Chapter 40 Who?
Jin Bing, who is deeply embedded in the wall, knows that he has lost to the opponent in fighting, but Jin Bing is not the kind of person who loses once and loses his strength.

Jin would not give up just because of one failure, he grabbed a brick and hit Zed's head.Zed avoided the blow with his head, but when he turned his head back, a cloud of dust suddenly rose up in front of his eyes, and the dust covered Zed's sight.


Zed instinctively crossed his hands in front of his body, but was still kicked out by Jin Bin's big feet, and Jin Bin was able to catch his breath.

But the dust also blocked Jin Bing's sight. He didn't notice a burst of red light on Zed who was flying upside down, and he flew higher under the blessing of the red light.

Zed flew into the air, turned and somersaulted, and stepped on the ceiling.Press the kill charge button, then kicked towards Jin Bing and flew away.

After Jin Bing waved away the dust, a dazzling red, yellow and green ring lit up in front of his eyes, flying towards him.

"Who!" (Go to hell!)
With a roar, Zed's kick from the sky hit Jinbing on the chest, and once again knocked Jinbing back into the big hole in the wall.

The alien Oz armor on Jin Bin's body turned into pieces of small coins and shattered, and the alien Oz dial that fell together was not spared.

Zed walked up to Jin Bin step by step, grabbed Jin Bin by the throat and pulled him to a position at eye level with him.


Jin Bing has a hulking back and a tall man, and Zed's height only reaches Jin Bing's shoulders.Such a height gap made it impossible for Zed to hold Jin with one hand and lift it up by the throat.The only thing I can do is pull Jin to the same height as myself.

Zede stretched out his free left hand and patted Jin Bin's face, and when Jin Bin was a little more awake, he said, "You can't control yourself! Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru? I don't even use the Kronos dial." You just fell down, and you still want to be a sophomore at this level! Shit, you!"

After finishing speaking, Zed slapped Jin Bin hard on the face, and Jin Bin, who just woke up, fainted again.

Zed spit softly, Jin Bin can't die now.Zed still needs him and the Defenders to continue to love each other, so he let him go.

When Zed was fighting Jin Bin, Woz was not idle.Woz greeted Bullock who had met once before, and jokingly said: "Ah! It's you again! What? Didn't die last time, did you come again today?"

Bullock continued to command the action team to attack the three without any reaction, and the gangsters under Jin Bin also helped the Hydra operation force to prevent the three from breaking through the encirclement.

But the three of them didn't intend to break through at all, and Woz played with the other side with a playful mentality; Tan Lidou took revenge on them for letting him down just now; Xin even received orders from Zed to kill as many as he could.The three of them fought each other but watched each other, massacring like entering no man's land.

Tan Lidou stared at those special targeted group attacks, and the chainsaw sword brought out streaks of blood.Lives were taken away by Tan Lidou's wild laughter, and the black and white dangerous zombies were all dyed bloody.


Xin turned into Zhanyue armor, holding a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right, and rushed into the crowd with firepower.Xin's swordsmanship was passed down from Murakami, and it was naturally easier to use than an axe, and he could easily split a person in two with a single strike.

In silence, Xin harvested the heads with sword after sword.

Woz came to Bullock without any obstacles. Bullock was equipped with a new generation of power equipment all over his body.These equipments are much more advanced than the prototype used by Natasha, and both energy transmission efficiency and noise problems have been effectively improved.

Brock's current appearance is already resembling the later Crossbones, and after adding the sonic crossbow technology to the power equipment, this set of power equipment is now more powerful than the one Brock will get in the future.

Woz held Bullock's fist with his long soldiers, and said in surprise: "Hey~ your scientists are not useless! Has this power plant been optimized to this level? But ah! And our knight system It's far worse than that!"

The blade of the long weapon in Woz's hand changed from a spear to a sickle as soon as it was placed on Bullock's neck.Originally, Woz's defense and Brock's offense reversed instantly.Bullock resisted the force from the sickle with difficulty.

Bullock couldn't bear the force and knelt down on one knee, but Bullock was considered a tough guy.A roar came from between the teeth, all the power equipment of the limbs were running at maximum power, and Woz's sickle was pushed back abruptly.

But pushing back can't change anything, Bullock has already gone all out, and Woz is still able to handle it with ease.

Woz watched Bullock stand up again like this, and without increasing his strength, he kicked Bullock out when he was completely stable.Bullock directly smashed the glass of the hall and flew out.

Pierce, who was far away at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, shattered the cup angrily. Pierce had no intention of attacking Time King now.This action is just for the World Security Council to see, just for show.

