Chapter 43
Zed, who knew the plot, came to Greyburn College in advance and waited for the arrival of Banner and Elizabeth.

Because Skye has no combat power at present, and SHIELD must already know Skye's appearance.For safety's sake, Zed left Skye in the company to provide intelligence support for the operation with Setron.

And Xin always wore a mask when he was still working as a hand and ninja, and no outsider had seen Xin's face.

After taking off his mask, Xin held Zed's arm intimately and walked on the campus like a couple.Both of them have undergone a certain amount of make-up and disguise, coupled with the cover of golden eyes, the security of their identities has been greatly guaranteed.

Zed sat on the school bench with the letter in his arms, secretly watching the pedestrians coming and going, looking for Banner's trace.

The letter asked: "Master, as long as you find the right target, can it be successfully activated? Do you need the target to activate voluntarily?"

"It's not that simple. When Peter got his pocket watch he'd pressed the button, and nothing happened. If he wasn't the man he was supposed to be, he wouldn't be able to activate the dial. Same thing with Skye."

Zed was still talking, and Skye's voice came from the headsets of the two: "I'm on the channel, I can hear you!"

Zed automatically ignored Skye and continued:

"If you didn't decide to press the button on the dial, the knight's dial should not have any response. This is the most troublesome part of this operation."

Banner can communicate well, but Hulk is not good at talking.Moreover, Banner and Hulk are two different souls, they can be regarded as two people, and the workload is doubled at once.

Zed put the focus of this operation on Elizabeth, and now only Elizabeth can tame Banner and Hulk at the same time.

"Master, here they come!"

While Zed was still thinking, Xin reminded him in a low voice.Zed came back to his senses, and immediately got up and walked towards Banner and Elizabeth.

The four of them bumped into each other without accident, Zed apologized and helped Elizabeth pick up the handbag.

Banner and Elizabeth rushed to see Stern and didn't care about this little misunderstanding.After saying it was okay, he left in a hurry.

Zed and Xin stood still and watched Banner and Elizabeth walk away, "Is this useful?" Xin asked again.

Zed shook his head helplessly:
"You have touched the blind spot of my knowledge. I have no experience in dealing with a child like Hulk who has a low IQ but is extremely violent, and I am not Nick Fury, who is a black bastard who will play a beauty trick. I can Can't bear to let you and Skye deal with that big guy!"

Skye and Xin are not easy to deceive, Skye asked directly in the channel: "How many girls have you fooled with these words?"


After Zed finished speaking, he took the letter to the teaching building near the laboratory and secretly observed the situation.

After seeing Banner, Stern was always amazed: "Unbelievable! I actually met someone like you. The blood sample you sent me is really amazing."

Banner interrupted Dr. Stern eagerly: "Okay! Dr. Stern! I'm here to seek treatment!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm too excited. Come with me." After speaking, Stern brought Banner and Elizabeth to the laboratory.

After letting Banner lie down on the test bench, Stern explained to Banner:

"After this injection enters your body, it will combine with your cells, neutralize and transform the mutated cells into normal cells. But this is only theoretical. Are you sure you want to inject?"

Banner had no way out, took a deep breath and said, "Get the injection! This is my last chance!"

"Okay!" Stern didn't try any more after the persuasion failed, and directly injected Banner with the medicine.

Two or three minutes later, Banner's body began to tremble violently, and bursts of green torrents rushed through his veins.

what! ! !
Banner's screams were also mixed with Hulk's roar, and Banner's body began to turn green and swell rapidly.In a moment the arms begin to change, in a moment the legs begin to change.Banner's whole body was hovering back and forth between expansion and contraction.

Elizabeth looked at Banner's horrible appearance and covered her mouth in tears.

Stern said obsessively: "Unbelievable! What a miracle!"

After more than ten minutes of painful torture, Banner's body gradually shrunk, and the large green patches faded from his body.

Banner panted heavily to prove that he was still alive. Elizabeth rushed up to support Banner and asked, "Successful?"

Stern replied blankly: "Successful?"

Then he said ecstatically: "Successful! I succeeded! I really succeeded! I am such a genius! Ha~~ha~ha~ha!"

Banner thanked after resting for a while: "Thank you! Dr. Stern!"

Stern still said to himself:

"It really worked! We can win the Nobel Prize! Banner! Let's cooperate! Give me some more samples of your blood! We can definitely become the greatest scientists of this century!"

