The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 409 Arriving at Ego

Chapter 409 Arriving at Ego

"How do you want me to prove myself?" Nebula leaned against the cabin wall of the spacecraft and looked at the out-of-shape Zed.

Zed put his feet on the table and responded casually:

"Whatever you like, as long as you don't bother me. Although you often fail, you are a fighter and killer after all. You don't need me to teach you how to do it."

Although Xing Yun was very dissatisfied with the evaluation of "often failures", she did not refute and left the spaceship cab without saying a word.

"How can you indulge this crazy woman like this! She will kill us all!" Rocket Raccoon protested loudly while controlling the spaceship.

Zed replied indifferently:

"Rocket, we have agreed, you save Star-Lord and others, I will kill Yi Ge and take the treasure in his body. It's that simple, and it doesn't involve Xing Yun. Right?"

"Heh~ we're in big trouble." Rocket Raccoon complained helplessly, but there was nothing he could do.

Haidong became interested at this time, looked at Zed and asked:

"You are also a treasure hunter? Are you interested in sharing information?"

"Hehe, I have information, but you don't." Zed instinctively complained about Haidong's behavior of trying to be a white wolf, but finally said, "Look at that planet. Do you see the eyes and mouth? Then It's Egg's body, but his core is inside."

"My God! Are you saying that Egg's body is a 'bastard'?" Rocket Raccoon, Baby Groot, and Kraglin were stunned when they heard it.

Haidong also frowned and looked at the huge planet with eyes and mouth, and murmured:

"The core of a planet? It seems that it is indeed a rare treasure, but you will tell me like this? It is really suspicious."

Facing Haidong's sharp gaze, Zed shook his head leisurely:

"The preciousness of treasures is determined by the needs of others. Faced with different people and different needs, the preciousness of treasures will naturally be different. Although Ego's core is also very precious in my eyes, it has not reached the extreme level. It's impossible.

"You go to the core, and I'll collect the millions of years of accumulation in Yi Ge's body. Is there a problem? Mr. Haidong."

After Zed finished speaking, he stretched out his hand with a smile, and Haidong also smiled happily, and held Zed together.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

Yondu and Rocket Raccoon have heard too much "happy cooperation" in their lives, and they know exactly who these two guys are and what they are thinking.After Yondu and Rocket Raccoon looked at each other, they both said the same word in their hearts - hypocrisy.

Zed and Haidong are the only ones who know what is going on in their hearts, but there is no time to delve into it now. They have already reached the orbit around the earth of Ego, and Xingyun is directly driving the small spaceship towards the ground. .

Zed and Haidong simultaneously opened the space gate leading to the ground of Yi Ge star. One is a circular portal composed of multiple golden clocks, and the other is a silver-white rectangular portal.

"Oh, I said, why is it so familiar. It turns out to be the power of the King of Time." Haidong sighed in his heart, glanced at Zed, and then stepped across the space door.

The same goes for Zed, while Yondu, Rocket, and Baby Groot hitch a ride behind Zed.This is much faster than taking a spaceship, and the nebula has just reached the atmosphere at this time.


Gamora originally supported Xingjue to follow Igo to come here, but then Gamora had obvious resistance to this place.Egg's identity as a god, the planet lacking intelligent creatures, Mantis the Mantis who is afraid of Egg...these signs all show that this planet must be hiding some ulterior secrets.

It's just that Star-Lord has been immersed in the pie that Igo drew for him, the son of the gods, the power of the creator, the light ball between his fingers... he didn't realize these problems at all, and instead had a big fight with Gamora.

The plan to combine the two watches has also been shelved.

Ego was noncommittal to Gamora who left angrily, but was happy to see it happen.Egg took the opportunity to walk to Star Lord and start preaching:
"Hey, Peter. I saw the lady leave very angry. Aren't you going after her?"

"No, she's just like that. We all need time to calm down." Xingjue calmed down a little, his temper was not as aggressive as before.

"No, you are wrong. Peter, what you need is not time." Egg enlightened Star-Lord like a wise elder, and said, "Time is meaningless to you. You are my son, you are Son of the gods, as long as the light of this planet is not extinguished, you are eternal."

"Wait! Say it again, immortal? Eternal?" Xingjue was stunned on the spot. These two words are too high-end and too far away for ordinary creatures.

Egg got up and said:

"Of course! You now have eternal life. Come, let me show you my grand plan."

Xingjue followed Yi Ge happily but worried about gain and loss, and asked with divergent thoughts:
"What does immortality feel like? Will it be boring?"

"Yes, but when you have a goal to fight for, you won't be bored. You will even feel lucky and excited because you have unlimited time to spend on it." Yi Ge led Star-Lord into the palace In the center of the center, he called out the territory of his grand plan, and stretched out a finger to touch Xingjue's brow.

Xingjue's eyes instantly turned into a cosmic starry sky, and those words, symbols, images that were originally incomprehensible... all poured into Xingjue's eyes, allowing him to quickly understand Yi Ge's plan.

"My God! I saw it, it's so beautiful!" Xingjue greedily absorbed the light like a blind man regaining the light, as if he wanted to take everything in the world into his eyes.

Egg believed that no mortal could resist the temptation of the truth of the universe, so he was a little proud and relaxed for a while, and said casually:

"Although I am a god, I don't have enough power to carry out such a grand plan. But with your help, I will be able to succeed. At that time, there will be only me and us left in this universe."

Star-Lord, who understood Yi Ge's plan, suddenly became sad, and muttered to himself:
"But... but... my friends, they..."

Egg shook his head persuadingly and said:
"Peter, they are only mortals, their lives are so short, and we are destined to be different from them. I know it is sad, I have experienced it too. My Meredith, I have to leave her. If I If I stay, there will be no possibility for me to resume this plan...

"It really hurts my heart, especially when I put the brain tumor in Meredith's body."

(End of this chapter)

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