valkyrie's status as a scavenger all the year round has exercised her unparalleled ability to touch gold. After checking the equipment on her body, Valkyrie moved towards the place where the light landed.

As an experienced hunter, Valkyrie is not afraid of being taken first by others. After all, there are only a few hunters who are still active at night, and the advantages of someone going to thunder first always outweigh the disadvantages.However, Valkyrie's cautiousness did not go wrong, and Valkyrie heard miserable screams before turning over the garbage mountain.

"No! No! No! Let me go!"

"Help! I don't want to die!"

"Run away!"


Several of these shouts were very familiar to Valkyrie, and Valkyrie immediately recognized that they were his friends in the same industry, and the "person" who could make these hob meat make such miserable screams must be very dangerous.

The light spot just now is not the flash of treasure, but the trap of monkfish!

The hunter's instinct allows Valkyrie to evacuate here immediately without any curiosity or nostalgia, but Valkyrie is not a pure hunter, and the will of an unyielding warrior still flows in her veins.This fragmented will, disguised as curiosity, drove Valkyrie to climb up the garbage mountain to find out what happened.

"Damn it!" Valkyrie scolded himself, and then briskly climbed up the garbage mountain, but what Valkyrie saw was a pair of black and red one-piece combat boots.

Valkyrie's body shuddered instantly, feeling the murderous aura emanating from the person in front of him.Valkyrie didn't look up to see who was on the other side, kicked his feet directly, and jumped off the garbage mountain with a backflip, and said brokenly at the same time:
"It's dangerous, it's dangerous..."

Xin, who had already completed his transformation, stepped down from the gangster superstar unhurriedly, took out his time ax and killed all these malicious scavengers.Anyway, these people are here to rob, Zed doesn't care if they will kill or not, Zed wants to kill anyway, as the executioner, Xin doesn't need Zed to say more to know Zed's meaning.

And Valkyrie was the last one present.

After backflipping and landing, Valkyrie took out his dagger and pistol and waited for it. Xin slowly jumped down the garbage mountain, swung the time ax that was still stained with red, blue, and green blood, and tilted his head slightly to look at Valkyrie.

"Woman?" Valkyrie saw the clue from the figure of the letter, and also understood the meaning of the letter - naked provocation.

Although Valkyrie has abandoned the glory of the Valkyrie, her temperament is still arrogant. It is not Valkyrie's style to dare not fight when she is provoked.

boom! boom! boom!
Valkyrie fired three shots in a row, and at the same time flew towards Shin.Xin's way of coping is also very exciting. Xin raised the time-stricken ax to split the energy ammunition shot at him, took off and spun in a circle, and kicked Valkyrie's head with a kick.

"You underestimate people too!" Valkyrie immediately felt underestimated when he saw that Xin had used such a high-risk attack method as soon as he made a move.

Valkyrie's body suddenly sank, and he avoided Xin's flying roundabout kick with a slide shovel. At the same time, he slid right under Xin. Just as he raised his pistol and was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly saw a black hole aimed at it. Own.

——The Time Strict Ax has switched to the bow form, and aimed at the Valkyrie directly below.

"Shet! Damn it!" Valkyrie instinctively crossed his arms to resist the shot while exhaling.

Relying on the Asgardian's strong physique, Valkyrie successfully resisted Xin's gunshots, only suffered some minor injuries, and rolled in embarrassment to avoid the ensuing stampede attacks.Valkyrie endured the pain and got up immediately, knelt down on one knee, and put the pistol on the wrist of the other hand, but this gun was not as strong as the Asgardian's body.

click ~ click ~
After pulling the trigger twice in a row, the pistol did not respond.Valkyrie frowned and spat, threw the pistol aside, stood up with the dagger in his backhand, and said:

"You want to fight? Come on. But I must win!"

clap ~ clap ~ clap ~
Zed stood on a high mountain of garbage, clapped and joked:
"It must be you who wins? I don't agree with that. If you say that you must be the one who survives, I can barely agree. Am I right? Valkyrie Valkyrie."

Valkyrie's pupils constricted instantly, and he whispered to Zed:

"who are you?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this has nothing to do with you. But I can reveal a little bit, I'm here to find Thor. I need him to help me destroy Asgard." Zed put his hands in his pockets and shrugged leisurely. Shoulder.

Valkyrie frowned and shouted:

"Do you think I'm stupid? Let the prince of Asgard help you destroy Asgard, or that foolish prince!"

"Ah~, that's the truth." Zed stepped on the garbage mountain under his feet, and added, "Do you know where Thor and Hulk are? Tell me, and I'll let you go."

Valkyrie rolled his eyes, raised his finger without any hesitation, pointed to the most conspicuous spot of light in the distance, and said:
"The arena, Thor and Hulk are there now. Can I go now?"

"People can leave, but the goods stay." Zed smiled maliciously, "Although I have never been a professional robber, I know a little bit about the rules. It really doesn't make sense not to leave something behind."

There are still a lot of valuable things in Valkyrie's spaceship. If she handed over all of them, she would feel distressed to death, and even had to ask Gao Tianzun for credit to survive in a place like Saka.

"How much do you want?" Valkyrie clenched her dagger and began to bargain, she didn't want to become a pauper.

Zed took out a blank dial and threw it to Valkyrie, saying:

"Activate this dial and return it to me, and you can go."

"Who are you?" Valkyrie looked up at Zed with a blank dial in his hands.

Xin jumped back to Zed's side one step at a time, and Zed, Xin, and Woz stood in a ecstatic posture under the high rising moon.

Auntie press~~~
(End of this chapter)

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