The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 392 Mobilization Before the War

Chapter 392 Mobilization Before the War
"Really, I am the king and still have to pay so much tax. Cough~ I really don't give me any face." Zed looked at the little balance left on his star coin card, and burst into tears.

Zed bought a large piece of land on Hara with the star coins he earned from renting out the Great Demon Machine and selling the Black Hole Howitzer.In Hara Star, where the environmental transformation technology is very high, the difference in land prices in different regions is not big, unless the mountains are close to the sea...

"In order to build this sea view villa, my wallet is about to die. Why can't the Prime Minister of the Supreme Wisdom do a good job and give a discount?" Zed looked at the staff from Hara star and couldn't help complaining.

The government worker who seemed to have the word "star coins" written on his face was sitting upright, pretending he didn't hear Zed's complaints, and said to himself:

"Your Majesty the Demon King, what you want to build is not a villa with a sea view, but a palace with a sea view. The sale of nearly [-] hectares of land is rare in the entire history of the Cree Empire, not to mention that you purchased it in the name of a private person...

"In addition, our Kerry government has extremely strict controls on land utilization. The utilization rate of your sea view palace is too low. If you are not the king and have made outstanding contributions in previous wars, it is impossible for us Agree with this wasteful behavior.

"We didn't charge you resource waste penalties and high taxes, which is already very humane. As for discounts...impossible."

The disadvantages of the constitutional monarchy were revealed at this time. Even a government employee dared to flirt with Zed, but Zed had nothing to do with him. He followed the rules and regulations and did not trip Zed.

Zed stroked his forehead helplessly and sighed:
"Oh~ forget it, you guys start to calculate."

The staff in charge of this land transaction immediately nodded to the two assistants, indicating that they could start.Then the three government employees opened a large pile of documents and began to check them one by one.

"His Majesty the Demon King doesn't have any private land assets in the Kerry Empire, only a penthouse suite provided by the government?"



After a lengthy initial review, Zed was finally able to take a break while the government employees were still conducting the second review.Zed admired them from the bottom of his heart, and admired them for being able to persist in this boring and heavy work for so long.

"Ha~ tsk tsk, it's cool!" Zed leaned on the sofa and drank a sip of iced Coke, his whole body was full of vitality.

Minerva lifted her luxurious dress, straddled Zed and asked:
"Your Majesty the Demon King, why did you suddenly think of building a palace in Hara? I remember that you liked the swimming pool on the top floor very much before?"

Zed wrapped his left arm around Minerva's waist and said softly:

"The world tree tower I built is so beautiful, they are all jealous of me. There is an endless stream of people who want to steal technology and destroy it. My human security guards and robot security guards have caught so many guys who want to make trouble .

"This is still the previous situation. Now the superpowers on the earth are about to break out into a civil war. At that time, the Stark Building, the Bashi Building, the Tower of the World Tree and other landmarks will definitely be affected.

"I plan to move all the important things out before the civil war breaks out. In addition, you have to take good care of Skye and Lilith. Xin, me and Woz stay on Earth temporarily.

"Professor Ling Ma and Kaldor are active in the Mavis star laboratory, and may occasionally go to Hara a few times. You don't have to worry about their affairs, and the Supreme Intelligence will arrange them."

Minerva knew very well how to please Zed, and after humming, she began to nibble Zed's ear, and Zed's mind had already drifted to the sky.

Although the review by the Kerry government had not yet ended, Minerva took Skye and Lilith back to the penthouse suite through the teleportation stone.Minerva still has the right to be the Queen of Kerry, and by the way, she has left a way for Stephanie.

Once something happens to Stephanie, she can be teleported to Planet Mavis and then to Planet Hala at any time without any obstacles, and Delanon Castle is still guarding Malik Manor.

The secret facilities in the Tower of the World Tree were also transferred to the experimental base of Mavis Star under the command of Professor Ling Ma.Karl is very interested in the environment modification technology of the Kree Empire, and the desolate Mavis star just became his experimental field.

Zed did not completely evacuate the Tower of the World Tree, but retained the basic level of a high-tech company.After all, the ordinary staff on the lower floors depended on this for a living.


As a blind lawyer and superhero in Hell's Kitchen, Matt is well aware of how dirty "high society" is. He believes that the Sokovia Agreement will eventually become a weapon for people with ulterior motives, so he joins Steve's team without hesitation. team.

The divided Defenders Alliance gathered again, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while. Jessica immediately opened up the atmosphere and said with a smile:

"Captain America, how did you suppress Frank? He is not an obedient baby."

Steve said lightly:

"I had a friendly exchange with him, and he agreed not to use lethal weapons until this heroic civil war is over."

Frank nodded silently, acknowledging what Steve said, but Frank has countless ways to kill people, and it doesn't make much difference whether he uses lethal weapons or not.Frank is just biding his time, waiting for the evil to run into his own gun.

After the superpowers of the Anti-Sokovia Agreement gathered together, Steve got up and walked to the front of the conference table and said loudly:

"Guys, I appreciate you supporting me and supporting me against the Sokovia deal. Everyone in this room more or less thinks that the Sokovia deal will be a weapon for someone with ulterior motives, right?

"We can't be bound by it. We help and save others out of our own conscience, and we don't need other people's commands and orders. Even if we are called fugitives and hunted by all countries, our beliefs cannot be dissipated!
"We are still the Avengers who protect the world - the Secret Avengers!"

Steve's impassioned words inspired everyone present, and even Frank looked sideways at him, and had to secretly sigh:

"Why can't there be more people like Steve Rogers in this world? If... if... no if."

Matt, a lawyer, was also affected. He felt that Steve's noble character was heavier than the vast legal literature, which came from the weight of the soul, which weighed more than a thousand catties.

But not everyone agrees with Steve.The foreign aid Tony is now inviting happens to be a lawyer too. She believes that the Sokovia agreement can make the world a better place, so she chooses a path that is completely opposite to Matt's.

(End of this chapter)

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