The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 384 Please Watch My Transformation

Chapter 384 Please Watch My Transformation
Looking at the human in front of him, Dormammu involuntarily felt an emotion called fear, as if the other person was his natural enemy.

But Dormammu is very clear that those so-called light forces have no restraint effect on him. Light and darkness have always been two sides of the same body, so where does this absurd sense of crisis come from?

While Dormammu was thinking about this question, the real fifth generation Yusuke who came out of history gave Zed a thumbs up and said with a smile:

"You did a good job, but leave it to me. Please take a good look at my transformation."

The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, Wudai turned his head to face Domamu's puppet body, and at the same time put his hands on his waist and abdomen to call out the belt, then raised his right hand and swiped slowly from left to right, his face gradually revealed the whole picture...

"Transformation." Godai whispered softly, and then the ultimate darkness permeated from the belt, and along with the golden lines, covered Godai's body, revealing the real body of Ultimate Kuga.

The wind and snow were blowing, and Dormammu suddenly laughed out of his wits:
"Hahaha...haha! Hehe, that's it! I said where did this sense of crisis come from, it turned out to be the same kind! Ha~ This pure dark breath is really delicious! I'm so excited!

"You are mine! I will devour you whole and make you a part of me! Be one with me! My brethren of darkness!"

Dormammu is already hysterical, and now the earth is not important to him, as long as he devours the same kind in front of him, he can immediately become a more terrifying existence, possessing endless power.

"Come on!" Dormammu's puppet body immediately turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Kuuga, and the avatar of darkness in the distance was also repairing rapidly without stopping.

Sora didn't respond to Dormammu's madness, and he ignited Dormammu first. Coincidentally, Dormammu used the evil magic flame when refining his wizard body into a puppet.

Dormammu, who was burning with evil fire, also fired back at Kuoro, and shouted at the same time:

"Don't use these pediatrics, fight with all your strength! Although your ending is already doomed! Hahahaha..."

Sora faced Dormammu without saying a word, and began a hand-to-hand combat.Every strike of Kuuga contains ultimate power, even the most unpretentious boxing is terrifying, and it is countless times stronger than those fancy skills.

Sora drank in a low voice, and punched and punched, a lot of blood gushed out from the wound on Dormammu's body, but under the effect of the powerful self-healing ability, the wound healed as soon as the blood left the body.

Only the red blood marks on the white snow can prove how hard this battle is, but Dormammu's condition is not good either. The injury is not fake.

"Hahaha! That's great, it's this power. I'm looking forward to seeing you swallowed up more and more! Hahaha..." Dormammu may have gone crazy, or at least he's crazy.

Zed was not idle during the decisive battle between the two in the snow, and immediately flew to Strange and said:
"Give me the Eye of Agamotto, and you get out of here."

"What? Are you asking me to be a deserter?" Strange, who was originally unwilling to assume the responsibility of the Supreme Mage, now turned his attitude 180 degrees.

Gu Yi would be very pleased if he knew, but Zed didn't have time to dawdle with Strange right now, so he said directly:

"I'm going to deal with that big guy who is healing now, will you give it or not?"

Upon hearing this, Strange looked up at the dark giant who was repairing himself, froze for two seconds, then nodded:

"Uh...uh, well, although I am very unwilling, I can only leave it to you."

After the words fell, Strange unlocked the time loop on his left arm, and handed the Eye of Agamotto to Zed.After getting the Eye of Agamotto, Zed immediately rushed to the broken dark giant, leaving only one sentence:
"Get out quickly, you have nothing to do here."

"This is really hurtful." Strange sighed helplessly, and then flew away from the dark dimension. The problem with the Hong Kong Temple has not been completely resolved, and Strange has nothing to do.

Dormammu's dark incarnation only retained a part of the power used to repair the damage, and all other powers were transferred into the evil fire puppet.When the empty self and the puppet are holding each other, it is a good time for Zed to attack the dark incarnation of the void.

Although Zed was close to the limit after using two infinity gems one after another, Zed still rushed to the dark incarnation with the time gem without hesitation, because this was the hope of defeating Dormammu, nothing more.

"Time, turn back!" Zed picked out the battlefield between Kuuga and Dormammu's puppet, and turned back the rest of the time until the moment when Dormammu's dark incarnation was just injured, "Time, stop flow!"

Dormammu, who was controlling the puppet, suddenly felt that his connection with the avatar and the dark dimension was blocked, and most of his power was frozen, so he could only rely on the remaining power in the puppet to fight Kuuji.

"Damn it! You..." Dormammu cursed Zed angrily, but before he could say it, Kuga's iron fist arrived.

Zed poured all his power into the time gem, suppressed the boundless dark dimension in a short time, put all the chips of victory on Kuuji, and roared loudly:

"Go! Empty me!"

"Bastard! I'll kill you first!" Dormammu made a gesture to get rid of the instigator first and break this unfavorable situation.

However, Zed had all the chips, including himself, so Zed suspended his own time.

If Kuga wins, Zed's time stop will be automatically released on himself; if Dormammu wins, time stop will spread to the entire dark dimension, turning this place into a completely static dead zone.

The flame ray shot by Dormammu froze in the void and couldn't penetrate an inch. Dormammu, who was helpless, roared angrily, and launched a more violent attack on Kuuga.

But Dormammu, without the support of the endless energy of the dark dimension, gradually felt exhausted, and his opponent could stand up and continue fighting no matter how many times he fell down, as if he was the one with infinite power.

"No! This is impossible! Why don't you fall down! I have defeated you countless times, and I am the great existence with infinite power!" Dormammu's self-esteem was hit, and he rushed towards Kuoga like crazy .

Sora let out a sigh of relief, stepped out with his left foot, stepped away, and threw a simple punch.

Bang! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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