Banner has been tormented by Hulk all the time, and he doesn't want such things to spread to harm other people, so he justly rejected Stern's request.

Stern wanted to persuade Banner again, but the soldiers who broke in had already pinned him to the ground, and then more soldiers filed in.

The reborn Bronski grabbed Banner by the collar and yelled, "Get it out! Make it out to me! Come on! You hear me!"

A weakened Banner responds to an angry Bronski: "I've fixed it, there's no more Hulk in this world."

Bronsky turned to look at Stern, who was the only one on the scene wearing a white coat, and asked loudly:

"Is everything he said true? You solved that monster?"

"Ah~ yes!" Stern replied hesitantly.


An angry Bronski punched the wall.The rest of the team took Banner and Elizabeth to see Ross, and Stern left it to the angry Bronski to guard.

Bronski continued to curse Banner: "Cowards! You are all cowards! Unexpectedly! You actually wiped out that monster!"

Dr. Stern began to show off at this time:
"My technique is fine, and I have successfully treated Banner. If Banner gives me more blood samples, my research will definitely go to a higher level!"

"More? More!" Bronski grasped the point and grabbed Stern's collar. "Do you have Banner's blood sample?"

"Eh~ there are some more."

"Inject me all!"

"Are you sure? I don't know what to expect!"

"Don't be long-winded! Give it to me quickly!"

After injecting the imitation version of the super soldier serum, Bronski's inner rage and desire for power were infinitely magnified.At this time, Bronski no longer had the calmness and composure he had before.

After Banner's blood sample was injected into Bronski's body, the situation was completely opposite to that of Banner just now.Laughing wildly, Bronski transformed into a gigantic, bone spur-covered, shit-yellow monster.

Bronski no longer exists at this moment, now only the abomination remains in this shell.

Hate got up and moved his body to feel his huge power, and Stern started to die again.

He obsessively stepped forward to praise his masterpiece: "It's really great!" He also stretched out his hand to caress the arm of the abomination.

Stern was shot flying and knocked down in the metal storage cabinet.

"Hmph! Little bug!"

Abomination urgently needs to vent its surging power now, and rushed out after breaking through the wall, still yelling:


The soldiers who were still in the school immediately discovered the abomination and launched an attack on it.Hate was worried that he couldn't find his target, so he killed all these soldiers and led Ross to come over and ask him to hand over Hulk!
Banner and Elizabeth were taken to Ross's helicopter, and the soldiers had already reported Banner's situation to Ross.Ross growled at Banner:
"What did you do! You destroyed valuable military property!"

Banner responded to Ross with only one hehe.

Seeing Banner's appearance, Ross was even more annoyed and ready to hit someone. Elizabeth quickly stopped Ross:
"Banner is back to normal! You can't hunt him down anymore!"

"You!" Rose's slap did not fall in the end. After all, it was his daughter. "Take them on the plane and we will go back."

Sitting in the helicopter cabin, the three stared at each other. The atmosphere was very awkward until the soldier's emergency communication came:

"Report! General! Hulk appeared at the school and has now rushed into the streets of New York! Call for backup! Call for backup! Ah!"

After a burst of blind communication, Ross looked at Banner in front of him, as if realizing something, he ordered to return to New York.

When the three returned to New York, the Abomination was wreaking havoc on the streets.Banner's weapon, which was originally used to deal with it, has no effect on the abomination.

The Abomination retains Bronski's wit, knowing exactly what those special weapons from Stark Industries do.This weapon, which was designed to deal with large monsters, was completely destroyed by the abomination before it could exert its effect.

The Abomination yelled the names of Ross and Hulk while tossing the tank like a toy.

When Rose's helicopter appeared, the abomination yelled, "Ross! Give me the Hulk!"

After the hatred finished speaking, without waiting for Ross to respond, he attacked everything on the street more and more violently.

In the laboratory on the other side, Stern, with a swollen head, slowly got up from the pool of blood, touched his big head, and giggled.

After Banner's blood entered Stern's head, Sten's brain was strengthened, but he also became abnormal.

"It's so ugly! This guy is completely used to disgust people!"

Stern looked up and saw a man in black armor walking in with a woman in red armor in his arms.

"who are you?"

Zed didn't answer Stern either, and threw out a blank dial and a blank alien dial and said:
"Death or life! Choose yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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