Chapter 36 debut
Zed led the letter back to the Time Demon Machine, took out the medicine box and let Xin handle it by himself.Shin didn't shy away from Zed, took off his ninja suit and began to treat his own wounds.

Zed sat aside and asked, "What territory does the Hand have in New York? Except for the building where you dug the keel."

Xin didn't talk nonsense and tapped the screen of the Moshen machine a few times and said: "These are strongholds, and there are two safe houses here."

Zed touched the face of the letter after he finished speaking and said, "How does it feel to have power?"

Trust You Zed's cold armored gloves caressed his face, and said calmly: "It's great! Thank you for your gift!"

"I know you're a power woman. Come on! Let me show you what real power is."

After taking back his hand, Zed drove the Time Demon Machine to the Hand Association's property.This time, Zed did not sneak in from the rooftop, but directly grabbed the wounded letter and jumped from the air onto the street.

Although it was still late at night, there were still quite a few people around the Hand Association's office building.Passers-by were shocked by the three armored men falling from the sky, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Woz stepped forward, opened his arms and said loudly to the crowd:
Let's celebrate!Inheriting the power of all knights, the king of time who can travel through time and space and know the past and the future, his name is Kamen Rider Onma Time King.This moment is the moment of his death.


The whole street was stupefied by Woz, and no one believed what this guy said.After a while of silence, laughter broke out among the crowd.

Woz was a little annoyed, but Zed stopped Woz, turned his head and said to the letter: "Go! Your former companions are all inside, let me show you the future you chose!"

Shin didn't say a word, summoned the axe blade and walked towards the stronghold of the Hand Society. With such a big incident outside, the Hand Society would naturally not be unresponsive, and a large number of ninjas poured out and surrounded Shin.

As soon as the ninjas in the branch received the news of Mrs. Gao's retreat, they were beaten to the door.Murakami, who is in charge of this place, personally went out to see who is the one who can defeat Mrs. Gao.

Murakami faced the letter and said, "You defeated Mrs. Gao?"

Xin shook his head and said: "It wasn't me, it was my new master who defeated Mrs. Gao, master."

"Believe! You believe! How dare you betray us? Is it the confidence given to you by this armor or your new master?" Murakami was very puzzled that his favorite student would recognize other people as masters.

Xin turned the ax in his hand and said: "It has nothing to do with these, I hope you can do me a favor, Master, I will use your head to climb a higher mountain."

Murakami laughed back angrily: "Ha~ha~ha! You are really my good apprentice, you are exactly like me! We are all people who are desperate for power! Let me see your pursuit! Believe me!"

At the end, Murakami yelled Nobu's name angrily, and after ordering his ninjas to attack the other two behind him, Murakami drew out his samurai sword and pointed it at his apprentice.

The two shouted angrily at the same time and rushed towards each other. Murakami's samurai sword was longer than Shin's axe and reached the attack range, and the blade swung towards Shin's throat.

Xin Shenma lowered his waist to narrowly dodge the knife, and then slashed at Murakami's waist and abdomen.The sharp edge of Time Yan's ax was blocked by Murakami's reversed blade, and the two retreated at the same time to distance themselves.

"You have learned very well, Xin! But this is not enough!" After Murakami finished speaking, he immediately rushed forward.

Murakami's samurai sword was dancing faster and faster, and the impenetrable blade pressed towards Xin.As Shin struggled to resist the sword move, Murakami's samurai sword stabbed Shin's face through the hole of the time axe.

Xin failed to defend against the sword, relying on Geiz's visor to resist the move.But then Xin's abdomen was suddenly severely injured and he knelt on the ground on one knee.

Murakami withdrew his fist and said, "The abdominal injury distorted your movements, but even so you lost. But before I execute you, I want to see how good the mountain you are talking about is."

When Murakami defeated Xin, Zed and Woz dealt with these ninja soldiers early and stood aside to watch the show.

Seeing that Murakami pointed at him, Zed stood up: "The apprentice is a martial idiot, so is the master? It's really interesting! But it's a pity that Xin is more eye-catching as a beauty. You guys don't have this kind of treatment. Challenge I'm really going to die!"

Murakami raised his sword and said, "I'm not someone who will die, and if I haven't fought a single battle, who knows the result?"

Zed stopped talking nonsense and summoned the Hour Needle Sword and walked towards Murakami. Mrs. Gao and Xin both had their own value in living.

And Murakami, no!

Zed fought against Murakami's samurai swordsmanship with the flame saber's swordsmanship, and the sound of ping-pong-pong-pong metal echoed in the night.

