The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 431 Entering Detroit

Chapter 431 Entering Detroit

"Okay, well, I'm not sure if the Miss Emma in my arms is really Miss Emma, ​​but, it doesn't matter. Our conversation is very harmonious, isn't it?" Zed said from the white queen Emma with long golden hair looked at the distant sky.

"Magneto is in Detroit, and most of his subordinates are there too..." Emma the White Queen was silent for a while, then she seemed to realize something and asked, "You said 'it doesn't matter', which means you gave up coaxing me to bed thoughts?"

Zed let go of the hand holding the edge of the window, took a few steps back in embarrassment, and said:
"It's getting late, I want to start early, and the province's Magneto transfer base."

Emma the White Queen turned around and frowned, and asked persistently:
"I sensed your desire when you came in. You clearly wanted to have sex with me. How did it become so fast now?"

Maybe it was the white queen Emma's self-esteem and vanity that caused the trouble, or maybe it was the only case that Zed had a lustful heart but changed his mind in the end, which made her want to know the reason for Zed's sudden change of mind.

Zed opened the door of time and space, stepped over half of his body and said:
"Not only did I never drink alcohol, I never smoked either."

"Never smoked?" Emma the White Queen looked at the cigarette in her hand, was stunned for a few seconds, then laughed wildly, and said to herself, "Hahaha~! So the problem is here, smelling Abandoned me immediately after the smell of smoke. Hmph~, how unfeeling."

Emma the White Queen shook her head, walked to the table and put the cigarettes in the ashtray, and then left the hotel.

At the same time, Zed also sent out the prepared order, and Woz, Xin, Wade, Betty, and Nina all started to organize their equipment after receiving the order.Skye and Lilith, who happened to be on Marvis, also returned to Earth together. Logan, who also received the news, immediately turned his car around and headed for Detroit.

Zed took advantage of the time everyone was preparing to meet Pietro and Wanda, and said bluntly:
"I found Magneto's location, and I'm going to get rid of him right away. What about you? Let me state in advance that I don't need the help of the two of you. I just don't want you to stare at me every day and shout 'Kill my father and my enemy' afterwards."

Both Pietro and Wanda didn't know what to say, so they hesitated for a long time.Finally, Wanda plucked up the courage to ask tentatively:
"Can you send him to prison?"

"Didn't he just escape from prison?" Zed shook his head and added, "It doesn't make any sense. I will try to squeeze out his commodity value, but death is inevitable, and this is not negotiable. You guys Don't expect this guy to back off from the brink."

Pietro sat down on the sofa, propped his head and said to himself:
"Although I know that guy is a villain, he deserves to die. But it's too cruel to really watch him being killed."

Zed raised his eyebrows indifferently, opened the door of time and space and said:

"Don't watch it if you can't stand it, just stay here honestly. This battle doesn't need you."

After the words fell, Zed turned and left.But Wanda suddenly said:

"Wait! Take us with you. I don't know if I will be able to do it in the end, but I think I should take responsibility for him, and his sins should be cleared by us."

Zed turned his head to look at Wanda, a filial daughter, looked directly into her eyes, and then glanced at Pietro.After confirming that Wanda was for real and not joking, Zed immediately stepped through the gate of time and space and left a sentence:
"The door will be open for 1 minute."

Pietro raised his head and looked at Wanda, spread his hands and dared not say anything:
"Are we really going?"

"I'm afraid that letting others kill him will cause me to have undue resentment towards the person who killed him." Wanda turned to look at the time-space gate and continued, "So it's better for us to do it ourselves."

After the words fell, Wanda bravely stepped through the door of time and space that was about to close.Pietro slammed the table hard, and then disappeared into an afterimage.

In a warehouse under the name of Fantasy Company, Wanda and Pietro saw everyone playing with some firearms and weaponry as soon as they arrived.

Zed pointed to a seat to signal Wanda and Pietro to take their seats, and then said to everyone:

"These weapons are made of special plastic materials and ultra-efficient anesthetic ammunition, which can make them fall asleep immediately after hitting the target. However, considering that mutants have higher physical fitness than ordinary people, and there is no clear division between individuals , Even if you knock down your opponent, don't take it lightly.

"Secondly, those with super powers are the main force, and those who need to transform are responsible for the fanatics of the mutant brotherhood on the periphery. Let me assign tasks next.

"Woz, you have the privilege to act on the sidelines first, and then you decide where to go according to the battle situation; Xin, you are my executioner, and you are responsible for the mutant fanatics on the periphery, just kill them; Skye and Lilith , You stand at the center and provide support when there is pressure inside and outside.

"Wade and Nina, you can use these special weapons casually, use your superb skills, and the bonus is beckoning to you; Betty, first use the knight dial to save your strength, and release the transformation when you encounter magnetic constraints. Hulk power.

"Pietro and Wanda, you give priority to killing the guy who can teleport, the Red Devil.

"I take on Magneto myself. Anyone else have questions?"

Wade picked up a submachine gun, weighed it, and asked:
"Boss, where are Logan and the X-Men?"

"They will also be dispatched with a high probability. If they don't hinder us, let them go. On the contrary, don't be polite to them." Zed has no friendship with the X-Men, so he naturally doesn't care about them, "Except for Wanda and Pete Luo, you are all my retainers, are you afraid of those people?"

"Don't be afraid! Whether it's the X-Men or the Brotherhood of Mutants, my gun doesn't have eyes!" Nina laughed and raised two submachine guns, making a strafing motion.

Zed took a glance to confirm that everyone was ready, then closed his eyes and flew to Magneto's secret base.


Wolverine Logan didn't find nothing during the time he was running outside. He found Nightcrawler and Mystique.After a "friendly" exchange, Mystique told Logan several secret bases owned by Magneto.

Then Logan stepped on his motorcycle to look for them one by one. After missing two targets successively, Logan received information about the exact location of Magneto.

Coincidentally, Logan's current position is exactly between the secret base in Detroit and another secret base, so now there is no need to choose.

But Magneto's eyeliner is not a display either. Logan was discovered by the Brotherhood of Mutants as soon as he entered Detroit.

(End of this chapter)

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