The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 369 Bullet Gold Coin

Chapter 369 Bullet Gold Coin
The dense rain of bullets fell suddenly, and Zed didn't use the time stop directly, because these kinetic energy bullets were not enough to hurt himself, at most it was a little painful.

"Oh...heh! Interesting." Zed himself can half-handedly dodge the king's dodge skills, and with Tiandao's personal demonstration, it really looks a bit similar and elegant when he uses it at this time.

The surrounding bullets were not hit by the stop-stop attack, but in Zed's eyes, these bullets still slowed down, as if they were shot into the gel-like air, and every step forward was extremely difficult.

Zed moved nimbly through the rain of bullets like a dancing butterfly, trying his best to maximize his dodging skills. After a very long two or three seconds, Zed's movements became more familiar and neat...

Betty didn't have this sense of beauty anymore. She said something fragrant, and then jumped onto the platform on the second floor with the bullets in her face, and attacked the soldiers.

"Die, you sissies without handles!" Betty reached out and grabbed the muzzle of an M4 with her left hand, and scrapped it with a firm grip, but it was not over yet. It swung it like a short stick.

Betty was like a savage rushing into a flock of sheep, wielding a stick and smashing them all the way. Even if the soldiers who were hit were protected by the best uniforms, they were vulnerable, ranging from broken bones and fractures to fainting near death.

"Haha...hahaha! That's it! Come again!" It is true that Betty was brainwashed by Brian, but Brian didn't need Betty to work for him. All he left in Betty's mind was the seeds of violence.

But this untended seed grew surprisingly well.

After the first batch of soldiers were defeated by Betty, Zed didn't need to dodge anymore, but Zed knew that Ross had prepared more soldiers for him than this.And since Ross is already the acting director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he must have the authority to use the super shock wave weapon.

Zed didn't want someone to pierce a steel needle into his head again, and then stir it a few times, that feeling--it's so fucking sour.

Zed raised his head and looked at Betty, who was killing all directions, and then turned his head to look at the passage where the soldiers came. After spitting helplessly, he bent down to pick up a handful of deformed bullets, and slowly revealed a trace of The gaps let the bullets fall to the ground:
"Kill Elizabeth...kill Elizabeth..."

The deformed bullets fell to the ground, and the gold coins that determined the fate of Ross and Betty decreased one by one, and they were about to be cleared...

"Kill Rose." The last bullet fell down, getting closer to the ground, and Zed's next move was determined.

One foot suddenly lifted up slightly, kicking the bullet head that was about to hit the ground, and returned to Zed's hand.

"Oh, Falk! I must pay a sky-high price." Zed spat self-deprecatingly, then turned his palms over, flicked his thumb hard, and the last bullet flew upwards.

After the bullet flew to the highest point, it gradually lost its speed, and was about to be pulled back to the ground by the gravity of the earth, and fell downward, but Zed directly below it had disappeared.

Zed turned into an afterimage and jumped towards Betty in an instant. While attracting Betty's attention, a radiant space-time gate opened behind Betty.

"Look at the trick." Zedra opened his posture and flew towards Betty with a standard knight kick.

A kick without any light or energy precisely hit Betty's chest and kicked her into the gate of time and space. After landing, Zed flipped forward to remove the kinetic energy, and disappeared into the gate of time and space together.

Ross, who was still in the command room, secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Betty is not imprisoned in the laboratory, everything will be fine, and there is still hope.Rose's arm covering the holster also relaxed, and the next step is to find a way to rescue his daughter from Zed, and at the same time, he has to guard against these greedy wolves.

At the same time, the news of the old Professor Kaldwin's death also reached the command center. After regaining his senses, Ross glanced at the whispering three-dimensional projections, and then turned his head to look at the two red giant soldiers who were still lying on the ground. .

Their lives are no longer their own...

Zed opened the time-space door directly to the Sahara desert, and Betty, who was kicked in the chest, slammed into the sand dune, then rolled and fell down the sand dune in embarrassment, and even ate a mouthful of sand.

"It's fucking hot." Zed also felt the enthusiasm of this great desert, and then he took out the dial of the dragon ride, and attacked the fire with fire.

Explosive flames ignited on the body of King Shi in dragon riding form, and he walked towards Betty step by step. The footprints left behind were sparkling with light, because the sand full of silicon had been burned into a glass embryo by the high temperature of Zed's body. up.

Coincidentally, the ground under the feet of the furious Red Hulk also lit up with sparkles.

"Are you still a man? It's just so little strength, huh~ Do you need me to teach you?" Betty laughed at Zed, and then rushed towards Zed, splashing a large curtain of sand behind him.

The sand curtain splashed fast and fell fast.

Betty's actions seemed to have been sped up four or five times, with a touch of humor in the swiftness of violence.Of course, Zed's movements were faster, and the flames on his body were also more violent, extremely hot, like a human-shaped torch.

Betty didn't notice the difference, she just felt that the temperature was getting higher and higher, her body was getting hotter and hotter, and the fatigue and muscle soreness after strenuous exercise slowly came up, making Betty lose her previous bravery.

"This...huh...hehe...I..." Before Betty finished speaking, Zed grabbed her throat and lifted her up. Betty, who was at the end of her strength, couldn't even make a final counterattack.

"It's time to end, Miss Elizabeth." Zed pinched Betty's throat with his left hand, pressed Betty's back with his right hand, lifted it up suddenly, and then fell down hard.

The grayish-yellow sand mixed with crystal-clear thick glass shards splashed and hit Zed's goggles, while Betty fainted from exhaustion and turned back into a thin human appearance.

"Huh~ Sure enough, all Red Hulks are impatient with anger and easily overloaded, unlike the Hulk...Damn it, it's too hot." Zed complained, pulled Betty's hands and carried her on his own On his shoulders, he returned to the Tower of the World Tree.

And the traces in the desert were quickly covered by the wind and sand, coarse glass fragments, footprints, Betty's clothing fragments and so on.

"Professor Ling Ma, this Miss Elizabeth is Rose's daughter. I don't know how she was transformed. Can you see what's wrong with her body?" Zed walked into Professor Ling Ma with Betty on his shoulder. The laboratory, but the scene in front of him made Zed almost have a heart attack, and Betty almost fell off.

Although Zed's heart is now a mimic organ part...

(End of this chapter)

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