Chapter 420 Malik Child

Nebula still has regrets about this new body, but its technological content has reached the highest level on Zed's side, and there is no more humane technology.

As for the fake lacrimal gland drainage, it is not within the scope of Professor Ling Ma's consideration. It is estimated that Xingyun himself will not accept such self-deception.

Zed arranged for Xingyun a long-term task of collecting information on Thanos and his subordinate forces, and then allocated all the precious metal resources he had obtained to Professor Ling Ma. After all, the production of the Great Devil Machine No. [-] and No. [-] is also inseparable from these resource.

"Okay, the body problem is solved, and the dial is recovered. First go to Hara, and then return to Earth." Zed survived on Hara for two days and then returned to Earth, heading straight to Malik Manor.

All the servants in the Malik Manor have been strictly screened, even the lowest-ranking maids are dead soldiers of the Malik family, Wen Neng serves the master with tea and water, and Wu Neng is proficient in shooting and knives.Zed wandered around the garden without any inconvenience, just like the man of the manor.

The old butler of Malik Manor walked to Zed and bowed and asked:
"Sir, is it still iced Coke? By the way, Madam has entered a batch of fruit wine, which is not strong but sweet. Are you interested in tasting it?"

Although Zed knows that there is a huge difference between wine and wine, and some fruit wines are indeed sweet and delicious, but Zed is born with an aversion to alcohol, so he can't touch it, so he smiled and shook his head and declined:

"No, I don't drink at all, Coke is fine. Is Stephanie in the company or on the council?"

"Madam is now in a meeting of the Security Council, and there is still a lot of work to do after that. I don't know the specific arrangements." The old housekeeper can be said to be conscientious, but he never asks more about things that should not be his business.

Zed rubbed his chin, pondered for a while and said:

"That's it. I'm going to the study first."

"Yes." The old butler bent even more, his manners were still impeccable.

Zed returned to the large study in Malik Manor, and sat comfortably on the low-key but expensive leather chair.This leather chair was custom-made by Gideon after he took office. It uses the best raw materials and craftsmanship in the world, and it is still the top of the top even now.

And it is countless times better than the boss chair that Zed bought in the furniture store, which is said to be the most expensive in the market.There are some things that no amount of money can buy. You must have resources such as power, connections, and reputation to get them.

For example, this leather chair, and another example—information.

Zed picked up the security phone on his desk, slouched on the leather chair and swayed, and dialed Stephanie's cell phone at the same time:
"My little pony, you seem to be very busy now."

Stephanie knew very well that the only people who would use this number to contact her were her father and Zed, and Gideon was still flirting with celebrities on the cruise ship. It could only be that Zed came back from an alien.

"Of course I'm busy. You've been traveling to an alien planet for three months, and I'm here to face endless meetings. If it wasn't for Hilde's help, I'm afraid I'd even sell Fantasy Company at a low price." Stephanie Taking advantage of the break time of the meeting, he held his forehead and joked with Zed with a smile on his face.

"Tsk tsk tsk... I don't believe it, how could you be willing to sell our company cheaply? We have galloped in the Tower of the World Tree many times. How many beautiful memories we have there." Zed said sarcastically Come in a set, and put on your seatbelt—appropriate.

Stephanie brushed her hair helplessly, and smiled:
"Stop, stop, that's my company now, huh... I'm really busy now, and I'm going to have another meeting soon. We'll have a good memory when I come back from a business trip. In addition, Hilde presides over the work at the World Tree Tower , I'll let her go back. If you need anything, ask her first. Bye~"

"Goodbye~" After Zed put down the security phone, the maid knocked on the study door with an iced Coke, "Please come in."

While Zed was enjoying the cool pleasure of iced Coke, Stephanie's female secretary Hilde also arranged the follow-up work of the World Tree Tower, and returned to Malik Manor by private helicopter.

The long black hair is slightly curled, draped over the shoulders, the bridge of the nose is straight, and Hilde with reddish lips is a complete beauty. Her green pupils add a lot of strange charm to her, not even inferior to the rose-red one. A mature Stephanie.

However, like most of the maids in Malik Manor, Hilde is also a dead man.Because of her beautiful appearance, she was a beauty embryo since she was a child, so she was selected by Gideon to be Stephanie's playmate and bodyguard, and now she is Stephanie's secretary and bodyguard.

Stephanie has almost no friends, and those so-called celebrities are just "friends" driven by interests. Hilde, who has been playing since she was a child, has become Stephanie's closest friend.

Because Hilde was born as a "Malick child" and was Stephanie's personal bodyguard, her fate has already been decided.She can never leave the Malik family, and will die to protect Stephanie at some point in the future, which is the fate of every dead man.

Faced with this tragic fate, Stephanie finally put Hilde on her bed, not only to protect Hilde and give her a security, but also because Stephanie could not handle Zed alone, of course it is also possible It was to increase his weight in Zed's heart.

But in any case, Zed, who loves pleasure and pleasure, naturally cannot refuse a beauty like Hilde.

Hilde, who was dressed in a black professional secretary outfit, got off the private helicopter and entered the big study room unimpeded.The slender, phoenix-eyed Hilde glanced with his green eyes, then walked to the desk and knocked.

The maid who brought Zed the Coke before crawled out from under the desk and stood silently aside.Zed shook his head helplessly, then said:
"Don't be afraid, she won't eat you, and your wife and I are the masters. Help me fill up the Coke.

"Hilde, don't be so fierce. Come, sit here."

Zed leaned back and motioned for Hilde to sit on his lap.Hilde glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and finally walked around the desk and sat on Zed's lap, and said:

"The maids in this manor are all dead men. They won't be afraid of me. I won't blame them either. They just obey the master's orders."

Zed let out a hey in embarrassment:
"Hey~, why do I feel like you're hurting me? Hilde, you've learned badly."

Zed held Hilde's slender waist with his left hand, and rubbed her thighs in black stockings with suspenders back and forth with his right hand.Meanwhile, the Death Maid has filled Zed's coke.

(End of this chapter)

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