The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 436 Teleportation in Place

Chapter 436 Teleportation in Place

Mystique's life is almost always made up of betrayals, jumping repeatedly between various forces, very jumpy, but every time she can retreat unscathed.

This time, Mystique first gave Logan information about the locations of Magneto's secret bases, and now she came to rescue Magneto... No one knows what this woman's brain circuit is like, and what kind of rules she is following. run.

However, Woz doesn't care what Mystique is thinking, as long as it is enough to stop Mystique and Nightcrawler here.

"Transform." Under the protection of the scarf shield, Woz quickly completed the transformation, and directly launched an attack in the form of Woz's armor.

Mystique took the initiative to meet Woz with her excellent physical fitness, and gave a signal to Nightcrawler, instructing him to take Magneto away from this dangerous area.Magneto cannot effectively respond to the internal crisis without getting rid of external dangers. Leaving this battlefield is the most important step and the premise of everything.

Mystique and Woz immediately started a close combat.Mystique's fighting skills are very superb, and she has a flexible route. Although she can't cause effective damage to Woz, she can guarantee her invincibility in a short period of time.

Woz is fighting Mystique on the surface, but in fact his real mind is on Nightcrawler.The only ones who could affect Zed are the teleporters. Although Zed had already arranged for Wanda to target the teleporters like the Red Devil, Woz did not intend to just let the night crawlers pass.

Woz's brain was racing fast.

Nightcrawler, who has been wandering for many years, finally found his biological mother, and he naturally obeyed her.After Nightcrawler and Mystique looked at each other, they immediately turned into black mist and teleported towards Magneto.

Woz kicked Mystique away, then raised a hand and asked himself:
"Nightcrawler's teleportation needs a different space as a transfer station to succeed. Is the answer correct or incorrect?"

Mystique was stunned, wondering who Woz was asking, would she or Nightcrawler answer him?

Woz doesn't need them to answer themselves. Asking about the armor can lead the attack in a favorable direction by asking questions, and Woz's question is a guess based on secretly observing the red devil's teleportation method.Woz is extremely confident in his analysis, and the fact is that the correct circle lights up as Woz expected.

Woz smiled and continued:

"This area is too chaotic due to the battles of His Majesty the Demon King, Magneto, Wanda, and Skye, causing the connection between this world and the different space to be disordered. This place cannot teleport, right or wrong?"

The Nightcrawler who just teleported and disappeared in place reappeared in place.After teleporting in place, Nightcrawler was very confused. He didn't understand why he didn't appear beside Magneto, and he even stayed where he was.

"This... this... what's going on here?" The night walker of the young boy was in a panic when he encountered this situation for the first time.

Questioning rides can guide fate to a certain extent through questions and answers. Although the influence of asking rides is very slight, if the user is smart enough, this ability will be very scary.Coincidentally, Woz happens to be such a smart person. He came up with the question for the Nightcrawler through the observation of the Red Devil's teleportation.

"Young man, don't be distracted during the battle." Woz immediately took out the long soldier of time, switched to the scepter form, and pounced on the night crawler.

The panicked Nightcrawler gritted his teeth and used the teleportation ability many times, wanting to leave here, but the black mist rose and dissipated, and he teleported in place every time, which completely panicked the Nightcrawler.Mystique, on the other hand, frowned bitterly, and was extremely dissatisfied with Nightcrawler's rookie behavior.

Mystique dared to come to this muddy water, the biggest reliance was Nightcrawler's teleportation ability, but Nightcrawler's teleportation ability was so easily abolished by the enemy, which was beyond Mystique's expectations.

"It was the question he asked that caused the teleportation to fail? Yes, it must be like this!" Mystique came to the answer in her heart, and then she took the initiative to attack Woz and shouted, "What are you still doing? Don't defeat him , you can't teleport away!"

Mystique pulled out a dagger from nowhere and stabbed Woz in the throat.The nightcrawler who was scolded also came back to his senses, and rolled away sideways in embarrassment, avoiding Woz's attack.

Nightcrawler has never fought with others. He has always used super powers as a thief, rescuer, fugitive, etc. He doesn't know how to fight at all, let alone an old fox like Woz who is obviously experienced in many battles but hides deep fought.

Nightcrawler's embarrassment was seen by Mystique, which made Mystique even more dissatisfied. She even felt that Nightcrawler was a dou who couldn't support the wall in other aspects except for the ability of teleportation.

Woz, who was fighting Mystique, clearly grasped Mystique's emotional changes, and then said with a smile:

"Hehehe, she is really a woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions. Oh, no! Tiger venom doesn't even eat its offspring, you seem to be more poisonous.

"Your performance at the chemical plant in the West End of New York was all fake, right? You don't care about the son who was killed at all, and you even knew his true identity a long time ago, right? Really, even His Majesty the Demon King was impressed by your superb acting skills Lied to the past.

"Boy, you know she is your biological mother, but do you know how she abandoned you back then? I am His Majesty's historian, and I know many secrets."

Mystique set off a turbulent sea in her heart, and she still remained shocked on the surface, reminding aloud:

"Kurt, don't be fooled by him! This is a divorce plan!"

"Yes, I am indeed trying to drive a wedge between you. But the false lies will always be exposed one day, and the truth is always there, no matter how you hide it, it is useless." Woz turned his head to look at Nightcrawler, looking up Raised a finger and said loudly, "Nightcrawler↗Kote! Why do you have almost the same abilities as the Red Devil? Why do you have the same skin as Mystique? Why have you been told that your biological parents have died since childhood? ?”

Mystique screamed:

"Don't talk! Shut up!"

Woz ignored Mystique's warning and said to himself:
"There is only one answer—you are the child of the Red Devil and Mystique, and they abandoned you.

"The red devil tempted Mystique and gave birth to you; Mystique threw you down the waterfall in order to live alone; the red devil regarded you as the son of the devil, as long as you live, he arranged for someone to throw you from the rapid waterfall rescued you and sent you to that gypsy witch's house."

Nightcrawler Kurt trembled and said:

"It's a lie, it's a lie to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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