The purpose of replacing the action team members with Hydra members is to better command and allow Pierce's orders to be effectively executed.But Bullock violated Pierce's order again, much to Pierce's dismay.

The angry Pierce couldn't even swear, and his gloomy eyes seemed to kill.

Some were happy while others were sad. Nick Fury, who was in the same building, tried hard to maintain his cold image and prevent himself from laughing out loud.

This S.H.I.E.L.D. operation force is almost entirely composed of internal Hydra spies, and now none of the ten are killed, and it is impossible for Nick Fury to be happy.But besides being happy, Nick Fury is also full of worries about the rising power of the King of Time.

Zed and the others walked out of the hall after solving their respective goals. Zed didn't recognize the guy who fell on the ground at first, but he saw the set of power equipment that was more advanced than Natasha's.I remembered that there seemed to be such a small role as Crossbones, and there was a scene later in which he participated.

Zed has always attached great importance to the prophetic advantage of the future, and will not destroy the big plot trend. Only the guy who has been drained of value will choose to let him go out of print.

Zed walked slowly to Bullock, half bent down and said, "You have saved your life!"

After Zed finished speaking, he left. Seeing that Zed let go of this guy, Woz naturally wouldn't do anything to end him. He took Tan Lidou and boarded the Time Demon Machine.

Although Xin also had his own Time Demon Machine, he still followed Zed and boarded Zed's Time Demon Machine.

What does it look like with several big men crowded into one cockpit?
Is it a waste to sit in such a large cockpit for only one person?

Anyway, Zed wanted Xin to share the Demon God machine with him.Xin is also a big beauty after taking off the ninja mask!This is much more eye-catching than Woz and Tan Lidou.

After the two time demon machines returned to Tan Lidou's company, the four of them untransformed and returned to the special lounge.

As soon as he entered the door, Skye was waiting here, and said aggressively: "You didn't take me when you ran out?"

"Didn't Tan Lidou give you a third-level authority? Can't you see it from the camera on the Time Demon God machine?"


Zed ignored Skye's big-eyed attack, opened a bottle of happy water for himself, and was stopped by Tan Lidou just as he was about to lie down.

"Let's go! Go to the laboratory first and release the keel!" Tan Lidou dragged Zed into the laboratory.

Zed helplessly drank the happy water while enjoying the towing service of the gods.It was only after arriving at the laboratory that he stood up straight and opened the door of the storage space, pouring out a pile of keels.

Zed patted Tan Lidou on the shoulder: "It's up to you! Shrimp dumplings! I believe you can do it! Come on!"

After Zed finished speaking, he walked back, only Tan Lidou's crazy laughter came from behind him.When Zed returned to the lounge, he saw Skye staring at the time-space drive and geiz dial in Xin's hand.

Skye turned around and said aggrievedly: "Obviously I came first!"

Zed was about to kill Skye's arrogance, and then he lay comfortably on the sofa, read the letter and patted his leg.

After understanding, Xin put down the driver and dial and sat next to Zed to pinch Zed's legs, while Zed stretched out a hand to play with Xin's hair.

Zed took a sip of the happy water, and said to Skye with a look of enjoyment: "Look at him! Look at you again!"

Woz also chimed in and said, "Miss Xin is fully qualified as a retainer of His Majesty the Demon King, and you still have a lot to learn."

Seeing that Zed and Xin were so close, Skye got angry and said, "Didn't you say that I have great potential? Why~ so~"

Seeing Skye's faltering, Zed found it funny, let go of his fingers playing with Xin's hair, took out a blank dial and handed it to Xin, "Activate this dial and show her!"

"Yes! Master!" Xin put down Zed's leg and then took the dial, got up and walked aside and pressed the button of the dial.

who!Next!ninja!Kamen Rider Forbearance!

Zed was not at all surprised by Shin's activation of the ninja dial, and after motioning for Shin to sit aside, Zed turned around and laid a pillow on Shin's elastic thigh.After taking the ninja dial in Xin's hand, he opened his eyes and said to the two mountain peaks in front of him:
"This ninja dial is perfect for you, but Woz needs it more than you. Are you okay?"

Xin was not dissatisfied with Zed's decision, and stretched out his hand to massage Zed's head and said, "I have no objection! Master! Xin will follow your orders!"

"Oh~ woo~ ah~"

Zed moaned comfortably, enjoying it!

After enjoying it for a while, Zed threw the ninja dial in his hand to Woz and said to Skye, "When will you activate the dial, and when will you be treated with a letter."

"Serve your treatment? Huh!" Skye sat aside angrily and continued typing on the computer, gnashing his teeth from time to time and looking at the couple next to him.


(End of this chapter)

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