Chapter 375

The Red Hulk, Betty Ross, with a full tactical pocket and an engine-bladed sword, strode across the gate of time and space to the dilapidated building where Domino was under house arrest.

"Listen to me, I don't care what kind of mutant brotherhood or mutant Templar you are, let me out, or I'll kill you all!" Betty kicked away arrogantly After opening the gate, these mutants are completely ignored.

And these mutants are also extremely inflated, and their legend, Magneto, is back.Now they are not afraid of anyone, and want to kill the arrogant Betty as soon as their brains are hot.

Although White Queen Emma joined Norman Osborn's Illuminati cabinet as a representative of the Mutant Brotherhood and the Hellfire Club, her status has never been comparable to that of Magneto, and her "conservative style" cannot deal with these mutants. People play a very good role in restraint.

Betty's one-on-five battle is about to start, but before the battle, the coquettish Wade suddenly pops up with a rose in his mouth, and praises Betty's beauty:

"Oh~ God! Beauty, you are as bright as a ruby, your beauty..."

As a woman, Betty likes people to praise her very much, but she doesn't like other people's entanglement regardless of the occasion. She just wants to have a hearty fight now.

"Come on, have a good fight with me!" Betty slapped Wade flying with a heavy engine-bladed sword, and strode towards the five mutant thugs.

At the same time, Domino on the second floor poked his head out to watch the battle.Domino, who is unemployed, doesn't know which side she should go with. Although she has always been lucky, she has never been so popular.

"The mutant fraternity has always advocated the concept of mutant supremacy, and the boss of Deadpool is rich... um... which side should I choose?" Domino curled his short black hair and said to himself, "Forget it, Let my lucky coin decide."

Domino randomly took out a coin and threw it into the air, expecting:
"Positive brotherhood, negative big boss, which one will it be?"


"Okay, let's have a big fight!" Domino also joined the battle after making a decision.

Zed, who was secretly observing, determined that this encounter was perfectly staged, and then evacuated the area, opened the time and space door and led to another hidden location - Agamotto's mansion of the gods.

When Zed used the Eye of Agamotto to fight against Dracula, Agamotto secretly sent the message to Zed, and now Zed is here for the appointment.

Zed didn't greet politely, and asked straight to the point:

"I don't know why the Trinity God is looking for me?"

Agamotto was not polite to Zed either, and said in a flat tone:
"Gu Yi is dying, and the successor she chose is not qualified, or none of the existing mages is qualified to inherit the position of supreme mage, and inherit my magic weapon.

"I need you to get back my magic weapon for me, and you can take the time gem."

Zed didn't quite understand what Agamotto meant, and just about to ask, Ao Shutu explained to Zed:

"We are real gods, not false gods. We have our own path. Infinity gems are the material we learn, but too much reliance on infinite gems is not good for our evolution, and we are likely to be assimilated by them.

"And the time gem was originally embedded in the magic weapon by Agamotto. Naturally, we no longer need the time gem. However, due to the prohibition of the gods from interfering with the world, we cannot take the initiative to recover the magic weapon."

Hogarth on the other side added:

"That's why we need you to help us retrieve the magic weapon, and we also know that what you want most is the dial. Bring the magic weapon back, and we will give you a dial."

The Trinity God of Emperor Weishan really pinched Zed's death spot, and even offered a bait that Zed could not refuse.Although Zed had already made a decision, he still asked again:
"Then why did you pass down the magic weapon in the first place? Isn't this very contradictory?"

Agamotto looked down at Zed, and said in a deep voice:

"I passed down the magic weapon to help mages who are qualified to protect the world, Gu Yi, Cagliostro... These mages are all qualified, and their power is very close to my level before I became a god.

"But on the other hand, if there are no qualified mages in this world, they shouldn't occupy my magic weapon. This is a waste of resources."

Zed guessed that there must be other reasons for Agamotto to take back the magic weapon. There must be some unknown secret in Agamotto's eye, but the explanation he gave is not a lie. This is the logic of the gods, rational and correct ,ruthless……

"No problem, I will bring back the magic weapon." And Zed didn't think it was wrong, taking back his own things was a matter of course.

After Zed left, Ao Shutu asked:
"After we build a complete time-management hub, will we really be able to challenge those gods in the universe?"

"Hehe, those guys like Odin and Zuras were scared out of their wits, lost their will to forge ahead, and settled down in a corner, but we are different. Even if we can't directly compete with the gods, there is no doubt that we will go one step further Yes." Hogarth said a few words in a low voice.

Agamotto didn't say anything, raised his head and looked at the starry sky, and across the long river of time, recalled the humiliating scene of the fiasco of the earth's indigenous gods and being forced to sign the terms of the agreement not to interfere with the world.

The gods are not without emotions, but the things and things that humans are familiar with are too small to make the gods have emotional fluctuations.

And Zed naturally didn't know what the Trinity God said after he left. Even if he knew Zed, he couldn't become a chess player, after all, he hadn't even reached Emperor Chong.

After Zed returned to the present world, he went to the dilapidated building again. The Red Hulk, Domino, and Deadpool teamed up to easily solve the five mutant thugs, and even the follow-up support was given by the three of them. up.

clap ~ clap ~ clap ~
Zed clapped his hands into the building and exclaimed:
"It's really a lucky domino, Nina Thurman, I'm the devil Zed Oleg, and now I officially hire you to be my professional draw.

"Just kidding, just kidding, you are still a mercenary, and Betty teamed up to fight against the scum you want to fight. I will provide the venue, weapons, and funds.

"The monthly base salary is [-] US dollars, and there are assigned tasks, how about it?"

Domino's eyes widened, not daring to say anything:

"It's such a good thing! My God! I'm really the favorite of Lady Luck!"

"That's right, there is such a good thing." Zed nodded sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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