Swinging away from Murakami's oblique cut, Zed's blade slashed across Murakami's chest, bringing out a bunch of blood.Murakami endured the pain and gave Zed a knife. The blade cut on Zed's shoulder could only pull out sparks.

Murakami put his right hand across his chest to guard against Zed, and his left hand covered the wound on his chest.Murakami is not brain-dead, since he can't break through the opponent's armor, he doesn't intend to just smash it like this.

Murakami, who was about to retreat, carefully concealed his intentions, and distracted his attention: "This is the mountain that Shin wants to climb? But that's it! Your swordsmanship is not much better than mine!"

The murderous Zed didn't care about Murakami's words, and threw the clock sword at Murakami. When Murakami swung the sword to block, he immediately pressed the charging button of the space-time driver.

Zed ran forward quickly, and the words that emerged in the void entangled and imprisoned Murakami who wanted to escape.After leaping into the air, Zedra spread his legs and kicked Murakami in the chest.

Murakami was kicked into the wall by Zed, and was deeply embedded in it, making no sound.

Zed stood up, clapped his hands, and said, "I believe! The Fingers of the Hand have used the keel, right? You go and pull him out to see if he is dead."

Xin who stood aside and watched the entire battle respectfully agreed, turned around and walked into the big hole in the wall.Then dragged out the dilapidated village.

Zed tutted his tongue and said in amazement: "The keel is really a good thing! It can really hang your life. But there is no point in lingering, no one can save you. Believe it! Kill him!"

After giving the order, Zed sat aside, ready to enjoy the good show. "Woz, do you think she can do it?"

"She can!"

"You have so much confidence in her?"

"I just have confidence in His Majesty the Demon King. She is well aware of your strength, His Majesty the Demon King, and she will make the right choice."

When the letter was put away, Yan Ax walked to the samurai sword that Murakami had dropped, picked it up, stroked the blade, and walked back to Murakami.

The dying Murakami couldn't say anything, watching his favorite student raise the blade.

The sound of the blade cutting through the body came, taking away a weak soul.Xin slowly said: "I will surpass you! Master!"

Shin threw away the samurai sword and returned to Zed and said, "Master, the Hand can resurrect the dead as long as there is a body left."

Zed patted Xin on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Ha~~haha~ You are really loyal! Time Yan Ax switches to bow and arrow mode, and kills him with a burst bomb. Go!"

Zed clapped his hands and said, "Okay! Alright! We have to go to the next scene. Although the Hand may have received the news, we still have to go through the motions."

That night, Zed and his party attacked all the properties of the Hand in New York, except for the building where the keel was buried.

Two fingers of the Hand were killed and one was injured overnight, and their own property was completely destroyed. Except for the part that was quickly transferred, the rest left them forever.

Early the next morning, the remaining fingers held an emergency meeting.Alexandra, Botu, Thorwand and the injured Mrs. Gao gathered together.

Alexandra was the first to speak: "This guy named Time King doesn't look like Daredevil, why is he against us?"

"We must kill him, otherwise the dignity of our Hand will suffer a severe blow." The irritable Botu slapped the table, "Our loss is too great, and we must make up for it!"

"How to make up for it?"

"Wait!" Thorwand interrupted everyone's conversation, "The King of Time attacked all of our strongholds, but let this place go. Do you think he didn't find out here? His purpose of doing this is to let us Help him open the keel seal!"

When he heard that the king might have already set his sights on the keel that he and others valued most, the people present were a little rioted.

Alexandra calmly asked Mrs. Gao: "How did you feel when you fought against him?"

"Very strong, he has the power of Qi not inferior to ours. Cough~cough, that armor is also very troublesome. None of us can face him alone. Cough~" Mrs. Gao coughed softly.

"Is it only possible to use Heikong?"

"You can only use Hei Kong!"

When the Hand held a meeting, Nick Fury was also holding a meeting in the office.Nick Fury was very angry.

I just thought that Shi Wang's danger level was not high, and he attacked many gang strongholds in one night, and he didn't hide his whereabouts at all. S.H.I.E.L.D. really couldn't cover it up this time.

"Why did he suddenly become so strong? Because he gained new power?"

Natasha replied: "This green dial should be of great help to him, and it can even be said to be one of the trump cards. This is why he has the confidence to turn the table."

"Then who activated this dial? Why didn't our intelligence personnel find anything?" Nick Fury questioned the agents present.

At this time, Agent Hill said, "I think we have something more to focus on now."

Nick Fury glanced at Agent Hill and asked, "What's wrong? Adjutant Hill! What did you find?"

Hill slowed down, slowed down, and slowed down the scene of Shi Wang defeating many ninjas at the same time. No matter how many times it was slowed down, there was nothing on the screen, as if a section had been subtracted out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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