Chapter 444 Odin
Loki underestimated Odin and Frigga, and it didn't take long for the two of them to break the seal and restore their memory.But the couple did not return to Asgard, but chose to stay on Earth and depend on each other in the last days of their lives.

At Frigg's request, the new supreme mage Strange changed the residence for the two of them and moved to a sea cliff hut in Norway.

Strange asked again:

"If you find Odin and Frigga, you will leave Earth?"

"That's right." Thor still didn't know that Odin's life was like a candle in the wind, and it might be extinguished at any time.

Strange glanced at Zed, as if asking for Zed's opinion.Zed raised his neck and complained:
"What are you looking at me for? I'm not the supreme mage!"

"Well, that's fine. I'll take you to see Odin right now." Strange thought for a while and made his own decision.

"Wait! Let Loki out, I'll take him, and I won't let him run around." Sol was still thinking about his worrying younger brother.

Strange didn't say much, and directly opened the portal in mid-air with the mysterious ring in his hand.Loki, who had been falling through the looping portal, fell heavily to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

Loki got up from the ground with a hideous face, immediately drew out his dagger, and shouted:
"You-how-dare! Human! You have to pay the price!"

The big water gun in Zed's hand was aimed at Loki, shooting him into Lotonki.Zed pulled the corner of his mouth and said:

"Loki, please don't waste my time?"

"Damn it!" Loki wiped his wet cheeks, saw the other three people present clearly, and then rolled his eyes, "What's your business if we find Odin? Why are you following us? Oh~, I know Yes, you want Odin's dial."

Zed gave Loki a strange look, and asked:
"Do you think the two of them don't know? Does this still require thinking?"

In fact, what Zed wanted to ridicule was that Loki claimed to be extremely smart, but he didn't realize that Odin was about to die.But Zed thought about it carefully, this was too vicious, he didn't say it in the end, and taunted Loki in another direction.

Loki turned his head to look at Strange with a normal expression, and then at the wise and foolish Sol, and was immediately hit by [-] critical points.

Sol patted Loki's shoulder indifferently, and then said:
"Okay, take us to find my father."

Strange opened the portal and said:

"Odin is over there."

After Thor and Loki passed through the portal successively, Strange stopped Zed and asked:

"If you wanted Odin's dial, you could have come to him a long time ago. Why did you come now? Is something going to happen?"

"Don't worry. What's the matter? Odin is about to die. Wouldn't it be better to take advantage of the fire?" Zed didn't mention Hela, the goddess of death, because Zed is now very confident, even a little bloated.

As for whether Hela would get the golden fruit, Zed didn't think about it at all.Because according to Professor Ling Ma's calculations, a few years is simply not enough to bear the golden fruit, even if Zed wins Helm's Underworld, he still needs to wait for a long time.Therefore, at most, Hela can only obtain some foreign powers through ordinary fruits, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Zed walked through the portal with a leisurely expression on his back while carrying a large water gun, but Strange looked beyond the portal and looked into the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

After Sol saw Odin and Frigg sitting on the edge of the sea cliff, he hurriedly shouted:

"Father, queen, Asgard needs..."

Odin and Frigga shook their heads after turning their heads. Odin glanced at Sol, then at Loki standing behind, and then said flatly:
"My time is up. I can't protect Asgard anymore, it's all up to you two."

"What? What are you talking about!" Sol couldn't believe what he heard, and asked with a single muscle.

Odin patted the back of Frigga's hand, and then continued:

"I'm running out of time, so I'll make a long story short.

"Saul, you also have a sister. He is the daughter of my ex-wife, and her name is the goddess of death—Hella.

"After I die, she will break through the seal of the underworld and return to Asgard for revenge. The doomsday prophecy of Ragnarok should be related to her. Sol, you have to remember that the soul of Asgard is not land and palaces , but those who live on it.”

Odin stopped talking, looked at Zed who had just arrived, and added:

"I also have the ability to prophesy. I know the purpose of your coming here. But you can't stop Hela, let alone Ragnarok."

Zed said indifferently:

"World line correction? This is quite troublesome, after all, it is a very important event. But, the prerequisite for the Asgardians to overcome the difficulties must be Hela's death. Isn't it?"

The conversation between Odin and Zed felt like two magic sticks were fooling each other. Sol was stunned when he heard it, but Frigga and Loki understood Odin's intentions.

Odin pondered for a while, then stretched out his hand and said:
"Well, if that's the case, I'll leave it to you."

Zed didn't beep too much, and it was easy to talk with the fellow prophecy, so he took out a blank dial and handed it to Odin.Odin took the dial and glanced at it casually, then pressed the button of the blank dial.

A golden light suddenly rose into the sky, and a golden phoenix shot straight into the sky, emitting terrifying energy fluctuations.Then the phoenix swooped down quickly, turned into a phantom and submerged into the dial, and the Kamen Rider Odin dial was born.

After the Odin dial was activated, Odin's body gradually released light spots, and his last flashback was coming to an end.Odin took a last look at Thor, Loki, and Frigg, and then looked at the sea in the distance, turning into light dust and dissipating between heaven and earth.

The Odin dial also fell to the ground.Frigga and Saul had red eyes and bit their lips to prevent themselves from crying. Loki tried his best to control his facial muscles, not wanting to show a sad look.Zed secretly sighed, "This god is not that god", and then bent down to pick up the Odin dial.

"Okay, Sol. It's time to fight." Zed took out the space-time drive and the time king dial, turned to look at the chaotic void, and inserted the Odin dial into the left slot of the time-space drive, "Oh, what a pity , the incident happened suddenly, and I forgot to bring Woz. Forget it, let’s do it like this. Transform."

The turmoil in the void gradually subsided. Hela, who was dressed in black and green tights and had a crab-claw hairstyle on her head, walked out of the black mist twisting her waist, and said proudly:
"It's a pity that I couldn't personally send Odin on the road. Then it's your turn to kneel down."

(End of this chapter)

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